the SPELL telekinesis...

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the SPELL telekinesis...

Unread post by ShadowHawk »


I would want to try something in a game. but I need to know how many objects can be manipulated in one melee action with the SPELL telekinesis. and can the objects manipulated by the spell be used on multiple targets at once? because, I am in a solo game here and the crap my character is in just hit freaking the planetoid PLUTO, or what the hell ever it is classified as now! Still, if I CAN do this, I can play totally play it smart and hopefully not die!

I have time to wait on the replies. the game doesn't start back until next week.

thanks ahead of time,

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Re: the SPELL telekinesis...

Unread post by Library Ogre »

Gut instinct is one at a time; the version in PFRPG says "Object being manipulated must be visible.", with "object" being singular... conversely, it also mentioned a maximum total weight, indicating that multiple objects with up to that weight can be manipulated.

Split the difference, and I'll let you manipulate as many objects as you have attacks per melee... either simultaneous or split. So, if you have 4 attacks, I'll let you pick up 4 objects; that can be one action. You can throw them individually or as a volley, at a single target, as another action.
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Re: the SPELL telekinesis...

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Yes, up to the mass limit.

How many max? *shrugs* Depends how you phrase it……
'…I pick up a handful a dirt with my (spell) TK" yes
'…I pick up all the silverware in the draw and have them float about me with my (spell) TK.' Maybe, a bit amorphous but you are treating them as a 'conceptual' whole.
'…I pick up the three NPCs' pistols, rifles, swords, etc.. up off the ground' I doubt it unless you say you do so in a sequence.

Some thoughts...
Taking a page from some HU2 powers,…
Considering the TK'ed flatware….holding them there would eat up one APM per Melee. With any other actions made with them eating up an APM as normal. So if the mage had 4 APM then he would use, after bringing them into the aura of TK'ed objects, would loose 1APM due to having to concentrate to hold them in their positions. Being able to move/shoot/throw all/any of the objects being held individually or in a volley.
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Re: the SPELL telekinesis...

Unread post by Prysus »

ShadowHawk wrote:I would want to try something in a game. but I need to know how many objects can be manipulated in one melee action with the SPELL telekinesis. and can the objects manipulated by the spell be used on multiple targets at once? because, I am in a solo game here and the crap my character is in just hit freaking the planetoid PLUTO, or what the hell ever it is classified as now! Still, if I CAN do this, I can play totally play it smart and hopefully not die!

Greetings and Salutations. In the end, it'll be G.M. call (unless by "solo" game you mean you're both the G.M. and the player). Now, with that said ...

The "SPELL telekinesis" states: "equivalent of the psychic ability." So unless it's noted to be different, we'd have to go to the source the spell is the equivalent of, ergo, the psionic power. So, in this case, since the spell does not state it grants the ability to manipulate multiple objects at the same time, you wouldn't gain this unwritten ability just because it's a "SPELL."

As for the maximum total weight, let me give a different example why that wording is important: I go to lift a metal pail. The metal pail only weighs 3 pounds, but there's a 100 pound weight inside of it. It has a total weight of 103 pounds. So any argument that the pail only weighs 3 pounds, and thereby within your weight range and can be manipulated, would be inaccurate.

Now, it doesn't state the "physical" or minor psionic power, so one could argue that "Super Telekinesis" is the equivalent, thereby granting 1 object per level. However, the differences between the physical power and the super power are: Increased range (the range of the spell is the same as the physical psionic), damage (damage is nearly the same as the physical psionic), duration (duration is actually less than both), weight (the spell has a set weight limit, so can't judge much, but the standard is still lower than the lowest possibility for Super unless you're on a Ley Line or Nexus), and multiple objects (which the spell doesn't state it can do). So the argument to allow a Super Telekinesis might be withing a strict rule lawyer wording, I'd say it's intellectually dishonest to do so.

What I'd allow as a G.M. is dependent upon what you were trying to do and how cool and/or creative I thought it was. Going by what's actually written though, I'd have to use the ability the spell compares itself to: So one object per action (per the psionic). Farewell and safe journeys.[/justify]
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Re: the SPELL telekinesis...

Unread post by Glistam »

In the Heroes Unlimited G.M.'s Guide the spell Telekinesis is noted as being able to manipulate one object per level of the caster - it's basically the same note on multiple objects as noted in the Super TK paychis power but with all the rest of the normal wording of the Telekinesis spell. It seems obvious to me this is meant to be a change suitable only for the HU2 game since I haven't seen that note in any any other version.
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Re: the SPELL telekinesis...

Unread post by pblackcrow »

Mate, I will allow it, considering what kind of a mess the others got you into when it wasn't a solo adventure and then quit when they found out what you guys were facing...leaving you "holding the flag" as it were. I will let him explain things, if he chooses.

I'll let you manipulate you're level + every ME point above 12. I will also allow you to have multiple targets in one attack, but reduce the time on the duration by 10 seconds per target. Weight limit still applies. And you will have to roll to hit for each target.

I'm rather curious to hear your plan, this Sunday.
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Re: the SPELL telekinesis...

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Shadowhawk wrote:I would want to try something in a game. but I need to know how many objects can be manipulated in one melee action with the SPELL telekinesis. and can the objects manipulated by the spell be used on multiple targets at once? because, I am in a solo game here and the crap my character is in just hit freaking the planetoid PLUTO, or what the hell ever it is classified as now! Still, if I CAN do this, I can play totally play it smart and hopefully not die!

See the Psionic Power description examples for a canon idea in determining the number of objects that can be manipulated (IIRC the Rifts WB14 New West Psi Slinger has one), since the Spell functions the same as the psychic power as someone else indicated. Though it does appear your GM is going to do something different.

For an object to attack multiple targets at once it would need to have sufficient size to reach them effectively making it an area effect attack. However if you are using multiple objects and multiple targets, then yes as it would reasonably be an extension of a paired weapons attack (which allows someone to attack two targets).

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Re: the SPELL telekinesis...

Unread post by ShadowHawk »

pblackcrow wrote:Mate, I will allow it, considering what kind of a mess the others got you into when it wasn't a solo adventure and then quit when they found out what you guys were facing...leaving you "holding the flag" as it were. I will let him explain things, if he chooses.

I'll let you manipulate you're level + every ME point above 12. I will also allow you to have multiple targets in one attack, but reduce the time on the duration by 10 seconds per target. Weight limit still applies. And you will have to roll to hit for each target.

I'm rather curious to hear your plan, this Sunday.

Shannon, thank you, Bro!!!

um, would you object if we did it on Google hangouts, so we can record it? so everyone can understand?

I'm not real good at writing an explanation out. but um, who has seen the cartoon Conan: the Adventurer? Thot-Amon...NOT Wrath-Amon, or Ram-Amon...has brought back 3 Acheronian sorcerers. I am pretty sure he's also looking for 9 other bodies. I have a map to one. he has sent snake men after me. regrettably, the others sort of deserted the game when they heard he had the 4 of the 13 crystal skulls that are for all tense and purposes legendary level foci. think of them as the idles from the TV show Arrow. they channel energy. and I also have the map to the blue tiger eye crystal skull (aka, falcon eye.). if he gets all 13, and the 9 others, he can bring the snake god set back to the earth. and the others 3 players let it "slip", VERY LOUDLY, when I told them that mine and Teleena's recent trip to the lost mages library was a success and I had the maps a skull and a tomb of a sorcerer of Acheron, to a bar full of word got out to Thot-Amon. he sent snake men after me and after one battle with the snake men, they decided to quit the game. but I wanted to continue. And long story shot had to change my appearance. thankfully, though I happened upon a traveling alchemist who polymorphed me and my familiar into a rather hansome human teenager...age 18 and pet mini dragon (I was told to think Trevor Donovan) for the location of the lost mages library. so, I thought while they search for a 5'5", thin, man, in his 30 early, with a 9 PB, and golden eagle for a familiar; I would be relatively safety. For about 2-3 week, it worked, but I thought WRONG! my staff, sword, fighting style, gave me away, but I did have to trade in my horses for a griffin, that was one of the things that through the snake men off. and the fact that I was careful not to get into many fights. but the handle and power of my sword as well as my staff are very unmistakable. I was able to keep them both concealed. oh well. it's what I get for wanting uniqueness. um, yeah...Sunday, I face a battle with about 25 snake men and 5 Stygian assassins, and figure out a way to beat the guardian of the skull (which I know he is going to have waiting on me) and I'm without any petrified lightning (fulgurite) pieces, which I need to call lightning inside of the caves and the like. oh, and I have to deplete the snake men's SDC before the touch of star metal will work to send them to into the void with Set.
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Re: the SPELL telekinesis...

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Today, I was very impressed. And yes, he survived both the battle with the serpent men, and the fight with the guardian! I will let him explain what happened and what he did.

Sorry, we didn't record it.
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Re: the SPELL telekinesis...

Unread post by ShadowHawk »

pblackcrow wrote:Today, I was very impressed. And yes, he survived both the battle with the serpent men, and the fight with the guardian! I will let him explain what happened and what he did.

Sorry, we didn't record it.

I am working odd hours again, so I will but it won't be now. Thanks everyone.
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Re: the SPELL telekinesis...

Unread post by ShadowHawk »

okay, a quick overview of the battle with the snake men, both in the dungeon and above ground:

what I did was I found an area of the dungeon that had a passage way with a down word slope, and baited the hook so to speak. I yelled "ah ****, there goes the last of my mana!!!", giving away my location. but knowing the GM's style I figured I would have a mage and priest to also contend with. 50 men are going to have a mage and priest or healer. that's just logical. well, anyway...I cast multiple images (as a 12th level wizard, my spell strength is 18, and -6. but no one in front rolled a natural 20.) I waited at the bottom of the passage in the doorway hid from their sight. when they were almost to the image, I opened a mystic portal on the floor in front and underneath the image with it's opening 10 foot in the air above the portal, and cast ice sheet in the hallway. They were falling and falling and falling...I had to be a throne in the behind to the guy in the lead through the image, and say "you just had to step on THAT trap didn't you? Oh well, good thing I'm only an illusion. tell set 'Hi.' for me." the wizard and priest were in the middle, not in back like I had originally thought. when all of them were in it, I moved the I let them all fall, 'til they reached max velocity, then canceled the spell. yeah, it was messy. I cast the cantrip, sort. on the huge pile of broken armor and the like. got some coins, daggers, spear heads, arrows, etc in addition to the snake wizard's staff, and the priest's caduceus staff. I fully admit, I use the PPE released from the snake men departure portal to feed the PPE gem then meditated with it and recharged, until I was at fully recharged.

the guardian was an EXTREMELY TOUGH FIGHT! I was told to blame Drunken's & Dragons for the idea , but it was a totally cool and bad ass challenge. I never actually killed, but I defeated it enough to get away with the crystal skull.

then the above ground fight with the snake men, was the reason for the craziness above. let me explain, 100 snake men, ready to pounce. I exited the entrance with fly as the eagle and invisibility sup. And had figured there would be a larger force out side. So I go into the forest find an old oak, proceed to poor honey around it and cast tea and crumpets, bread and milk, and put the intense sent of gingerbread and cinnamon rolls in the air. say, "and now that I have gotten your attention...I need your help. I need you guys to do something to the snake men who are disguised as humans who are 1 mile away in that direction. make them your 'EXTRA EXTRA special friends'! give them the full Monty!" and with that, I smile really big, recast fly as the eagle and fly off. yes, that was cruel! I don't care, I didn't stick around.
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