eliakon wrote:dreicunan wrote:..
I never argued that AR is to be treated identically to Invulnerability.
That is explicitly stating that nAR is the same as invulnerability (only better).
Besides throwing out the entire point of having the n20 rule in the first place, it literally does make nAR into invulnerability+.
Is anyone else having difficulty following the back-and-forth here? I'm wondering if we could backtrace to whatever it was you two originally said to each other? I'm not sure what statements are being interpreted here.
eliakon wrote:<flow interrupt> n20 rule says you automatically hit so you skip directly from roll to step 3
Step 2b apply all bonuses (and penalties)
(we skip here automatically because we hit and do have never applied the bonuses or penalties)
I don't see how this is true. While a natural 20 hits regardless of penalties or bonuses, I don't see it saying anywhere not to apply bonuses or penalties as they might apply for other purposes, like passing AR, getting extra damage on higher modified totals, or hitting what you called instead of hitting the main body (old system, no longer applicable)
eliakon wrote:Step 4 if the strike successfully hits determine if the strike penetrates the AR. We come into this step with a20 showing. Thus any AR of 19 or less is penetrated and any AR or 20 or greater is not penetrated.
I don't see support for this view. I believe a +1 to strike allows a natural 20 to beat AR 20+, while a -1 to strike only beats AR 18 or less on a natural 20.
eliakon wrote:Since the modifiers were never applied it doesn't matter how much they were.
I haven't seen evidence provided that you do not apply modifiers, though.
eliakon wrote:Which is why it is still possible to harm people with wild shots and the like.
Wild Shots are -6 to strike, that's a modified 14 on a natural 20. That's still plenty likely to bypass a lot of AR. I'm not sure what you're trying to argue here.
eliakon wrote:With out this rule it is quite easy to have an AR of 1 provide complete immunity in more than a few cases,
A natural AR of 1 requires a modified 2 or higher to surpass. This would only provide "complete immunity" to a natural 20 in the case of penalties of -18 or worse.
eliakon wrote:making things like zombies or vehicles effectively immune to gunfire (there are a LOT of penalties to high tech ranged combat but very few bonuses making it ludicrously easy for the flimsiest armors providing absolute protection from weapons fire from all but the most skilled antagonists... which negates the entire idea of the 'lucky shot' in the first place.
Having situations where penalties can accrue to bring a 20 down to AR isn't the same as immunity.
I don't really have a problem with a guy high on cocaine shooting a pistol from a mile away being unable to damage a zombie, personally.
What sort of situations are you imagining that you consider it a problem that penalties will reduce a natural 20 by -6 down to 14, failing to bypass a zombie's AR?
eliakon wrote:Example if you do not have the WP in the fire arm you are using (which is pretty common) you start with a flat -3.
so we are at 17 before we add in anything else
If its a burst, or at night, or the zombie is running, or you have to take a wild shot its starting to look like it sucks to be you.
It sounds like you are applying the same penalty twice here.
Page 179 mentions if you lack WP you are -3 to strike with burst attacks. This is repeated on the bottom of 180's left column and also the bottom of 180's right column.
A modified 17 will still surpass the NAR of 14.
You are correct that wild shots from untrained people are a problem. The -6 for this reduces the 20 to a 14, and will not surpass AR.
eliakon wrote:And no matter what you do unless you have WP heavy you can fire all day into a zombie putting holes in it but not harming it with that 50cal machinegun (your n20s just turn into 12s. So sad)
Keep in mind the "close combat firearm rules" on page 182 though.
1) pressed against (implied to be less than 1 inch by next section minimum) automatically bypasses AR.
2) 1-24 inches is +7 to strike the main body, +3 to strike head/neck/limb
2.5) greater than 2 feet, less than 3 feet: zombie sweet spot?
3) 3-15 feet: +2 to strike main body, +1 others
4) beyond 15: your concerns apply
While 179 says "1D20 with no bonuses", I think some GMs might interpret that as "none of the below bonuses which WP impart" rather than "no bonuses whatsoever", given that 183 doesn't mention anything about needing a WP to get the benefits.
Also, even if you do apply 179 to neutralize 183's bonuses, the "can't miss" (less than 1 inch) category is NOT a bonus, it is automatic AR bypass, so it would still apply to people without WP no matter what.