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Exploding Die Rule

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:43 pm
by wyrmraker
I know that this has been asked before, but has there ever been a determination on whether the exploding die rule applies for non-humans?

Re: Exploding Die Rule

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 1:24 pm
by Killer Cyborg
wyrmraker wrote:I know that this has been asked before, but has there ever been a determination on whether the exploding die rule applies for non-humans? ... Itemid=200

34. Is it possible for other races other then humans to have exceptional stats. As in like the humans 16+ on 3d6 is another d6. If so what is the rule or standard for figuring out the numbers required.

Answer: It is possible.

2D6 - a single die on a 12 (no additional dice)
3D6 - a single die on a result of 16, 17 or 18, if this dice is a 6 roll another bonus dice (max 30)
3D6+ - a single die on a result of 16, 17 or 18, if this dice is a 6 roll another bonus dice (max 30), then add in the +
4D6 - no bonus die.

I do not recall if this originates from something more official/reliable than the FAQ.

Re: Exploding Die Rule

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 2:45 pm
by dreicunan
We always allowed a single bonus die for 4d6 if it was a 21, 22, 23, or 24, but that was a purely house rule.

Re: Exploding Die Rule

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 2:54 pm
by wyrmraker
Thanks for the look up.

Re: Exploding Die Rule

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:39 pm
by The Beast
Killer Cyborg wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:I know that this has been asked before, but has there ever been a determination on whether the exploding die rule applies for non-humans? ... Itemid=200

34. Is it possible for other races other then humans to have exceptional stats. As in like the humans 16+ on 3d6 is another d6. If so what is the rule or standard for figuring out the numbers required.

Answer: It is possible.

2D6 - a single die on a 12 (no additional dice)
3D6 - a single die on a result of 16, 17 or 18, if this dice is a 6 roll another bonus dice (max 30)
3D6+ - a single die on a result of 16, 17 or 18, if this dice is a 6 roll another bonus dice (max 30), then add in the +
4D6 - no bonus die.

I do not recall if this originates from something more official/reliable than the FAQ.

In the 2nd Ed PFRPG main book it states non-humans with 2d6 for an attribute get to roll an extra die on a 12, but no extra die rolls are allowed if the base roll is 4d6 or more. It's slightly unclear if this rule excludes attributes that are 3d6+X, but I think that such attributes are included in the exploding die rule.

Re: Exploding Die Rule

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:49 pm
by Natasha
dreicunan wrote:We always allowed a single bonus die for 4d6 if it was a 21, 22, 23, or 24, but that was a purely house rule.

Originally in PFRPG it was a way to compensate to some extent humans not having special abilities like nightvision. But it makes sense that elves (or whatever) can be exceptional for their race, too. I like this house rule and will probably use it next time there's a game.

Re: Exploding Die Rule

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 11:27 am
by 42dragon
From PFRPG (some interpretation required). Flat (2d6) get one extra die on a 12 only, Flat (3d6) extra die on 16, 17, 18 and if a 6 is rolled one more die is added. All others that get anything other (4d6, 5d6, 2d6+X, 3d6+X, ect...) that is all they get no exploding dice.

However those rules seem kind of silly. How can an exceptional human get a PS of 30 and a 10ft tall exceptional wolfen only get a 25?

So we have always house ruled only one exploding die period, and used the spirit of the 3d6 roll as the basis. If you roll 3d6 you get a single bonus die on the top 3 numbers (16, 17, 18), so 4d6 you get a single bonus die on the top 4 numbers (21, 22, 23, 24), or 2d6 the top 2 (11, 12), ect...

However if you had very specific attributes (genetically engineered or similar) where the +X was more significant for example 1d4+10 then there are no bonus rolls because you were designed to be very close to a specific stat.

Re: Exploding Die Rule

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 12:24 am
by Tiree
In the old 1E Robotech Sentinels there is this bit (mind you they don't have the double exploding dice):

Sentinels: Zentraedi Pg 19 wrote:As usual, a roll of 16, 17, or 18 provides a bonus roll of 1d6 and bonuses on abilities. Likewise, a roll of 11 or 12 on 2d6 gets a bonus roll of 1d6

How I read this: 3d6 on a 16-18 you get a bonus roll. 4d6 gives you a better chance to get a 16-18 or higher. But you only get a bonus roll on that slim area of 16-18. Because back in the day 24 was the top of the food chain.

Re: Exploding Die Rule

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 12:31 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
It is my understanding the FAQ as listed is so old & inconsistent and sometimes the FAQ was counter to the canon of the time it was written. (not to mention the current canon), that they can not be considered canon or even 'rifter optional'. They also have, far as I remember, never been considered to be canon even thou they have been used as the basis of one or other side's base text for their argument for the debates that happen here. The answers in the FAQ are typically written to answered for just one setting and not the others.

As such is a non-canon text that GMs should just take as possible ideas to modify their games.
In other words, in what I can see, it bunch of house rules written PB staffers or freelancers.
The current canon in rifts, as far as I could find relevent text, non 3d6 stats do not get an exceptional stat bonus die.
The PFRPG 2nd text is the only canon text in ay text I know of, off the top of my head, that covers stats of non-humans.

It is my understanding that stats with part of it is static (xDy+b) do not get any exceptional stat bonus . [x=number of dice, y=type of dice, b=static bonus]

Re: Exploding Die Rule

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 10:39 pm
by Slight001
I'm not aware of any specific rules... that said...

Well back when I was running games I allowed all variables (ie dice) could explode up to double their initial number. They could only explode on a natural roll of the highest value for that dice. This pattern can carry into the exploded dice itself, however, it can only total double the variables max.

For example a 3D6 can explode on any single dice roll of 6 and all of these values can not total higher then 36 ((3*6)*2=36).

Or in the case of 2D4+3 explodes are on a 4 with caps at 16 which becomes 19 with the +3.

Re: Exploding Die Rule

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 9:04 pm
by taalismn
All sounds good to me, because even Orc genomes should be able to produce the occasional genius or super-athlete.