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Demon World Cormal ....

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:52 pm
by Astral Pantheon
1. Union Witch Pact with Cormal

-Could in theory Cormal infuse the witch with so much power; that, they would be a Greater God (like Zeus).

-Could Cormal turn a willing witch into a lesser demon world (as ultimate reward)

2. Demonlords on Cormal Gate in 10,000 or more witch/priests (across megaverse) ; When the planet attacks a major threat then all witch/priest cast buff spells, defense spells and healing on the planet...Harder to beat a foe with 10K priest/witch casting healing spells every round. I know not really a question more of an observation.

:twisted: A Lesser Demon Planet that would be a fun :twisted:

Re: Demon World Cormal ....

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 6:23 am
by Axelmania
I'm not sure if he can make witches, is he considered an alien intelligence or a demon lord?

Re: Demon World Cormal ....

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 1:09 pm
by Astral Pantheon
Axelmania wrote:I'm not sure if he can make witches, is he considered an alien intelligence or a demon lord?

He is a Demon Planet.

-Can make unlimited Demon Knights
-create 5 lesser Demon Worlds
-Create 500 Demon Star Ships per (1 lesser demon world)
(I believe that was the right number)


Ok, so that so a Being with the power of a Demon Star Ship (maybe) :demon:

Re: Demon World Cormal ....

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 9:00 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Demon planets are classified as Alien Intelligences, actually. Well, a subtype of them at any rate. They can be presumed to have the ability to make witches unless something says otherwise.

Re: Demon World Cormal ....

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:23 am
by Astral Pantheon
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Demon planets are classified as Alien Intelligences, actually. Well, a subtype of them at any rate. They can be presumed to have the ability to make witches unless something says otherwise.

Thanks, Nekira Sudacne , for the classification :ok:

Now for the real question. I know some Alien Intelligences from The Pantheon of the Megaverse can create gods. So, can Cormal create God(dess) if it wanted too?

Re: Demon World Cormal ....

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:12 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Astral Pantheon wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Demon planets are classified as Alien Intelligences, actually. Well, a subtype of them at any rate. They can be presumed to have the ability to make witches unless something says otherwise.

Thanks, Nekira Sudacne , for the classification :ok:

Now for the real question. I know some Alien Intelligences from The Pantheon of the Megaverse can create gods. So, can Cormal create God(dess) if it wanted too?

No. That is not a general power of Alien Intelligences. Only ones that are specified to have the power to do so can be assumed to do so.

Re: Demon World Cormal ....

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:07 am
by Astral Pantheon
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Astral Pantheon wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Demon planets are classified as Alien Intelligences, actually. Well, a subtype of them at any rate. They can be presumed to have the ability to make witches unless something says otherwise.

Thanks, Nekira Sudacne , for the classification :ok:

Now for the real question. I know some Alien Intelligences from The Pantheon of the Megaverse can create gods. So, can Cormal create God(dess) if it wanted too?

No. That is not a general power of Alien Intelligences. Only ones that are specified to have the power to do so can be assumed to do so.

Nekira Sudacne, thanks for your insight.

Re: Demon World Cormal ....

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 10:48 am
by Axelmania
Cronus is also an example of an AI who can create gods, if we trust the lore. Plus you also apparently have gods able to procreate with each other (Zeus and Hera) and maybe by themselves (Zeus for Athena, since Pantheons doesn't make any mention of Metis the fly-mom) plus elevating demigods they make with non-gods to god-tier (Herakles, Dionysus) so if they can manage that it would be strange if AIs stronger than those gods could not do similar.

In the Babylonians you also have Apsu/Tiamat who it seems like were able to make god-like AIs like Ea who could make elemental-ish gods like Enlil... that pantheon is very confusing.

Re: Demon World Cormal ....

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:12 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
I did not say that no ailen intelligences can, I said that it was never given as a general power of AI's, and so only those AI's specifically noted (Cronus, Zurvan, Apsu, ect) can be thought to do so. Sinse it was never listed as a GENERAL rule, merely noted under a few specific entries, then only those so noted can be safely assumed to do so.

Contrast to Witchdom, which it is stated as an explict general rule that all AI's can create them. and so all can, including Demon Planets, unless a specific entry notes that they cannot (I'm not sure if there ever was such a note)

Re: Demon World Cormal ....

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:45 am
by Axelmania
Star Hive Queens are also described as alien intelligences. I'm not sure I recall there being a general rule about all AIs being able to make witches though. Aside from explicit mentions of AIs known to make witches (Splugorth, Old Ones, Dweller) or others (Modeus, Death, Tentac, that thing in Chaos Earth, Nightlords in Dark Conversions) I figured they made that a GM choice

Reviewing the Conversion Book (page 55) to see what might lead to this idea...

"Most supernatural forces that engage in witchery are powerful intelligences and god-like creatures of immense power"

Seems pretty open ended there. Makes me wonder: is this saying that all intelligences are powerful? Or that most are powerful? Or that it's mostly the powerful ones who make witches instead of less powerful intelligences?

"The intelligence send an essence fragment into the world" makes it sound like, as a starting point, it would at least have to be an AI capable of making essence fragments as a starting point. Even then I'm not sure though if it is enough. AIs capable of making fragments might still be either unable to or unwilling to make witches.

We know Nxla can make fragments but he does that to animate Xombies and there's no mention of witches, which would be a pretty valuable tool to overlook mentioning. Same with vampire intelligences. Do we have any known witches of the many vampire AIs? The 'vampire priest' in the Rifter who was canonized in part in Arzno (I think changed somewhat) seems sort of witchy in nature but is still technically a priest.

Page 56 of the original conversion book says "Pacts can only be made by demon lords and supernatural intelligences", but that wouldn't mean that all demon lords or all supernatural intelligences could make them. This bit seems exclusionary of Dyval until we remember that originally in the conversion book, the denizans of Dyval were called "Another Horde of Demons" so the Lords of Dyval would have been considered Demon Lords then too... although it's sort of a moot point since the only one was Mephisto and he was an AI.

Page 205 of the conversion book says 80% can splinter their essence which, if you view that as a prerequisite for empowering witches, would mean at least 20% could not make witches.

The end of the AI template on page 206 does mention "Also see the section on Witchery" but I think that's just they are linked issues, not that all AIs can make Witches.

Am I missing some text here, or was it added in a late book, which explicitly says all alien intelligences can make witches?

Even if this were added to a randomized template I probably wouldn't consider it applicable to non-randomized AIs like specific NPCs or AI races like the vampires/Zllyphan.