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Long bowmen

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 5:41 pm
by SamBell
Just a quick question: can long bowmen add in their PP bonuses whilst using a long bow?

EDIT: spelling

Re: Long bowmen

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 6:09 pm
by Natasha
SamBell wrote:Just a quick question: can long bowmen add in their PP bonuses whilst using a long bow?

EDIT: spelling

I feel like I've read something about it in another one of the games, but in PFRPG it's up to your interpretation although I don't see a reason not to add them.

Re: Long bowmen

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 8:59 pm
by kiralon
Well it says pp is a bonus to strike, not pp is just a bonus to hit with hth weapons, so yes it does add to ranged weapon attack.

Re: Long bowmen

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 11:43 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
SamBell wrote:Just a quick question: can long bowmen add in their PP bonuses whilst using a long bow?

EDIT: spelling

Yes, the PP bonus is added to archery strikes.
It is only with modern weapons that the PP bonus does not add to the strike roll.

Re: Long bowmen

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 1:11 am
by SamBell
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
SamBell wrote:Just a quick question: can long bowmen add in their PP bonuses whilst using a long bow?

EDIT: spelling

Yes, the PP bonus is added to archery strikes.
It is only with modern weapons that the PP bonus does not add to the strike roll.

Where exactly is that at in the books (of at all)?

I'm having an "argument" with a friend. Thanks!

Re: Long bowmen

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 8:10 am
by kiralon
check w.p modern weapons

but id ask him where It says a type of weapon doesn't get the PP bonus, because it certainly doesn't say it in wp archery, and the description of the bonus doesn't say + to strike with melee weapons, it just says + to strike. So anything that is is a roll to strike (spells included unless it says otherwise).

Re: Long bowmen

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 2:19 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
SamBell wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
SamBell wrote:Just a quick question: can long bowmen add in their PP bonuses whilst using a long bow?

EDIT: spelling

Yes, the PP bonus is added to archery strikes.
It is only with modern weapons that the PP bonus does not add to the strike roll.

Where exactly is that at in the books (of at all)?

I'm having an "argument" with a friend. Thanks!

Starting out leaving out the "modern weapons" don't get the PP bonus that is a part of the other setting's canon rules. (Blatantly: said rule is not in the PFRPG 2nd ed setting's canon rules.)

The PF2 rules say that the PP bonus is added to all strikes, parries and dodges. There is no proviso for any attacks no matter what weapon or empty hand attack used to have the PP bonus excluded from being used form being applied to that attack.

There is no text in the PF2 canon that excludes ranged attacks from receiving the PP bonus. More then that there is no canon rule, far as I know, in any of the settings that exclude any ancient weapons from having the PP bonus being applied to attacks made with them.

Rules for other settings only apply to the the PF setting only if the GM imports them for his game.

You friend has the responsibility to find and provide the text that supports his argument, which seams to be an assumption based in the Modern weapons rules about the PP bonus found in the other settings' rules.

A counter point to the normal Modern weapons rules about the PP bonus: The PF2 WP Modern Weapons. With this WP the only bonuses the char gets is their PP bonus. Yes, this is only canon in the PF2 setting but it is still something to negate any arguments/assumptions that the Modern weapons rules about the PP bonus from the modern day settings do not apply to the PF2 setting.

Re: Long bowmen

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:53 am
by Axelmania
PP bonus to long-range artillery :D