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Minor, Major, or Natural Genius specific..?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 7:07 am
by Abadon Spectre
This may have been done before, but this is an idea I've always liked. I'm just not sure of the power level. It may simply be too much.

Should this be a Major power, a Minor power, or class (like the Natural Genius) specific power?

RAPID LEARNING: The character can permanently learn a new skill of any variety given sufficient time and exposure. The character gains a new skill at the skills base (1st level) proficiency and gains additional proficiency (+1 level) for each day spent exposed to it. This exposure can be from reading a comprehensive book or books on the subject, watching a detailed television show, closely observing an expert, etc...
If the character is attempting to improve his ability by teaching themselves (without the benefit of books or other aids) the skill increases at a weekly rather than hourly rate. The maximum level of any skill learned this way is equal to the character’s class level.
The character does not add any class based bonuses to skills learned this way, but he may add I.Q. and/or other attribute bonuses to the skills as normal. Additionally, he may not gain any attribute bonuses gained from skills learned this way unless he spends 1D4 days of dedicated physical training per each point of increase.

Re: Minor, Major, or Natural Genius specific..?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:44 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Nat. Genius specific.

As a super power it would let the char mimic the skill at a similar level of someone with the skill within a specific range, for a set amount of time.

Re: Minor, Major, or Natural Genius specific..?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 5:43 pm
by ShadowLogan
Be it Natural or a Super Power, it seems over powered given the stated rate of progression and retention IMHO.

If the character "learned" it, the progression should be at regular rates. Though I could see their starting point equal to their teacher's, or a fraction there of. That is if you want it to be permanent. That would seem to be in line with the Natural Combat Ability Major Super Power.

If it is temporary, I'd probably model it off of Mind Bond or something like that.

As it is there are no downsides to this ability, so you might want to consider some limitations on the number of skills they can learn, how often, and how it might effect their skills acquisition (Secondary Skills, Skill programs, etc).

Re: Minor, Major, or Natural Genius specific..?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 8:50 am
by Abadon Spectre
After some consideration and play test, I've toned the discipline down a bit based on the HU rules for attending college.

Too little or too much?

RAPID LEARNING: The Natural Genius can permanently learn a new skill of any variety given sufficient time and exposure. The natural genius can learn a new skill just as if he had attended and completed a scholastic/college course but does so in ½ the time and without having to attend an actual course or training. Non-physical skills learned this way enjoy a +15% bonus.
If the Natural Genius attends an actual course or receives training, he may learn the new skill in ¼ the normal time. Non-physical skills learned this way enjoy a +30% bonus.
If the Natural Genius has no access to learning materials/instruction he may “figure it out” and learn a new skill just as if he had attended and completed a scholastic/college course but doing so takes twice as long as a standard course would require. Non-physical skills learned this way gain no bonus or penalty other than standard attribute or OCC modifiers.