Rifter 78

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Rifter 78

Unread post by bar1scorpio »

...Any thoughts on this one, at all?

Particularly that cover I drew?
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Re: Rifter 78

Unread post by BookWyrm »

Fantastic cover. Haven't picked it up yet. You did great artwork!
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Re: Rifter 78

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

I guess there are no words on the scroll cause the arcanist just finished reading it. :twisted: :P :wink:

Or the damsel in distress is actually one of the cultists that swung over the demon gate to lure the hero into trying to save her, but ending up falling into the demon gate because he misjudged things since she was not hanging over the demon gate.

I guess I'm making up stories that could go with the artwork. :angel:
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Re: Rifter 78

Unread post by eliakon »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:I guess there are no words on the scroll cause the arcanist just finished reading it. :twisted: :P :wink:

Ohhh, or maybe its because you can't photograph scrolls and we are seeing a photo not a painting. Yeah, that's the ticket...
Although I like your idea that he used the scroll to summon Mr. Monster (remember, always be polite to anything bigger than you and that is probably older than your civilization...)

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Or the damsel in distress is actually one of the cultists that swung over the demon gate to lure the hero into trying to save her, but ending up falling into the demon gate because he misjudged things since she was not hanging over the demon gate.

I guess I'm making up stories that could go with the artwork. :angel:

Oh yeah, that's half the fun of these things isn't it :lol:
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Re: Rifter 78

Unread post by eliakon »

I got my copy today.
My opinion is... mixed, as usual.
As usual some of it will see use in my games, and some of it will never come anywhere near my gaming table.
The most interesting thing for me was that the Mummy Immortauls finally gets a spell. I'm not sure I'm 100% behind the implementation, but it exists now which plugs a major gap in the magic system that has existed for decades.
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Re: Rifter 78

Unread post by bradshaw »

bar1scorpio wrote:...Any thoughts on this one, at all?

Particularly that cover I drew?

Nice cover
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Re: Rifter 78

Unread post by BookWyrm »

Ordered mine with Secrets of the Atlanteans, Nightbane: Dark Designs & a 'Gamer' t-shirt via the 2017 X-Mas Grab-Bag. :D

EDIT (12/15/17): Just got my Grabbag goodies in the mail. Rifter #78, Secrets of the Atlanteans, Nightbane: Dark Designs & a 'Gamer' t-shirt, plus 4 bookmarks & the Roger Zeleznik artbook as a bonus. :D
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