Re: Novel-Length Serialized Rifter PFRPG Submission

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Re: Novel-Length Serialized Rifter PFRPG Submission

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Evening, Cubs and Elders!

I'd like to ask if folks who do read or might end up reading The Rifter would at all be interested in a serialized (as in chunks in proper order per Rifter issues) novel I've been working steadily on for the last couple of years, set in the Palladium Fantasy world. I don't know how much interest there is towards fiction set in the Palladium Fantasy game world but I've recently had a psychological boost from one of the Palladium Bullpen towards this, and if my work is met with further approval by Palladium Books, I'm planning on submitting my novel en toto for serialized Rifter publication. Should this take place, is there interest amongst the readership for such a story?

Have yourselves a good one!

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Re: Re: Novel-Length Serialized Rifter PFRPG Submission

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given how long the "hammer of the forge" story went before it got dropped, and the negative responses it started generating after so many years without an end in sight, i suspect that fan interest in serialized fiction in the rifter is probably inclined more towards short, 1-3 issue works, and a novel length work (which would be easily 20+ issues) would probably not go over well.

that said, no reason you can't submit it to Wayne anyway. Palladium's creative/editing staff are not constrained by what the fans do and do not like, and they might decide it is time to experiment with long running serialized fiction again. or they might decide that your work could be made into a print novel or PDF download. the way the "tales from the chitown burbs" collection was done.
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Re: Re: Novel-Length Serialized Rifter PFRPG Submission

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glitterboy2098 wrote:given how long the "hammer of the forge" story went before it got dropped, and the negative responses it started generating after so many years without an end in sight, i suspect that fan interest in serialized fiction in the rifter is probably inclined more towards short, 1-3 issue works, and a novel length work (which would be easily 20+ issues) would probably not go over well. that said, no reason you can't submit it to Wayne anyway. Palladium's creative/editing staff are not constrained by what the fans do and do not like, and they might decide it is time to experiment with long running serialized fiction again. or they might decide that your work could be made into a print novel or PDF download. the way the "tales from the chitown burbs" collection was done.

Glitterboy2098, good evening!

My days of collecting and reading The Rifter go back to the low double-digits, which I admit was a while ago, and I remember 'The Hammer Of The Forge'. (A Wolfen Cosmoknight was pretty neat, too. Hail cousin Lothar!) I don't think Mr. Marciniszyn (Alex) would object to my mentioning that he was the person here on the Forums whom I spoke to and provided some encouragement thus, and that he didn't think publishing my story as a one-book novel would be workable (or at least he thought it unlikely); however, he thought that a serialized novel-length work in The Rifter might be worth a shot. I'm going to be submitting a writing sample once I hear back from him (haven't yet, but I last posted him less than a day ago, and he was very prompt in his initial reply, so it's all good ^_^) that it's at least preliminarily a possibility.

Thanks for posting me back, GB2098; it's great to hear back from someone after not a lot of conversation here that I've been part of!

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Re: Re: Novel-Length Serialized Rifter PFRPG Submission

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Hi all!

Speaking for myself, I really like long-serial stories.

I enjoyed the Tolkein war story (even if it wasn't how I myself imagined Tolkein) and I also enjoyed the Hammer of the Forge story, though there were some pretty big plot holes and I did wish that the author would have finished his story lines in the last few issues instead of leaving things hanging.

Boe, I'd love to read your story in the Rifter - I say its high time we had a PF serial!
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Re: Re: Novel-Length Serialized Rifter PFRPG Submission

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Involved Observer wrote:Hi all!

Involved Observer, good evening!

Involved Observer wrote:Speaking for myself, I really like long-serial stories. I enjoyed the Tolkein war story (even if it wasn't how I myself imagined Tolkein) and I also enjoyed the Hammer of the Forge story, though there were some pretty big plot holes and I did wish that the author would have finished his story lines in the last few issues instead of leaving things hanging.

Boe, I'd love to read your story in the Rifter - I say its high time we had a PF serial!

Then I'll do my best to provide a sample to Mr. Marciniszyn, per his instructions, that will lead to a future Rifter submission! ^_^ You and Glitterboy2098 have really made my day with both your votes of confidence; the story that became what it is now goes back generationally to my first participation in gaming (and it started with Palladium Fantasy) in the late 1980s, and it's been a labour of love that I would feel honoured to have published in The Rifter.

Cheers to you and yours, Involved Observer, and thank you kindly for posting me back!

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Re: Re: Novel-Length Serialized Rifter PFRPG Submission

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I might even have to go and buy a subscription to the rifter. I really liked what I read of Siege and Hammer. Granted I haven't bought consistently since the single digits. I have bought one or two here and there as funds allow when the shops I was at didn't carry what I was seeking. But a serialized PF story could be really cool.

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Re: Re: Novel-Length Serialized Rifter PFRPG Submission

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Marcethus wrote:I might even have to go and buy a subscription to the rifter. I really liked what I read of Siege and Hammer. Granted I haven't bought consistently since the single digits. I have bought one or two here and there as funds allow when the shops I was at didn't carry what I was seeking. But a serialized PF story could be really cool.

Marcethus, good afternoon!

Although it might not be what you meant by having to go and buy a Rifter subscription after as long as it's been, I'm taking the liberty of being thoroughly flattered that someone might pick up the Rifter as a regular buy because of something I wrote being published in it. o_o Thank you very kindly for your faith in me, and for posting me back; I haven't been in many conversations here (much less an ongoing thread as an OP) for some time now, and I've been looking forward considerably to coming here on a daily basis for the past few weeks because of the responses I've gotten and given in return.

I admit to not having picked up a copy of The Rifter past the single-digits; I have the first eight or nine ('The Tribes Of The Moon' optional Nightbane material is one of my favourite creations early in the Rifter's run) but my regular gaming purchases have petered off in the last ten years partly because of my interests reshuffling themselves, and partly because there really isn't much in the way of a FLGS ('Friendly Little Game Store') here at home anymore. The experience of going into the Silver Snail here in Toronto, up to the second floor and seeing what new books had come in...I miss that terribly. The one remaining Snail (there were two here, and sadly the one which closed down during my RPG days was far the better of the two when it came to gaming) moved at least once from its original location, and the current shop, such as it is, is more of a high-rent comic store with a cafe attached to it. No games there, not anymore. Most of the comic stores here that I frequented back in the day have either shut down, or mostly or completely phased out their book-and-paper gaming product.

Anyway, enough of my bellyaching and excuses. I've got stuff to write (and draw)! ^_^ Thank again for posting me, Marcethus; it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance and share space here!

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Re: Re: Novel-Length Serialized Rifter PFRPG Submission

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Yeah I have had many of the same issues with my FLGS. I got in on the ground floor with Astral Games when they bought out Rogue Gaming and Hobbies. I and my group even got the owners of the store to assist us in our Warlord TCG venture in addition to letting us have a game-play space. It was profitable for both sides. Then I had to take a hiatus and Warlord went the way of the Dodo. While I was gone the store moved and I haven't yet had a chance to make it over there and check out the new location. Hopefully when I have the chance they are still a good store. Otherwise there are no stores in my area.

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Re: Re: Novel-Length Serialized Rifter PFRPG Submission

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I have subscribed to the Rifter since they started it - got every issue (and two of the Rifter 9 & 1/2) - well worth the investment, even if I'm now having to get a larger bookshelf to hold them all! :-)
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Re: Re: Novel-Length Serialized Rifter PFRPG Submission

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lol I have needed a larger bookshelf for years. Currently most of my books are in boxes. I only keep the ones that I currently need for active games out.

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Re: Novel-Length Serialized Rifter PFRPG Submission

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Marcethus, Involved Observer, good evening; and I'm sorry it took me this long to get back to you. Moderately-busy with IRL biz.

Marcethus wrote:Yeah I have had many of the same issues with my FLGS. I got in on the ground floor with Astral Games when they bought out Rogue Gaming and Hobbies. I and my group even got the owners of the store to assist us in our Warlord TCG venture in addition to letting us have a game-play space. It was profitable for both sides. Then I had to take a hiatus and Warlord went the way of the Dodo. While I was gone the store moved and I haven't yet had a chance to make it over there and check out the new location. Hopefully when I have the chance they are still a good store. Otherwise there are no stores in my area.

I'm sorry to hear I'm not alone in having very little to go by in an FLGS locally. Toronto used to have a lot of good gaming support between at least ten or twelve stores, although there was really only one that I can think of that specialized to the exclusion of most other product here called 'The Worldhouse', which supported the U of T's campus crowd (it was right across Queen Street from the southern end of the downtown campus boundaries) in the early 1980s when D&D was running through its 'Mazes & Monsters' tower-defense egression. I think it was the same friend who got me into gaming (starting with Palladium Fantasy and Rifts) who took me there in the early 1990s; I know we both went there together on several occasions during junior high and then high school. He dropped me a line by phone a couple of weekends ago, after a number of years of my not making as much of an effort to get in touch; he married a very lovely lady a little over a year ago, and is doing well. If I ever hoist my butt into gear and get the business of my collated writing sample off to Palladium, and assuming it finds merit, he'll be in the dedication; I wouldn't be a longtime Palladium fan and player if it hadn't been for him!

Marcethus wrote:lol I have needed a larger bookshelf for years. Currently most of my books are in boxes. I only keep the ones that I currently need for active games out.

Heh, that's exactly where my books were for quite a while until I got some shelves cleared out on my room's floor (I'm on the 3rd) hallway, along with most of my science-fiction and fantasy novels. Most of the RPG books I use for reference are on a shelf in my room near my computer desk, along with a second smaller shelf for novels I'm currently reading through.

Involved Observer wrote:I have subscribed to the Rifter since they started it - got every issue (and two of the Rifter 9 & 1/2) - well worth the investment, even if I'm now having to get a larger bookshelf to hold them all! :-)

I think for me, The Rifter is probably my least well-filled in terms of missing books (as in not having bought 'em). I remember what a blast it was to go to the Snail or Shining Knight and find a new World Book on the New Stock shelves; my one and only Palladium T-shirt, still in good condition, was the white silkscreen on black shirt Kevin Long 'Dog Pack' tee, that I picked up at the Silver Snail around 1996. It still fits me, with what expanded girth I've had in the last twenty years, messes moderately with my mind. Coalition issue MDC cloth or something. ^_^ I need to start catching up on my World Books, which with the limited local stock of Palladium Product may be harder to do, although of course mail-order's always an option.

Anyroad, thank you both again for your interest in my work, mes amis. I need to sit down and put the package together and print it out, but I've picked out the chunk of the manuscript that I'm going to send in to Palladium, and it shouldn't take much more time. Just gotta go nose-grindstone here. ._.

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Re: Re: Novel-Length Serialized Rifter PFRPG Submission

Unread post by bar1scorpio »

Personally, I'd say- keep it short, keep it pulpy. Short tales of adventure and excitement, thrilling horror, weird destinies- the kind of stuff that could inspire others to play games in the various megaversal worlds touched on.
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Re: Re: Novel-Length Serialized Rifter PFRPG Submission

Unread post by Boethermsbrukan »

Well, wipe me with a Werewolf Shamois! Welcome to the Megaversal Forums, Bar-1! Good evening, ami!

bar1scorpio wrote:Personally, I'd say- keep it short, keep it pulpy. Short tales of adventure and excitement, thrilling horror, weird destinies- the kind of stuff that could inspire others to play games in the various megaversal worlds touched on.

I'm definitely intending on having a decent amount of humour in the work I'm aiming for, but I'm afraid my storytelling style is more along the lines of high fantasy prose. I'm quite open to doing smaller pieces that would be more in that vein, quite certainly. If you don't mind me recalling, you did have work in some of the more recent Rifters (I'm more familiar with your artwork gracing pretty much every 'Peter Is The Wolf' up until now), and I'm very happy to see you in the Forums here.

Thanks for posting me back in here, and again, welcome to the Megaversal Forums!

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