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A Father’s Love

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 12:01 pm
by Kevin
A Father’s Love

Father’s Day was last weekend. To all the Dad’s out there, I hope it was was an enjoyable day for you. I put in a few hours of writing for Secrets of the Atlantaens because inspiration struck, but otherwise spent much of the day communicating with loved ones.

I spoke to a friend who has a complicated relationship with his father. It was a positive call and I think it helped him to talk some things out. It also reminded me how lucky I was. I had a wonderful father and mother. My father’s passing was more recent than my mother’s, so on Father’s Day I feel the sting of his being gone. I miss my Dad. He, mom, and all too many loved ones have passed away too soon, but they still live in my heart and in fond memories. I often hear the words of Mom and Dad, and dear friends like Erick Wujick, Kay Kozora, Rob Justice, Kevin Lowery, Keith Parkinson, John Park, and others, to remind of me of what’s important and to keep me grounded. All these people and many more have touched my life and helped shape me into the person I am today.

Cherish the people you love while they are in your life. Make sure your father and mother, brother and sister, grandparents and friends know how much they mean to you. Give them a call and chat for bit. Or send them an ecard. or goofy photo, or a text message just to say, “Hi, thinking of you.” And when you see them, give them a warm hug. You won’t be sorry.

When my Dad died, I was surprised by how many people sent me cards, notes and emails saying he was “a great man.” I was struck by this because those are powerful words. “A great man” are the kind of words you expect to hear about a famous person or important leader, right? My Dad was not a head of state, a business mogul, humanitarian or famous in any way. But my Dad, Henry Siembieda, really was a great man. A loving and supportive father who always seemed to have the right words to say and the best hug to punctuate them with.

I have big shoes to fill, but I hope I am the father my own children and grandchildren need me to be. I certainly had a wonderful teacher. I think his greatest lesson was not to be afraid to openly love and show appreciation to the people you care about, and to be there for them through thick and thin, because it matters. I like to think those are lessons I have learned well.

Just some thoughts and feelings I wanted to share.

Kevin Siembieda
- Son, Father, Friend and Fellow Traveler through Life

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