Land of the South Winds
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 1:29 am
What book or Rifter issue has the best description of the Land of the South Winds?
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Bones wrote:What book or Rifter issue has the best description of the Land of the South Winds?
Goblin-Jack wrote:Five years on, anyone know if there is any movement on KS writing/adapting/approving a manuscript for this nation of Palladium? Being that it's one of the oldest human kingdoms/realms in PFRPG, and despite being the poorest of the Human Kingdoms, seems to survive as a nation (and even maintain an island colony in the Floenry Isles) when surrounded by Nimro, Old Kingdom monster races and the Yin-Sloth denizens, indicating it must have some kind of current-day mojo that could combine with its ancient human history to make it a very interesting place in which to adventure... (imho)
Prysus wrote:Goblin-Jack wrote:Five years on, anyone know if there is any movement on KS writing/adapting/approving a manuscript for this nation of Palladium? Being that it's one of the oldest human kingdoms/realms in PFRPG, and despite being the poorest of the Human Kingdoms, seems to survive as a nation (and even maintain an island colony in the Floenry Isles) when surrounded by Nimro, Old Kingdom monster races and the Yin-Sloth denizens, indicating it must have some kind of current-day mojo that could combine with its ancient human history to make it a very interesting place in which to adventure... (imho)
Greetings and Salutations. As far as I'm aware, there's no real movement or plans for movement at this time.
Around early 2015 (before POH2015), I submitted a manuscript. I rushed a few parts and some parts were probably rougher than they should have been. If I'm to be honest about it, I doubt the manuscript was considered good enough (though I do still think some of it was very good).
Without going into a lot of details, I'll say that a few months after submission I went into a pretty big depression that lasted for years. For the record, this depression had nothing to do with the manuscript or Palladium. Depression just happens sometimes, even though you can know your life is good on an intellectual level. Since that time, I haven't been quite the same and I've written very, very, very little. Not sure if I have it in me anymore, but I still hold out some hope I'll get back to it.
Recently, I commissioned Will Erwin to make a South Winds map using my manuscript. The process really helped me flesh a lot of things out in my head. If I can ever figure out how to get all those ideas written down, I think I could make it a lot better. Not sure that would actually help it move along since Palladium has so many projects already in the works, but I'd really love to go back and do it right.
However, Will's map did come out amazing, and if the South Winds interests you, then I suggest you head on over to his Patreon page, support, and check it out:
Anyways, that's the best update I can provide at this time. I wish it was better news. Farewell and safe journeys.