Re: Coming from central Wisconsin!
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 1:10 am
Well, I've wanted pre-reg for a while, but I think the schedule is fluid so they don't do it that way. Last time, you would be in a morning game and the afternoon game sign-up would be posted and people would leave the table and flock to the board. Then it was shoulder to shoulder with people trying to sign up for favored games. Inelegant, unfair, and probably a little dangerous. Even if there is online sign up there will be people who are left out. There could also be people signing up for everything just in case. This could happen with the paper and pencil but it's less likely with a throng of people behind you. Still, I think registering before hand is the best way to go about it.
"Thursday night attendees receive a chance to sign up for the Fri morning games unmolested, more or less."
"Thursday night attendees receive a chance to sign up for the Fri morning games unmolested, more or less."