The Beast wrote:13eowulf wrote:Reagren Wright wrote:Closest stuff would be the Halycon Protocal in Century Station. These guys inject this
formula into people and they gain super powers. However, the more of the stuff you
inject in you the more likely it will kill you. I'm not certain what happens if your
already a super being and you take the stuff.
I am familiar with the Halycon Protocol, was wondering if Hypertane was similarly statted out with mechanics, etc., or if it is just fluff.
Just fluff, so it's up to either you or your GM to work out the specifics.
IIRC though, there are three NPCs in the Century Station setting that were mutated because of Hypertane. One face, one heel, and I think the third was only mentioned by name (no write up).
The guy mentioned in the write up, I wrote this guy up on the 2nd edition post for HU.
THE SCORCHER Dixon Switt use to be a janitor at Golden Crescent, Inc. Dixon got the job because one
of the company’s board members gave it to him as a favor to his sister, namely
because he was never able to hold a job at anywhere he went. Dixon liked to drink and
be a lazy as he could. Dixon drinking problem was well known by others, in fact he used
to brag that he could stomach just about anything. One day at work, Dixon was slightly
intoxicated but still doing a very competent level of work. A lab tech invited him into a
laboratory to take a short break. He and his assistant asked Dixon if he wouldn’t mind
playing a quick drinking game. They blinded folded him and asked him to identify and
drink four different types of alcohol, if he could identify and drink all four he get $200.
Dixon was up to the challenge. However, Dixon didn’t know that the fourth drink as a
practical joke was a beaker glass full of Hypertane, a flammable, corrosive, and deadly
chemical. Dixon successful identified and drank the first 3 alcohols. The lab tech and his
assistant “claimed” they wanted to pull a prank on him. The moment he inhaled the
acidic vapors of the Hypertane he’d put it down or drop it and they all have a few
laughs (still giving him the #200 bucks). Instead, Dixon took a whiff and didn’t complain
at all. “Hmm,” he said, “smells like Crème de Menthe.” And before the two techs could
do anything, he downed the liquid contents. Immediately Dixon complained of a burning
sensation in his throat and stomach. Suddenly his skin started boiling like water and
turning green. Right before their eyes, Dixon melted into a puddle of green go. They
fled the room to go get medical help. Dixon however retained his consciousness. The
two tech returned with a medical team and everyone had believed Dixon had died. In
an effort to cover it, Dixon was Shopvac and poured into hazardous container full of
other hazardous chemicals. The experience was maddening to Dixon. An hour later the
full nature of his transformation occurred, he melted out of the container resulting in a
massive explosion. Several minutes later, Dixon sloshed himself together and escaped.
Angry and bit over what had occurred to him, Dixon tracked down the lab tech and
slaughtered the man’s entire family, even all the pets. He also liquefied the man’s
house. When a dozen police officers arrived on the scene, he killed them and destroyed
all of their vehicles. Since then Dixon Switt, now dubbed the Scorcher by the media has
been on the run. He is on SCRET and GIGMA top ten most wanted list (along with
Earthmover and Cremator). Everyone and anyone who has encountered this man has
died. Talks are already underway at Gramercy Island to build a special cell just to hold
him. There are some in SCRET who simply want the man destroyed (he’s responsible for
killing half a dozen SCRET agents).
Real Name: Dixon Switt
Occupation: Former janitor at Golden Crescent, Inc (GCI) now Super Villain
Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Mega Mutant
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 50
S.D.C.: 121, it would be 41 if he were normal person.
P.P.E.: 24
Appearance: Scorcher has a green gelatinous body (like lime Jell-O) with glowing
blue dots for eyes. He has acidic fumes coming off his body. The transformation into
Scorcher has removed all trace of his humanoid features.
Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 8, M.A. 9, P.S. 21 (supernatural), P.P. 12, P.E. 31, Spd. 13, P.B. 2
Age: 40,
Sex: Male,
Height: 6 feet and 4 inches (1.93 m),
Weight: 549 lbs (247.05 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Protoplasmic being. He is unable to revert to his a
normal form. He has a Horror Factor of 12.
Vulnerability: Water and ice based attacks do double damage. Gasses, fire,
heat, cold, electricity, magic, psionics, poisons, lasers, and all other energy attacks do
full damage. If he is immersed in water, his body begins to dilute and neutralize (taking
3D6 damage per melee round).
Special Mega Powers: All standard Mega Abilities and he doesn’t need to eat or
drink for nourishment. He heals 3x faster then normal.
Major Super Ability: Alter Physical Structure: Acid.
Minor Super Abilities: Cellular Rot & Decay and Immune to High Speed Kinetic Attacks.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike/+2 with powers, +2 to parry, +2
to dodge, +6 to damage, +2 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Combat Skills: Punch 3D6, Power Punch 6D6 (2), Elbow/Forearm 4D6, Knee 3D6,
Karate Kick 6D6, and All Holds,
Saving Throws: Impervious to disease, stabbing weapons inflict only one-third
normal damage, physical attacks inflict only one-third normal damage, +31% to save
vs. coma/death, +8 to save vs. poison, +9 to save vs. magic, +2 to save vs.
possession, and +4 to save vs. Horror Factor
Educational Background: On the Job Training.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 90%%/93%, Mathematics: Basic 87%, and Pilot: Automobile 75%.
Factory/Construction Worker Program: Basic Mechanics 80%, Carpentry 65%,
Construction 80% (Based on John C. Philpott in Rifter #25), General Repair/Maintenance 85%,
Physical Labor, and Pilot: Tracked Vehicles 94%.
Criminal Program: Streetwise 55%, Pick Locks 70%, Prowl 65%, Concealment 55%, and
Roadwise 61%.
Secondary Skills: Hand-to-Hand Combat: Basic, Gambling (standard) 55%, Jury-Rig
50%, Rope Works 55%, Whittling & Sculpting 65%, Land Navigation 56%,Fishing 65%, and
Housekeeping 70%
Money: His very nature makes it nearly impossible for him to handle any form of currency.
Acid Touch/Spray: 6D6 to inorganic material for 1D4+1 melee rounds.
Range: 225 feet (68.58 m). If sprayed into eyes causes temporarily blindness, -10 to
strike, parry, and dodge for 2D4 minutes or until the liquid is thoroughly flushed from his
Wither Flesh: 2D6+5 damage, hit points cannot be reduced below 6.
Equipment & Vehicles: Again, he has a difficult time getting into any vehicle because
his acid body starts destroying its interior and eventually the vehicles itself. The same
goes with equipment.