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Savage Rifts?
Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 8:18 am
by Larsen
Hello all, I have been away from the boards for awhile. Can anyone tell me what is savage rifts exactly?
Re: Savage Rifts?
Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 8:39 am
by Steve Dubya
From the Pinnacle product page:
Savage Rifts® brings the incredibly popular world of Palladium Books’ Rifts® to the award-winning Savage Worlds system by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. The gates of the Megaverse® bring infinite challenge and adventure to a war-torn world struggling to build its future.
The Heroes of the Tomorrow Legion are called to defend that future.
Re: Savage Rifts?
Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 1:38 pm
by Freemage
The core conceit is that they've taken the classic Palladium concepts and translated them over to the Savage Worlds game engine.
SW is, generally, a fairly well-balanced and streamlined system, which PR is... not. The flipside is that, since KS has been putting out PR books for the last few decades, the SR material looks positively spartan by comparison (though, as far as comparison to other settings is concerned, it's actually fairly expansive--it's just that they've only been able to lightly touch on a lot of the iconic Rifts material so far). Thus, we've had a lot of fan-conversions of things over the last several months.
Timeline-wise, the SR line is set a few months after the Fall of Tolkeen; the refugees of that war, in particular, have flocked to a location on the Missouri/Arkansas border, and formed the Tomorrow Legion, a group trying to find a 'third way' between the selfish, anything-goes approach of the Federation of Magic and the fascist totalitarianism of the Coalition.