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Rifter 74
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:25 pm
by Fermat
So does anyone have any opinion on this one? High points, low points? Worth it?
Re: Rifter 74
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 8:41 pm
by Fermat
No thoughts on anything in this rifter? Is it that meh? Nothing good or bad?
Re: Rifter 74
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 1:55 am
by drewkitty ~..~
I don't have it yet so I could not honestly post any comments.
Re: Rifter 74
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:57 pm
by eliakon
It was interesting
I really liked the town. It feels like a small town. There isn't tons of hidden evils, and wizards and everyone isn't MDC and armed to the teeth like happens in too many write ups. It just feels... homey. I totally plan on using it in future games.
I was... saddened by the Splicers module. Really. The massive power sprint in these was bad, but this installment was the worst of the three. And the idea of the cyborgs... it just sits wrong that the uncontrollable nano-plague can be tamed to allow cybernetic weapons. It... well it seems to cheapen the whole "robots vs. biology" thing. And it opens cans of worms about being able to control the nanites to turn the plague on or off that I am not sure are good to open.
Re: Rifter 74
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 8:16 pm
by Premier
eliakon wrote:It was interesting
I really liked the town. It feels like a small town. There isn't tons of hidden evils, and wizards and everyone isn't MDC and armed to the teeth like happens in too many write ups. It just feels... homey. I totally plan on using it in future games.
I was... saddened by the Splicers module. Really. The massive power sprint in these was bad, but this installment was the worst of the three. And the idea of the cyborgs... it just sits wrong that the uncontrollable nano-plague can be tamed to allow cybernetic weapons. It... well it seems to cheapen the whole "robots vs. biology" thing. And it opens cans of worms about being able to control the nanites to turn the plague on or off that I am not sure are good to open.
Hey Eliakon,
sorry to hear that this episode saddened you, that certainly was not our intent, and I hope that after everything unfolds, you see why we did what we did.
The massive power sprint:
Would have to take it a case by case , but for most part, the items that re being revealed were items being developed or tested for field use in the Secret Weapons Facility. So the rarity/availability of these items should still be held to some degree. Plus, we wanted to give the player group "some" punch (not OP) in-order to survive the brutal scenarios that will continue to unfold with Legion. In the end, nothing is pushed above the most powerful weapons or are any of the upgrades/specialties usurping any core O.C.C. available in the core RPG.
2. And the idea of the cyborgs... it just sits wrong that the uncontrollable nano-plague can be tamed to allow cybernetic weapons. It... well it seems to cheapen the whole "robots vs. biology" thing. And it opens cans of worms about being able to control the nanites to turn the plague on or off that I am not sure are good to open.
I respectfully disagree with this view point. For one, the nano-plague is only controlled by the machine ad this has already been demonstrated in the core RPG book. Ratbombs carry machine made bombs & technology inside them. Necro"borgs" are already in existence as the first borgs where the nanobots aren't reacting and attacking their biological parts and they are a cybernectic technology. The Resistance will not be able to control nor replicate Legion's nor N.E.X.U.S. vast abilities of understanding/controlling nanobot technology. I have no plans to allow the Resistance to subdue or tame any nanobots outside of what Technojackers already are capable of doing. The TJs do have some nice
I am a strong believer and proponent of not breaking the setting and have debated comprehensively with those that have mentioned the very idea of controlling or stopping the nanobot plague. Splicers will certainly remain a "Machine/Robots vs Biology/Humanity" setting in my eyes (if I can help it).
Re: Rifter 74
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 6:52 am
by gaby
Ancient Weapons Master Abilities are Great.
I think they can wokr for Palladium Fantasy rpg,s OCC.I may give them as rewards if player to level 5,9 and 13.
What do you think are the 5 best Range and Best Melee,s abilities?
Re: Rifter 74
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 5:33 pm
by matt.reed
gaby wrote:Ancient Weapons Master Abilities are Great.
I think they can wokr for Palladium Fantasy rpg,s OCC.I may give them as rewards if player to level 5,9 and 13.
What do you think are the 5 best Range and Best Melee,s abilities?
hmm. I like the melee 'attack ghosts' ability, the elemental damage ones are cool too. Ranged being able to called shot something into oblivion is pretty awesome, or redirecting attacks. I actually play an AWMS in Fantasy currently as part of our Paragons game (heroes in fantasy).