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Theories on the Baehag

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 6:13 pm
by Razorwing
One of the more interesting adventure hooks from the Northern Hinterlands book is that of the Baehag.

For those who aren't familiar, the Baehag is a mysterious creature that has cursed the Shadow Coast colony of Tohatha. This curse states that all those who live in the area will suffer a plague of boils and that the first born child of every family will die within their first month. This has apparently been going on for about 20 years now, and the colony has more or less resigned itself to its fate.

The problem is, no one knows what the Baehag is, what offense they committed or how to appease this being. All who try to find out or kill it either flee from the evil it radiates or are killed. Worse, every attempt to communicate or stop the creature sees an unnatural storm sent against the colony... causing a lot of damage to the area.

While many have come to confront and end the Baehag's curse, none have succeeded and the people have suffered for it... to the point where they try to discourage or chase away anyone who would try to end the curse. Better to live under the curse than suffer the Baehag's wrath when any would-be hero fails.

So I am wondering what theories people have come up with as to this creature's identity/nature and why it has targeted this colony. Of course I have my own ideas, but I think I will hold off on them until I hear what others have come up with (just so that I don't influence the ideas other might have).

Re: Theories on the Baehag

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 10:07 pm
by mirithol
Fun question: So we know that the Baehag (listed as Baeghag in the table of contents, but Baehag in the book - going wit Razorwing in this) is a hag (female) that lives under the sea. We also know that the colony of Tohatha offended one of these creatures years ago, and that this Baehag has a withering stone she uses to inflict the town's curse.

So assuming the hag is not just some capricious evil creature that enjoys inflicting random misery on an unlucky town (totally possible), let's get to Razorwing's question.

Perhaps this Baehag is a disgraced and disavowed Na'run (cue Mission Impossible music), also known as a Fate (Dragons & Gods page 169). The Fates usually travel in threes, so a Baehag could be a former Na'run who has been kicked out of the club and stripped of some, but not all of her powers. Fates in my campaign share a bit of a hive mind, and losing 2/3 of her mind, her sisters and most of her power put this Baehag in a particularly bad mood. Unfortunately for Tohatha, twenty years ago one of its fisherfolk, Old Ceril, encountered the Baehag while fishing with his son, and exclaimed, "By Od, son, is that not the ugliest mermaid you have ever seen?"

The rest is history.

Re: Theories on the Baehag

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 2:11 am
by Razorwing
an interesting theory... but are you sure you gave the right book and page page reference... the only mention of these Na'run I see is as the enemies of Epim... and they don't give much information on them (such as what abilities they have other than predicting fates). Are they given a better write-up elsewhere to your knowledge?

Re: Theories on the Baehag

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:10 am
by mirithol
Yes, you are correct and D&G and the page number is also correct. They play a central role in my campaign so I have developed the idea extensively. Rifter article submitted a few months ago. No response, but you never know.

Re: Theories on the Baehag

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:12 pm
by Lukterran
Sounds like a demon (perhaps even a demon lord) M.O. to me might be channeling that influence through a witch.