Johnston Ray Warfield the forth of ARM TECH

You are on your own. The Army is MIA and our government is gone! There are no communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets. The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world. Help me, Mommy!

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Johnston Ray Warfield the forth of ARM TECH

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Johnston Ray Warfield the forth acting president of ARM TECH
Johnston Ray Warfield the forth owned a family run by US military black ops the Chief Executive Officer of a multi-national ARM TECH company. He has several factories able to function and other business properties suitable as the foundation for building a Safe Haven community around. All the company/factories can manufacture something useful in the post-apocalypse. On the other hand, in keeping with the "when things get back to normal" concept, seek to secure his holdings and make sure they have relevance (and bring him wealth and power) in the future. Johnston Ray Warfield was well known in special operation for the US military black ops , and set many high tech factories able to function and other business properties. Frist of factories able to function and other business properties and has many acres of land, are encircled by both a tall reinforced fence and reinforced brick wall and security system. All personal have no families, no relatives, no married status, this why all location survive all but one critical long range communications worldwide systems.

Johnston Ray Warfield the forth was designed for nuclear and pandemic event worldwide, Warfield family was in deep as special operations (which were by ALL special operation in US military and Canada). The Warfield were since 1960”s when they started thanks to the cold war and then 2000”s war on terror. However it started Johnston Ray Warfield the grandfather in the Vietnam war to the cold war Warfield the second and the third for the cold and last Warfield the fourth war on terror .work with civilian to protect VIP to the artic area to urban combat both military and PMC (Private Military company ). The last project was NBC to pandemic event .Which at first what Johnston Ray Warfield the forth thought as the first reports were coming in, in his opinion it was a Biological attack not by air but by some Biological contact. Not waiting for congress or the president he activate well ahead and using his personal Millions of US dollars all but one not under his control major communications (was overrun by unknown force) base. His first wave or outer ring held but were lost by zombies, this was his buffer, to identify, who, what, where, when, and how. His second wave or inner circle learn a very quick getting ready for the end of the world to get ready man power was the keep and supplies for up to 50 years given a head start to all known factions in north America. The loss of government and the hell that followed: they were design to do one thing adapt, and did well. One thing Johnston Ray Warfield the forth is that he at the front line and not working alone or behind the desk. His staff has connection with family, or relatives (pass away) that were alive but pass away this connection allowed to make strong and dangerous decisions, unlike the outer circle which was hoping they manning the pandemic, until the zombies raised all went to hell for the outer circle.

Johnston Ray Warfield the forth was forward thinker in this terrible event seen police, EMS, fire Departments and the loss of the military was shock and awe to all. Johnston Ray Warfield the forth was able to set ground rules and lessen them when better as time went. However he never one time in the past he and teams thought they would face zombie hordes. He understood special operation and on this scale to be in the for front allowed him to stay well head of the curve but at a terrible cost of the outer circle which had a loss of 99 percent, which he still was able to save the remaining one percent of his personal . This causes many to stay together and follow his leadership as well.

He has ready several plans which show the status of each Aerial Sanctuary Aircraft fail (possible loss of president MIA), Floating Fortress and well platforms status Floating Fortress lost but well platforms operational, high tech factories, business properties, business properties, Mountain Retreat, Desert Retreat are full operational all have Armed Underground Bunker with required staff for on and off grid for 20 years!!!

He didn’t feel comfortable use weapons personally on human being but with zombie this whole new ball game he can step up and fight. He able to use many weapons and has many back plans. The skills to use Modern weapons allowed he to establish relation with ground troop in the military and PMC as well .However what no one he never fired any weapons on humans .

He has The One-Man-Army, The federal government, the federal government agents, medical personal and scientist from F.E.M.A and W.H.O and has been able to recover Isolated Community to Preservers of Civilization and Culture along with 5 massive Underground Bunker. Each has Full Company or More: 1D6x100 soldiers or 6d6 x100 soldiers at any given time, and enough gear to start their own war. They have 300 miles communications equipment, medium and heavy combat vehicles (including 1D6 x5 tanks ( 30 max ) , 2D6 APCs x5 ( 60 max ), 3D6 Humvees x5 ( 90 max ), 1D6 x5 light helicopters( 30 max ), 1D4 x5 combat helicopters( 20 max ), 1D4 x5 transport helicopters( 20 max ), 2D6 x5 combat drones (60 max ), and possibly other aircraft ( 5 max ) or watercraft( 5 max ) ; each soldier is equipped with full combat gear and body armor and there is access to heavy weapons, grenades, mortars, rockets and rocket launchers, machine-guns, and other man-portable and light vehicle-portable heavy weapons. On top of that they have Community has a been hidden form many and there some rule like to light at night time and it has about 1000 families has a major and own New Leaders. This is how the government enclave treats civilian groups and survivor communities Respectful and helpful
Enclave and Accepted and welcomed Spirit of America. All thank to Johnston Ray Warfield the forth was forward thinker, they know right keep a low profile will save them trouble from other faction. All families that can carry a weapon from the third line as they call themselves as a militia mainly use Old Russian weapons.

One—Percenter 0.C.C,

Intelligence Quotient 28 (add 14% to all skills)
Mental Endurance 20 (look Insanity /Psionics +3)
Mental Affinity 35 (trust/intimidate 99%)
Physical Strength 20 (Hand to hand combat damage +5)
Physical Prowess 25 (parry, dodge and strike bonus +5)
Physical Endurance 24 (save vs. coma/death+16%, save vs. magic/poison+4)
Physical Beauty 18 (charm/impress 40% total 50%)
Speed 30
Hand to Hand Combat Type :
Expert combat
No. of actions +6 additional attack per melee
Initiative +1 on initiative
Damage +2
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.
Strike + 7
Parry+ 11
Dodge+ 11
Roll w Punch/Impact +6 to pull punch
Pull Punch +5
Disarm +2
Knockout/Stun Roll+ 4
Critical Strike Roll +2
Death Blow Roll
Perception: +3 to Perception Roll
Armor type: any
A.R. (Armor Rating):
Armor S.D.C.: _
(Structural Damage Capacity)
P.P.E. (Potential Psychic Energy):
S.D.C.: 68
H.P. (Hit Points): 60
Special Abilities / Skills
• Expert Negotiator
• Commanding Presence AWE
• Reputation AWE
• Add 15% to evoke Trust/Intimidate
• Add 10% to Charm/Impress regardless of M.A
• Add 6 Elective skills , but without benefit of the usual bonuses for them only 18 %
• automatically knockout opponents on a roll of a Natural Twenty for 1D6 melees
o Gymnastics. Automatic kick attack at first level (2D4 damage). Sense of balance (68% +3% per level). Work parallel bars & rings (78% +3% per level). Back Flip (83% +2% per level).Basic Prowl ability (70%; a +5% per level to Prowl skill). Basic Climb ability (65 %; per level +5% to Climb skill). Climb Rope/Rappel (77% +2% per level).
o Kick Boxing Roundhouse Kick (3D6 damage + 5), Axe Kick (2D8 damage +5), Knee Strike (1D8 +5) Leap Kick (3D8 damage +5, but counts as two melee attacks).
• Expert combat Punch 1d4+ 5, kick attack 1D8 + 5 damage , Karate Punch 2d4+ 5. Karate Kick 2D6 + 5damage.

Saving Throws Base Modifier Roll Needed
Poison Lethal 14
Poison Non-Lethal 16
Harmful Drugs 15
Psionics /Insanity 12
Magic Spell 12
Magic Ritual 16
Coma / Death add 40%
Horror Factor +1 to save vs Horror Factor
Also Known As: Big Boss, the Guy, thy Elite, and the legend .Commander, admiral
Name: Jonathan Ray Warfield the fourth
Common Skills: All, +10%; highly educated and skilled Language and Literacy Basic 98%, Math 98%
Level 6
O.C.C. Skills of the One-Percenter:
Aerobic Athletics
Appraise Goods 99%
Barter 99%
Business & Finance 94 %
Gambling (Standard) 84%
Language: English /Spanish 98%.
Law (General) 89%
Public Speaking 98%
Philosophy 89%
S.C.U.B.A. 98%
Swimming 98%
Technical Writing 79%
Transportation Skills:
• Automobile 98%
• Motorcycles & Snowmobiles 98%
• Truck 98%
Wardrobe & Grooming 98%
W.P. Ancient, W.P. Sword +3 to strike (add+ 1 at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15). +3 parry (add+ 1 at parry at levels 2, 4, 7,
10 and 13.)
W.P. Modern W.P. Heavy Military Weapons W.P. add+ 3 (Bonuses: add+ 1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.)

Elective Skills: Select a total of 10 skills (higher education, total 16) from any of the skill categories, except Military, Rogue and Wilderness. These skills reflect the character's occupation and life before the Zombie Apocalypse. Note add 6
1. Hand to Hand: Expert cost of two Elective Skills
2. Cook (79%+5%)
3. Fishing (84%+5%)
4. Gymnastics
5. Kick Boxing
6. Outdoorsman ship
7. Climb
8. Prowl
9. Wilderness Survival ( 74+5%)
10. Jury-Rig (25%+5%)
11. Rope Works (30%+5%)
12. Salvage (35% +5% )
13. W.P. Rifles. Bonuses: +3 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13.
14. W.P. Shotgun. Bonuses: +3 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.
15. W.P. Handguns. Bonuses: +4 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.

Secondary Skills:
Select two Secondary Skills from the Secondary Skill List in the Skills section at levels 1, 4, 9, 14. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get any bonuses, other than a possible bonus for a high I.Q. All Secondary Skills start at the base skill level

1. Gambling (Dirty Tricks) (58%+4%)
2. Streetwise. Streetwise (58%+4%)
3. Archery LOOK BELOW

W.P. Archery
+4 to strike at levels 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14.
+1 to parry with a bow weapon (effective at level one),
+3 to disarm at levels 2, 5, 10 and 15.
Rate of Fire: FOUR shots per melee round at level one and an extra shot per melee round is added at levels 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12 and 14.
Range: See list below and a trained archer may try a shot at 50% greater distance but does so without benefit of any bonus to strike or disarm.
Average Ranges & S.D.C. Damage per Arrow:
Short Bow - 340 feet (104 m) - 1D6 damage.
Long Bow - 640 feet (195 m) - 2D6 damage.
Compound Bow - 700 feet (213 m) - 2D6+1 damage.
Harpoon Gun - 120 feet (36.5 m) - 1D10 damage.
Light Crossbow - 340 feet (104 m) - 2D4 damage.
Heavy Crossbow (large) - 600 feet (182 m) - 2D8 damage.
Pistol Crossbow (small) - 120 feet (36.5 m) - 1D6 damage

Standard Equipment: One-Percenter who has his fortune still has plenty of clothing and equipment, a couple of quality weapons (corresponding to skills), 200,000 rounds of ammunition for each, any 5 car he wants, a 5 second vehicle that corresponds with Transportation skills and more. He has conceivably have had anything he wanted before the Zombie Apocalypse. When away from home, he may travel light or tow caravans of armored or luxury vehicles. Tools of the Trade: 5 Smartphone, 5 satellite phone, 5 laptop and 5 tablet for recordings and making notes, an extensive wardrobe, 6 designer suits including accessories and undergarments, 5 Point-Blank vest,5 pens, 5 notebooks, 5 clipboards, and 5 briefcases to hold documents. Odds are the character still has 5 homes or 5 business properties, any of which may make a good Safe Haven if he can get to it.

Weapons: The character can have any of the basic weapons in the Dead Reign® book, although acquiring huge amounts of them prior to the apocalypse is really rare.

Vehicle: One for each Transportation skill 5 others; any he wants.
Pay/Trade Goods: Has 6,000,000 in cold hard cash, 6,800,000 in each in gold, silver and jewelry, 12,100,000 in bonds, and 20 million in stocks for those who may still see value in such things.3,000,000 each in post-apocalypse trade goods (food, water, fuel, medicine, guns and ammo, generators, survival gear, vehicles, etc.).

Assets: the character has 5 times the money and 5 times assets listed under the Equipment, Tools of the Trade, Weapons and Pay/Trade Goods stats,

Other locations :
home (mansions ), ranches,apartments , estates ,compounds, business properties, factories (note all have a bunker) look below in the country is certain to have its own generator, all have solar powered and off the grid, a private well, and most have 5 panic room or 5 plush storm cellar, wine cellar, 5 a bunker, as well as a private fuel tank with 20,000 gallons ( 7570 liters) of gasoline, a garage with recreational vehicles (5 snowmobiles, dirt bikes, 4x4s, and a large motor or sail boat if off a lake, etc.), 5 recreational/5 sporting items (fishing gear, skis, snowboard, hang glider, etc.) and other amenities. It has a helicopter and helicopter pad , a private airfield and hangars . Has many acres of land, are encircled by both a tall reinforced fence and reinforced brick wall and security system. All estate and business properties are like private fortresses with a tall, outer stone wall 3 feet thick 10 feet tall, security system and 300 armed guards, has a work staff. The wealthiest and most powerful may have a small army (600) of staff and support personnel (assistants, cooks, maids, doctors ,nurses etc.), all working day and night to keep the facility going before and after the apocalypse. How many support personnel survive the apocalypse is anyone's guess. ON TOP HE HAS FIVE ONE MAN ARMY (has are second in command) all location / bunkers!!!! , then this happen when he saw the fall of global civilization before his eye. He was expecting nuclear war, an invasion, pandemic which he had plans for, but never a zombie.

ALL ARE Armored Bunker: The One-Percenter gets a secret bunker as his base of operations. This "bunker" (apartment , business , factory have own generator, all have solar powered and on /off powered the grid )are fortified location, such as 5 panic room/safe room inside and house too, 5 expensive apartment and 5 business office, and 5 emergency shelter (top of the line fallout panic room /bunker /shelter), 5 vault, all fortified home and garage, unobvious room, unobvious storage room, unobvious machine shop inside a home, unobvious garage, unobvious machine shop, unobvious factory, unobvious industrial area, and unobvious military and government building or base. Other than protection and a place to store supplies 26 year REM(ready to eats meals ) , it is a 5 secret safe house where the hero can catch a good night's rest or recover from injury. This place has amenities other than shelves; a battery operated lantern, a folding table, 6 folding chairs, and 250 gallon (945 liter) drums for storing water and fuel. Has indoor plumbing and a connection to the on and off power grid and a generator. All items of comfort will have to be brought in by the character later on.All "bunkers" have own generator, all have solar powered and off the grid, defenses like a fenced in yard or perimeter (high fence), razor wire, a heavy blast door, special locks, concrete barriers or brick wall, and if power is available, floodlights, cameras, alarm system, etc.

Functional Machine Shop: The One-Percenter has a garage and small machine shop with factory quality machines and tools capable of metal work, vehicle repairs and maybe even making melee weapons and ammunition. Not only does this supply the One-Percenter with all the tools and most of the basic gear he needs, it also provides a +20% bonus to skills involving mechanics and sharpening, repairing and modifying weapons, vehicles and mechanical devices, such as drones

Weaponized Death mobile: The One-Percenter has a cars, trucks, or vans with additional light or heavy armor and 4 weapons mounted on it. Also gets 300 gallons (1385 liters) of gasoline. See Dead Reign® Sourcebook 3: Endless Dead, page 31, for Vehicles

Tricked Out Personal Weapons:
revolvers and pistols, submachine-gun, sniper rifle, assault rifle with the following accessories and modifications, below, plus 1D6x1000 rounds of ammunition for each! And a medium machine-gun with 100,000 rounds of ammunition. The machine-gun does not get the modifications and accessories below, but the other four weapons do. All bonuses are cumulative.
Refilled weapon barrel:
Reduces recoil and increases accuracy. (+1 strike).
Computerized Laser Sight and Distancer:
Analyzes distance to target, measures things like wind and gravitational drop-off, and helps guide aiming. (+1 strike on an Aimed or Called Shot.)
Advanced Targeting Sights:
Includes telescopic passive night-vision (green) scope that can be swapped out with a standard telescopic sight or with an infrared/ultraviolet telescopic sight. (+1 strike on an Aimed Shot.)
Attaches to all barrel of the weapon.
Sound Suppression System:
A detachable and attachable "silencer," but reduce range by 20%. Not applicable to full auto fir-ing, or the submachine-gun or machine-gun.
Flash Suppression System:
Reduces-and shields muzzle flash so the enemy cannot see where the gunfire is coming from at night or in dark locations. Reduce range by 20%. Not applicable to full auto firing, or the submachine-gun or machine-gun.
Magazine Expansion:
The weapon's payload is doubled; applicable only to automatic weapons.
Custom Paint Job:
+10% to Intimidate or Impress when using this weapon.
Custom Shock-Resistant Carrying case:
One for each specialized weapon

Lots of Guns:
The One-Percenter has ultimate discretion, but the One-Percenter has at least
40 automatic pistols and 2000 rounds of ammunition for each;
40 hunting or sniper rifles with telescopic sights and passive nightvision scopes and 20000 rounds of ammunition for each; 40 shotguns with 500 rounds of ammunition for each;
40 submachine-guns and 2000 rounds of ammunition for each;
90 fully automatic assault rifles and 20,000 rounds of ammunition for each;
plus ton of riot control armor and gear,
a box of 2000 road flares,
200 Point-Blank vest,
90 rocket flares,
400 bayonet rifle attachments (or can be used like a large knife),
400 pairs of protective goggles,
400 telescopic sights (sniper/hunting; +1 to strike),
1000 gun-cleaning kits,
100 tool kit
1000 gun manuals.
Military weapons:
40 auto shotguns with 50000 rounds of ammunition for each;
1100 smoke grenades,
2000 explosive hand grenades,
2000 tear gas grenades,
20000 sticks of dynamite ,
2000 molotov cocktails,
2000 a rifle-held rotating grenade launcher with 300 grenades each ,
100 shoulder-held rocket launcher and 4000 rockets
a portable military flamethrower (8 shot payload with two additional tanks of flammable chemicals for reloads

All bunkers have the following ,They have communications equipment, medium and heavy combat vehicles (including tanks ( 30 ) , APCs( 60), Humvees( 90 ), light helicopters( 30 ), combat helicopters( 20), transport helicopters( 20 ), 2 combat drones (60 of each type !!! ), and possibly other aircraft ( 5 ) or watercraft( 5 ) ; each soldier is equipped with full combat gear and body armor and there is access to heavy weapons, grenades, mortars, rockets and rocket launchers, machine-guns, and other man-portable and light vehicle-portable heavy weapons

Use book: The Compendium of Contemporary Weapons

All Body Armor, EOD Equipment
Revolvers & Pistols use Germany, Old USSR, United Kingdom, USA,
Rifles use Old USSR, United Kingdom, USA,
All Rifle Accessories
All Shotguns
Sub-machineguns all Old USSR, United Kingdom, USA
All Special Support Weapons & Anti-Tank
All Mortars
Surveillance Equipment
Sighting Equipment
Tanks & Armored Vehicles

Other extra items
Sleeping Bags: ( 1200 )
Dog Food: People were discouraged from bringing their pets to the relief center. This food was for rescue and helper animals. ( 300 ); 24 cans to a case . They are labeled with flavors like "Steak & Bacon" and "Chicken, Fish, & Cheese." A find for survivors with canine companions.

Medical: Hand Sanitizer/Anti-Bacterial Soap:
Used to kill bacteria on hands, clean wounds, and sterilize utensils. +2 to save vs bacterial based diseases.

Bandages and Basics: 2000 packages of large ( 120 eac ), padded bandages, 3000 small bandages ( 90 each), 2000 rolls of gauze ( 180each ), 4000 rolls of surgical tape( 20 eac ), a box of ordinary bandages with 400 left in the box ( 200 each ), plus two full tubes of first aid antibiotic ointment like Neosporin ( 10000 )

Medical: Pain Pharmaceuticals: Consumer pain relief (ibuprofen, aspirin), or hospital-grade pain meds (codeine, morphine, etc.), antibiotics, etc. ( 5000 each )

Pain meds ( 5000 each):
+5% to save vs coma/death and reduce any penal-ties due to pain/severe injury by half. Aspirin and similar meds reduce fever (and associated penalties) by 30%. Note that hospi-tal-grade painkillers have a narcotic quality to them and can lead to an addiction if the character abuses them. They are also likely to make the patient sleep for 2D6x10 minutes after taking them.

Antibiotics kill the bacteria that cause infection, but are useless against illness caused by a virus like the flu and the Wave. Antibiotics: +15% to save vs coma/death,
+1 Hit Point or +2 S.D.C. recovery per 24 hours of healing and prevents infection and gangrene from wounds

Medical: Doctor's Equipment/Tools: A bag or case with the instruments a physician needs to examine and treat patients, including stethoscope, pen flashlight, 4000 tongue depressors ( 60 each ) , mirror 1000( 10 each ), 4000 surgical gloves( 40 each ) , 200 computer tablet, some basic painkillers and antibiotics, surgical kit (needles for suturing, sutures, 3000 scalpels , total 20), surgical staple gun, pair of scissors, prescription pad, notepad, two pens, 3000 packages of gauze( 30 each ), and everything you might expect in a first aid kit. Include the necessary tools for surgery or for conducting an autopsy. +20% to relevant Medical skill rolls

Medical: Kit for making a cast ( 5 )
Medical: Portable X-Ray Machine: ( 20 )
Medical: Portable Defibrillator: defibrillators ( 20 )
Medical: Portable EKG Machine: Electro-Cardiogram machine for monitoring the heart. ( 5 )
Medical: Portable Lights: High-powered adjustable lights for examination and surgical/autopsy procedures( 20 )
Medical: Portable Generator: , portable generators. ( 30 )
Medical: Body Bags:
unused body bags ( 12000 ).. 1200 sealed body bags( 150 each ) zipped closed and moving with zombies bagged and inside!
Medical: Sheets: A cart with 2000 clean ( 400 ), white sheets used for bedding and light covers.
Canned Food : 4000 cases ( 120 each );
• Creamed Corn,
• Clam Chow-der,
• Pork 'n Beans,
• Chicken Soup,
• Children's Pasta,
• Cream of Mushroom soup
Can opener. ( 500 ) In the alternative, these could be boxes of dry cereal of various types.
Medical: Portable Generator: ( 30 ), portable generators.
Medical: Body Bags: ( 1200 ) .
Bottled Water: 6000 cases; 12 bottles in a case(720) .

Weather Radios:
Regular radios require either wall outlets or batteries to work. These have a crank you turn to power them up. Usually also have a built-in light. any radio transmissions for a long time, at least none saying anything of real importance.

Professional Radio:
This is heavy gear used to transition a wide range of frequencies. They were used to coordinate rescue efforts and send out alerts to survivors, but that was back when there was still power. And people. If the characters can power it up, they can send a transmission out there to whoever might be listening within a range of 400 miles (640 km)

Large Generators:
These large, portable generators helped keep things running after the city's grid died. They run on gasoline both propane. The tank is full. plus 5 more
( 500 ) Detailed maps of the local area, including streets and topography. These are probably covered in scribbles, used to conduct rescue efforts and make notes of zombie concentrations and possible supply stores. It's up to the characters whether or not they want to check these places out.
Lights: 400 work lights ( 60 each ), 400 flashlights ( 30 each ), and 400 ( 40 each)
helmet lights 400 ( 30 400). They will need batteries/ these have a crank you turn to power them up, but otherwise they work just fine.

Packages of Batteries:
3000( 90) packages of fresh batteries all sizes.
A metal box ( 50 ) or rolling cart ( 50 ) of basic hand tools, used in carpentry, repairs, and electrical work. All of them are in good condition.

Protective Clothing:
When people started coming in by the busload with a strange disease, it was clear there was an epidemic going around. What was not clear was how it was transmitted. The relief center crew played it safe and dressed head-to-toe in hazmat suits, masks, and rubber gloves. These outfits protect the character from toxins, chemicals, the spread of disease, and radiation, but they are flimsy and fragile and useless in combat. If there are zombies around, some of them
might be wearing these suits. 1000 hazmat suits plus 1000 coveralls.

Consumer Electronics:
Laptops, smartphones, tab-let computers, video game systems. All of them laying around, dead. If you can find a way to charge them, they might provide a nice distraction, but they are otherwise useless. 200 ( 60 ) of each.

Thermal Blankets:
200silver thermal blankets ( 60 each). They aren't pretty, but they will keep you warm on a cold night. Mosquito Netting: Set up like a large tent, these protective screens keep bugs from eating you up while you sleep.

Portable Cooking Station:
Small pots, pans, and utensils and a propane powered grill. Suitable for military use or for camping.

Basic Toiletries:
3000 ( 90 of each ) of each of the following: toilet paper roll, toothpaste/brush, deodorant, shampoo/conditioner, shaving razors/cream.

3000 road flares ( 60 ); inflict one point of damage as a weapon; or can be used to scare off one or two zombies.

fully stocked ambulances ( 20 ) Plus own medical supplies
Small Truck and White Panel Van:
of each is in the back: ( 50 ) Plus own medical supplies
For each vehicle and generators
500 gallon (1890 liter) drums of gasoline brought in for the emergency (3000 gallon ) generators!

Police Car:
A police car ( 5 ), with the keys still in the ignition.
Inside the trunk is a first aid kit, a shotgun with 30 rounds of ammo ( 150 ), a flashlight, 2D4 road flares ( 40 ), a thermos with cold coffee in it, ( 20 ) billy clubs (inflict 1D6 damage), ( 20 ) bulletproof vests, ( 20 ) spare tire, ( 20 ) a tire iron and ( 20 ) jack.
SUV/Responder Vehicle ( 5 ) :
This is a rugged Sport Utility Vehicle used for relief workers and rescue teams to get through disaster sites, debris, light flooding, and zombies. It has a half-tank of gasoline,
Inside the trunk is a first aid kit, a shotgun with 30 rounds of ammo ( 150 ), a flashlight, 2D4 road flares ( 40 ), a thermos with cold coffee in it, ( 20 ) billy clubs (inflict 1D6 damage), ( 20 ) bulletproof vests, ( 20 ) spare tire, ( 20 ) a tire iron and ( 20 ) jack.

Shipping/Cargo Trucks:
These 16-wheelers (30 of each ) came in loaded with supplies for the relief center. Roll to see what's in the back. At least full the truck is still loaded with supplies.
Inside the trunk is a first aid kit, a shotgun with 30 rounds of ammo ( 150 ), a flashlight, 2D4 road flares ( 40 ), a thermos with cold coffee in it, ( 20 ) billy clubs (inflict 1D6 damage), ( 20 ) bulletproof vests, ( 20 ) spare tire, ( 20 ) a tire iron and ( 20 ) jack.

Water for drinking
plus 300 cases of coffee, 600 cases of powdered creamer, and a case of sugar packets. Canned food.

Dry food,
mostly cereal and snack foods like Pop-Tarts and granola bars; all good for at least another 25 years .
Cleaning supplies like bleach, soaps, detergent, etc., and includes 100 cases of toilet paper and 8cases of paper towels.
Fresh linens: bed sheets, pillows, pillowcases, and blankets or towels.
(never used; 100 of them).
Domestic Cleaning Supplies:
4D6 X200 various bottles and drums of soap, bleach and cleaning solutions used for cleaning and sanitation.
Civilian Small Arms: 120 loaded pistols and/or revolvers and an additional 400 rounds of ammunition can be found after an hour of searching the facility.

Weapons: Civilian:
300 loaded hunting rifles, 300 shotguns and 12000 rounds of additional ammunition for each!!!!!.

Weapons: Law Enforcement:
3000 loaded assault rifles, 100 heavy sniper rifle, 3500 combat shotguns and 350,000 additional rounds of ammunition for each weapon!!!!
Military grade weapons
are 10,000 smoke grenades, 10,000 tear gas grenades, and 10,000 fragmentation hand grenades, a flare gun with 10,000 extra flares, and 10,000 riot control shields and 10,000 batons.

All but apartments have Building Drones.
Building drones is, but it takes time, tools, the right materials and a place to build them. Making drones is the majority of our responsibilities and time, can build or repair damaged drones quickly, as described below, based on size and components.
Size: any type large or small the drone is, but the small and medium sizes are less demanding and faster to build. The R&D facility cannot break the size boundaries listed below without a modern R&D facility and/or machine shop, all the right materials and knowledgeable helpers, such as engineers or other Drone Masters.

ground or flying drone: Ranges from the size of a lunch-box to a microwave oven. It takes 2D4+1 days to build a familiar design, or that + 2D6+5 additional days if it is a completely new design. Note: In all instances, a "day's work" means a full 8-10 hours of labor. Weapons and power supplies can add to the time needed.
Construction time includes the actual construction, tinkering, tweaking, modification and field testing. It does NOT include the time it took to acquire all the parts and find the tools and a place to work. If the character goes out in the field a great deal, or is running from zombies or bad guys most of the time, or has inad-equate tools and materials, the drone could take 50-200% longer to build.
As long as the R&D facility can find the parts and he has the time, most R&D facility have an additional 20 small drones in completion. When tools, materials, time and a workplace are available, most the R&D facility spend time working as much as possible to build a large arsenal of drones of various sizes and purpose. Note: Half the time, above, to build an existing store-bought, R&D facility "kit." Only 2D6 minutes to have a pre-built drone out of the package and ready for action.

ground or flying drone: Size can range from that of a carry-on suitcase to a trunk or an easy chair. It takes 1D4 weeks to build a familiar design, or that + 1D4+2 days additional days if it is a completely new design. Construction time includes the actual construction, tinkering, tweaking, modification and field testing. Without the time, right tools, parts, materials and place to work, it could take 50-100% longer to build.

Large ground
flying drone: Size can range from that of .a small desk to a sofa or compact car. It takes one weeks to build a familiar design, or that time + 1D4 additional weeks if it is construction, tinkering, tweaking, modification and field testing. Without the time, right tools, parts, materials and a place to work, it could take 50-200% longer to build.

Drone Construction Tables
When a R&D facility creates a drone from scratch, use the following tables. Roll the appropriate dice per each table or pick one from each category. With G.M. approval, the character can add more than two of the Sensor/Optics features.
Maximum altitude for drones:
Small: 1,200 feet (366 m).
Medium: 2,400 feet (732 m).
Large: 5,000 feet (1524 m).

Speed is dictated by,
b) Method of Movement and Speed table, below.
a) Power Source: Roll 1D4 for random determination or pick one.
1. Gas engine: Can run for two continuous hours. The engine has 20 S.D.C. and you can hear the engine when it is running.

2. Solar power: Can run non-stop in the sun, 60 minutes on an overcast day, or 30 minutes in darkness before needing a recharge. Includes battery (7 S.D.C.) and solar panel array (10 S.D.C.). Engine runs quiet. Adds 10% to the days needed to build the drone.

3. Rechargeable electric battery that uses a wall outlet or USB port: The drone can run for three continuous hours before needing a recharge. Full recharge takes 1D4 hours plugged into either a 3-prong or USB outlet. Includes battery (12 S.D.C.) and cable (5 S.D.C.). Engine runs quiet. Adds 5% to the days needed to build the drone.

4. Disposable batteries: Can run for a total time of 72 hours before needing new batteries. Engine runs quiet.

b) Method of Movement and Speed: Roll 1D6 for random determination or pick one.
1. Wheels: Inflated or solid rubber wheels (small, 4 S.D.C. each, medium 8 S.D.C., large 11 S.D.C. each). Speed: Small: 5 mph (8 km). Medium: 20 mph (32 km). Large: 40 mph (64 km). Reduce speed by half when driving off road on grass, gravel, or over debris. Cannot climb stairs or maneuver over pieces of de-bris half as large as the drone. More than 5 wheels provides a +10% bonus to Pilot Drone skill.

2. Tracks/Treads: These are treads like those used on construc-tion vehicles and tanks, but miniaturized for drones. More rare and valuable than wheels. Small Treads: 18 S.D.C. each. Me-dium: 30 S.D.C. Large: 50 S.D.C. each. Speed: Small Drone is 10 mph (16 km). 20 mph (32 km) for medium or large drones. Cannot climb stairs, but can maneuver off-road on grass, gravel and even climb over pieces of debris half as large as the drone. +5% bonus to Pilot Drone skill. Treads add to the days needed to build the drone by 10%.

3. Helicopter-Style Flyer: Spinning blades atop a rotor. Blades on a small drone (10 S.D.C.), medium (20 S.D.C.), large (40
S.D.C.). Speed: Small: 20 mph (32 km; maximum). Medium and large: (50 mph/80 km). Note: Heavy armor reduces speed by 25%. Adds to the days needed to build the drone by 10%

4. Airplane Propeller-Style Flyer: The drone looks like an air-craft with wings and propellers that carry, it into the sky. Propel-lers of a small drone (10 S.D.C.), medium (25 S.D.C.) and large (60 S.D.C.). Speed: Small: 40 mph (64 km). Medium and large: 150 mph (240 km). Note: Medium armor reduces speed by 10%; heavy armor reduces speed by 30%. Building planes from scratch is tricky business, so the Build Drone skill suffers a -10% penalty when building one from scratch. Adds to the days needed to build the drone by 10%

5. Stationary Drone: The drone is on a tripod or mounted on a wall, post, pole, piece of debris, or vehicle that isn't working. The tri-pod or mounting has 15 S.D.C.

6. Walker: The Drone has 4-12 legs and literally walks or scurries around. The legs of a small drone (5 S.D.C. each), me-dium (12 S.D.C. each), or large (20 S.D.C. each). Speed: Small: 3 mph (4.8 km). Medium: 5 mph (8 km), and large: 10 mph (16 km). Note: Heavy armor reduces speed by 10%. Ground movement is excellent even when walking over grass, rubble, debris or dead bodies, and can climb stairs (half speed). This provides a +10% bonus to the Pilot Drone skill. Adds to the days needed to build the drone by 10%

c) Controls: Roll 1D6 for random determination or pick one.

1. Wired or None:
The drone is attached to a cable. Range: Length of the cable. Or, the drone has no controller at all. It is turned on and turned off manually and may not go anywhere (stationary) or travels straight ahead until it hits an obstacle. Get one extra Sensor/Optics or Armor because of this limitation.

2, 3 and 4. Radio Controlled: The drone is a wireless, remote operated device piloted from a console or handheld controller by the Drone Master or other designated operator. Range: 10 to 200 miles (16 km); half in foul, stormy weather.

5. Automated: The drone stays activated all of the time, and acts totally independent of a human controller. Can still be shut off and turned on by hand or remotely.

6. Voice Controlled: The drone responds to voice commands and codes. Advanced units may be programmed to recognize and respond only to its creator or a designated operator! Voice commands may be received by the drone via the spoken word or transmitted via radio and other audio systems.

d) Sensors/Optics: Sensors and optics
are usually included to enable the drone's operator to see what the drone sees (forward facing), and to provide additional optic capabilities and information, such as movement, temperature, etc. A drone's weapon sys-tem (if any) may be activated to fire via a motion, heat, infrared, audio or visual signal/sensor rather than by the operator. The in-formation is usually transmitted via radio signals.
Roll 1D6 twice for random determination of sensors/optics or pick two.
Any or all of these items can be built into a drone, but most only have two or three. Each EXTRA (beyond two) requires an extra 1D4 days to install and must first be located and acquired in R&D facility.

1. Motion: The drone detects movements of items from the size of a rat to a zombie, to bigger. Range: 1000 feet (30.5 m). The best drones detect motion all around it, not just in a forward facing, 45 degree arc. The operator sees the motion as blips or moving lights on a graphic display. Camera and motion are an excellent combination.
2. Heat: The drone and its operator "sees" heat signatures and images via thermal optics or infrared optics and sensor systems. A heat sensitive system only registers zombies 10% of the time because since they are dead, they do not radiate heat. Their body temp is room temperature, making them invisible to thermal optics and sensor systems. However, thermal imaging systems detect and display animals, people, fires, and warm engines and most electronic devices and machinery. If it radiates heat and is bigger than a mouse, it picks up the signature. Heat-based sen-sor systems are also likely measure air temperature. Range: 300o feet/91.5 km.
3. Passive Nightvision: The drone and its operator "sees" via passive nightvision optic system that amplifies starlight and other ambient light sources. Tiny snippers, grabbers, shovels, saws, thermometers are built-in to take samples of objects and sub-stances where it would be dangerous or inconvenient for a living person.
4. Video Camera with Audio System: The drone and its operator "sees" and hears via a video-camera system with at least basic zoom features equal to a cellphone. Video streams to the operator live and can be recorded whenever he wants or automatically re-corded and saved (4 hours of memory in the drone itself).
5. Audio Amplification System: A microphone and audio enhancements that can pick up and amplify quiet sounds and re-cords what it picks up on tape, disk, or hard drive or send it to a remote display. Audio systems can be used to make a weapon fire in response to a loud noise or a specific sound, like a zombie's moan.
6. Onboard Computer and Targeting: The drone has an on-board computer and programs that can help it travel on course, locate and identify targets, and fire weapons via a computerized targeting system (+1 to strike). The laser can also measure distances the computer can record and record its path of travel and link/use the various sensors. The data is stored on the computer and sent back via radio or wireless capabilities. A computerized drone offers a +10% piloting bonus because it self-corrects its speed, trajectory and movement, and is +1 to dodge.

e) Armor:
Roll 2D4 for random determination or pick one.
1 or 2. None: Light, flimsy building materials. A.R. 7, 2D6+6 S.D.C., but gets one more sensor.
3. Vital Components: Only the power source, engine, or sen-sor is armored. A.R. 10 and 15 S.D.C. each.
4. Plastic Body: A.R. 8, 30 S.D.C.
5. Wood and Plastic Body: A.R. 9. 50 S.D.C.
6. Wood Body: A.R. 10, 70 S.D.C.
7. Light Metal Body: A.R. 12, 90 S.D.C.
8. Strong Metal Body: A.R. 14, 120 S.D.C.
Note: Reduce S.D.C. by 20% for small drones, increase by 50% for large drones.

f) Weapons:
Roll 1D6 for random determination or pick two .
1. Flame-Thrower: 6D6+6 damage, range: 30 feet (9.1 m).
Only suitable for medium and large drones. Medium has enough flame-thrower fuel for three blasts; large drone has enough for six blasts. Add 1D6+4 days to the time necessary to build the drone.
2. Mounted Gun. Light: In all cases, range and damage is as per the type of gun and the size of the drone.
Payload: Small Drone: 6-12 rounds of ammunition; a revolver or pistol. Average range is 135 feet (41 m). Add 1D6+2 days to build the drone.
Medium Drone: 6-30 rounds of ammunition; a revolver, pistol or submachine-gun. Average range is 135 feet (41 m). Add 1D6+2 days to build the drone.
Large Drone: 40-80 rounds of ammunition; a submachine-gun, rifle, hunting rifle, semi-automatic rifle, or shotgun. Range varies with weapon type. Add 1D6+4 days to build the drone.
3. Heavy Weapon/Military: Suitable only for medium and large drones. A fully automatic assault rifle capable of firing bursts, grenade launcher or light or medium machine-gun. Such weapons are military-grade and are not very common in public , especially grenade launchers and machine-guns. Range and damage as per the weapon used, varies. Add one weeks to build the drone.
4. Launched Bomb/Rocket: Can launch or drop two small rockets or bombs (6D6 damage each) on a medium drone, six on a large drone. Two large rockets or bombs (1D6x10 damage each) on a large drone. Blast radius is 4 feet (1.2 m). Firing range/ distance to shoot accurately is 200 feet (61 m). -1 to strike for each additional 50 feet (15.2 m). Add two weeks to build the drone.
5. Improvised Explosive Device (MD): If the robot is a suicide drone, meaning the bomb detonates either upon a kamikaze strike/impact (flies or walks into the target) by the drone or blows up upon reaching a specific location. In both cases, the drone is blown to pieces; no salvage.
If the drone can "drop" gravity bombs it needs cargo and car-rying capabilities. See g), below, for details.
IEDs and Damage: Such an explosive is only possible if the character has access to the right chemicals and materials to make them. G.M. discretion.
Small IED
the size of a 16 ounce (0.47 liter) bottle of water does 1D4x10 damage to a four foot (1.2 m) radius. It takes 1D4 days to build each small IED. A small drone can only carry one or two of these, a medium drone four of them, a large drone, 6-8.
IED the size of a gallon (3.78 liters) of milk does 2D4x10 damage to a 12 foot (3.6 m) radius. Add and 1D4+2 days to build each medium IED. A small drone: None. A medium drone can carry one or two. A large drone 2-6.
Large IED
the size of a microwave oven or carry-on suitcase to a 30 gallon (113 liter) drum, inflicts 4D6x10 damage to a 25 foot (7.6 m) radius. Add 1D6+4 days to build each large IED. A small drone: None. A medium drone can carry one but reduce its speed and altitude by 50% and -20% penalty to pilot/control drone skill. A large drone can carry one without penalty, or two with its speed and altitude reduced by 50% and -30% penalty to pilot/control drone skill.
6. Power Tool: A chainsaw (3D6 damage), spinning blade (2D6 damage), hammering/stabbing spike (2D6 damage and treats A.R. as -2), or punching piston (2D4 damage plus possible knockdown). Damage is as per each melee attack. Reduce speed by 20% and add one week to the construction time needed to build the drone.
g) Cargo and Carrying Capability: This is the ability to have a cargo load (light part, supplies, medicine, bombs, etc.) carried and dropped off by the drone.
Roll 1D6 for random determination or pick one.
1. Net: The cargo/package(s) is held in a net suspended under a flying drone, or pulled behind a ground drone. To deliver or drop the cargo, one end of the net is released and the package(s) tumbles out, or the recipient may remove the package(s) by hand.

2 and 3. Platform and Cables: Cargo is placed on a flat platform suspended under a flying drone, or pulled behind a ground drone, by cables. In the latter case, the "platform" may have wheels and function like a hitched wagon. To deliver or drop the cargo, the cables are released, or the recipient may remove the package(s) by hand.
4. Cargo Bay: There is either a compartment built into the drone or attached to the belly of the drone. In either case, the bot-tom of the cargo bay opens to receive and drop cargo.
5. Claw/Clamp: A large robotic claw holds the item being transported or a larger container-holding one or more objects in-side of it. The claw is suspended on a hydraulic cable that can be lowered and raised. To release or drop the item/container, the claw opens.
6. Hardpoints: Cargo or cargo containers are attached to ex-terior clamps, like those used on warplanes, for transportation. Cargo is released by each hardpoint one at a time, in volleys or all at one time. The number of hardpoints depends on the size of the drone.
Small Drone: 2 small hardpoints.
Medium Drone: 2 or 4 hardpoints.
Large Drone: 4 or 6 hardpoints.
Typically used on flying drones for holding rockets or gravity bombs.
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Re: Johnston Ray Warfield the forth of ARM TECH

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wow is that bad ??
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Re: Johnston Ray Warfield the forth of ARM TECH

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ZINO wrote:wow is that bad ??

Not necessarily just a lot to read all in one sitting, when you are supposed to be working :lol:
Will vote/comment after I finish reading the whole thing later.
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Re: Johnston Ray Warfield the forth of ARM TECH

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If you really want, I will take a look at this through my lens. This analysis is, by no means, universal but is my personal take on the post:

So, I don't get what it is for. I don't understand it. Leaving aside the grammatical problems, the concept is lost on me. What is this guy for? Is he a villain? An explosive time-bomb of human depravation waiting to go off? An indefatigable sanctuary of humanity in a sea of chaos? What?

First, the character problems:
--This guy has unbelievable stats. Not just good, I really don't believe them. 35 MA? How is that even possible?
--He is a billionaire, philanthropist, special forces soldier? Does this ever happen, irl?
--As a special forces soldier he has Gymnastics, Archery, and Gambling(twice?), but not Military Etiquette? or Radio: Basic, or Military Sign Language, or any number of typical "soldier" skills?

Next, the logistical problems:
--He has 5 bunkers and a small community housing up to 26,000 people, total. These bunkers are "off-the-grid" and solar powered, but with enough juice to run a factory, machine shops, electric fences, alarm systems, etc.
--His personal bunker houses himself, 600 staff, 300 soldiers/security personnel, also with enough solar power to keep them going.
Since the average human needs roughly 4 pounds of food per day, then he needs to supply over 100,000 pounds (50 tons) of food every 24-hours to keep them healthy. Now he apparently has enough food for 20-years in his bunkers. This means his bunkers have over 759,200,000 pounds of preserved food? 350,000 metric tonnes of food? That sounds like a lot. If it were water, it would fill 140 olympic swimming pools. How big are the store rooms on these bunkers?
--In his 5 bunkers he has 150 tanks, 300 APCs, 450 Humvees, 400 Helicopters, 25 miscellaneous aircraft, 25 miscellaneous watercraft, 100 ambulances, 250 small trucks/white panel vans, 30 16-wheelers, 25 police cars, 25 SUV/Responder Vehicles, 25 cars, 25 random vehicles, 25 snowmobiles, 25 dirt bikes, 25 4x4s, 5 large motor boats, 1 "weaponized death mobile"
--He builds/operates up to 300 combat drones, some of which are the size of a small car
--He has around 2000 500-gallon drums of gasoline for the vehicles, 100,000 gallons of fuel for his bunkers, and 6 gasoline tanks for the generators (unknown volume)
--He has enough gasoline to keep the drones running as well.
Rough estimates put this at around 2,000,000 gallons (7,570,823 litres) or 2.5 olympic swimming pools worth of fuel. That sounds like a lot, until you realize how much fuel things like giant generators, tanks, APCs and helicopters use. The tanks alone would use close to 75,000 gallons of fuel to fill them all up. Once.

Finally, social problems:
You have established that the bunkers have the equivalent population of small cities, and are all heavily armed and well equipped. They apparently have enough food for 20-years (although I just can't possibly envision that) but have extremely finite fuel reserves. They couldn't possibly have enough solar fields to supply continuous power to 26,000 people, so after the generators run dry, power is going to be at a premium. Bunkers of the size needed to house that many people will need the generators working to provide fresh air, let alone light in the depths, so the need to keep the power flowing will quickly take priority over maintaining a fleet of thirsty vehicles.

As a game / plot tool:
As an ally, this group is an impregnable fortress away from the horrors of the outside world. But the fortress would begin to quickly erode from within, with a lack of gasoline forcing the bunker dwellers to the surface in search of the precious power supply. The players could be simple soldiers sent out on raiding missions with 100 other troops, stealing gas from the local communities, already besieged by zombies; witnessing the horrors inflicted by and on desperate people who are in the darkest of despair. Since the resources are so tight at the bunker, no additional refugees would be allowed in, so a tense standoff would eventually arise, with throngs of people fleeing the undead and coming to the walls of the refuge. The players trying desperately to broker some kind of peace between the huddled masses, and the supernaturally charismatic military-friendly billionaire with business and gambling skills but no understanding of military etiquette or history.

As a villain, this is Negan X 1,000! The bunker dwellers emerge from their underground sanctuary to scour the land and pillage all of its resources. They don't ask twice, they don't show mercy, they are on a mission and they take what they want! Hundreds at a time, armed with the highest-tech weapons and equipment, and protected by body armor inside their tanks and humvees, they kill zombies by the hundreds, but take all of the gasoline, propane and kerosene they can find. The players are hapless civilians living outside the walls, surviving the zombie hordes, and trying to keep safe when the trucks come and demand their tribute. Everyone works for the bunkers! Everyone produces for the bunkers! Those who resist are enemies of the bunkers!

Is that the kind of critique you were looking for?
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Re: Johnston Ray Warfield the forth of ARM TECH

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filo_clarke wrote:Is that the kind of critique you were looking for?

let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Johnston Ray Warfield the forth of ARM TECH

Unread post by ZINO »

Razzinold wrote:
ZINO wrote:wow is that bad ??

Not necessarily just a lot to read all in one sitting, when you are supposed to be working :lol:
Will vote/comment after I finish reading the whole thing later.

my boss is on vacation soooo im safe :)
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Re: Johnston Ray Warfield the forth of ARM TECH

Unread post by Razzinold »

ZINO wrote:
Razzinold wrote:
ZINO wrote:wow is that bad ??

Not necessarily just a lot to read all in one sitting, when you are supposed to be working :lol:
Will vote/comment after I finish reading the whole thing later.

my boss is on vacation soooo im safe :)

shhhh :quiet: I am the boss, which is why I'm too busy to read it all, :lol: :mrgreen:
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Re: Johnston Ray Warfield the forth of ARM TECH

Unread post by ZINO »

Razzinold wrote:
ZINO wrote:
Razzinold wrote:
ZINO wrote:wow is that bad ??

Not necessarily just a lot to read all in one sitting, when you are supposed to be working :lol:
Will vote/comment after I finish reading the whole thing later.

my boss is on vacation soooo im safe :)

shhhh :quiet: I am the boss, which is why I'm too busy to read it all, :lol: :mrgreen:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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