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Missing Skills

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 8:58 am
by wildhood
In the main Robotech The Shadow Chronicles Books under the secondary Skills it has skills there that are not in skills list specially Astronomy & Navigation & the two Skill Categories Horsemanship & Rogue both should been in the main book. I was remaking a new skill list with added skills from the all the new Robotech books before making new characters. Plus I got some new adventure ideas for Robotech too.

Re: Missing Skills

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 11:21 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Some of what is missing is covered in later books.

I believe there are some that were deliberately omitted due to that they were not really in line with the setting concept.

Re: Missing Skills

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 1:12 pm
by wildhood
For a game that takes place in space the Astronomy & Navitaion skill should been in the book because no one would of left there Home planets & go out explore into the stars.

Re: Missing Skills

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 8:31 am
by ShadowLogan
wildhood wrote:For a game that takes place in space the Astronomy & Navitaion skill should been in the book because no one would of left there Home planets & go out explore into the stars.

Actually the Astronomy & Navigation skill as defined in other settings would not apply to that situation. The skill you would be looking for would be Navigation: Space (Pilot Related).

Re: Missing Skills

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 11:20 am
by wildhood
The secondary skill list is a copy from the Rifts main book page 300, in Robotech Shadow Chronicles manga size page 218 & 219, normal hard cover size on page 148 & 149, gold edision I never got it don t ask me.