Rifter Submission Rules

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Iron Sorcerer
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Rifter Submission Rules

Unread post by Iron Sorcerer »

The guidelines seem a bit conflicting, do you only email the submission, email and mail or just mail the submission with the signed consent form?
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Scott Gibbons
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Re: Rifter Submission Rules

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You e-mail the submission then mail in the signed consent form. You can mail the submission in with the consent form, but that is less efficient for you (printing more stuff, potentially higher mailing cost) and just piles up Wayne's office.
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Re: Rifter Submission Rules

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when i sent mine in, i Emailed it, then mailed in a physical copy, a CD with a digital copy, and the form. probably overkill, but back then Wayne was really bad at responding to emails (i don't think he's gotten better?) so duplicating seemed prudent in case he missed the email.

sadly it arrived right in the middle of the CoT and the building move, so it got lost in the procvess. it wasn't till the Rifter 0.1 project got cancelled that they decided the one i'd resubmitted for that one was worth printing.
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Re: Rifter Submission Rules

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

glitterboy2098 wrote:when i sent mine in, i Emailed it, then mailed in a physical copy, a CD with a digital copy, and the form. probably overkill, but back then Wayne was really bad at responding to emails (i don't think he's gotten better?) so duplicating seemed prudent in case he missed the email.

sadly it arrived right in the middle of the CoT and the building move, so it got lost in the procvess. it wasn't till the Rifter 0.1 project got cancelled that they decided the one i'd resubmitted for that one was worth printing.

I do the same thing will all my submissions. I even let them know by email that I'm planning on
sending the material before hand.
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Iron Sorcerer
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Re: Rifter Submission Rules

Unread post by Iron Sorcerer »

What is the proper email address fro Rifter submissions?
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Re: Rifter Submission Rules

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I emailed a scanned copy of everything signed. If they accept the publication they can then print the form themselves.
BTW, I've never been published.
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Re: Rifter Submission Rules

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What would be great if they web site had a page to upload a document and you use your mouse to sign your name and date stamp it. That would make the whole process faster and more simple. Mind you paper work is important too. I suppose a larger digital infrastructure would be required on Palladium books side.
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