Orccon 2017 So Cal Feb 19 Rifts® for Savage Worlds
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 12:35 am
Convention: Orccon 2017
Department: Roleplaying
Title: Mexican Cargo Run: The Pecos Two step
Game System: Rifts® for Savage Worlds
Description: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, post Apocalypse. This is a ongoing living campaign. Pre-approved player made characters are welcome. The adventures of a cargo convoy run to mexico & back. Mood music & sound board will be used in game. Pregens will be provided. This is listed as a role play tournament. Meaning at the end of the game everyone will vote on who did the best in character role-play (not roll-play) for the session.
URL: https://convention-rifts-rpg.obsidianportal.com/
GM: Cameron Cleveland
GM Email: crassus668@hotmail.com
Start Time: Sunday
Duration: 8hr
Players per Game: 8
Max Players: 8
Classification: Tournament
Maturity: Any
Experience: Any
Allow Prereg: Yes
Department: Roleplaying
Title: Mexican Cargo Run: The Pecos Two step
Game System: Rifts® for Savage Worlds
Description: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, post Apocalypse. This is a ongoing living campaign. Pre-approved player made characters are welcome. The adventures of a cargo convoy run to mexico & back. Mood music & sound board will be used in game. Pregens will be provided. This is listed as a role play tournament. Meaning at the end of the game everyone will vote on who did the best in character role-play (not roll-play) for the session.
URL: https://convention-rifts-rpg.obsidianportal.com/
GM: Cameron Cleveland
GM Email: crassus668@hotmail.com
Start Time: Sunday
Duration: 8hr
Players per Game: 8
Max Players: 8
Classification: Tournament
Maturity: Any
Experience: Any
Allow Prereg: Yes