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Using Dark Day for Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 6:53 am
by Coffee Zombie
So I was debating picking up Armageddon Unlimited to use in my home game of Heroes Unlimited, and have begun to weave in a few plot elements in preparation to use the book material, when I had a thought. The thought came to me mainly because of the way I was foreshadowing the AU plot approaching, but it reminded me of the Dark Day event in Nightbane, and I wondered: how well would a Heroes Unlimited crew do in the Nightbane world?

Has anyone else tried crossing these two. I don't intend on introducing the Nightbane themselves, but rather having the super heroes be the resistance against the dominion of the Nightlords. While I currently lack a copy of Nightbane (time to buy a copy, I think), I've played a lot of it earlier in the century and enjoyed the challenge level. It feels on the surface like a good plot to use, can anyone see a distinct flaw or problem with the idea?

Re: Using Dark Day for Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 10:35 am
by Daniel Stoker
I did it ages past, but I also used Nightbane in my games which let the heroes have access to the Nightlands a lot easier. In my game the Nightlords were quick to frame most of the actions of Dark Day on the hero community with a large amount of them rounded up in my version of 'The Raft' leaving my group having to work with villains to try and stop them. Sadly we only got 3 or 4 sessions in before RL intruded so they never got to see if Dr Vindicus' super science dimensional stabilizer was going to block off their world from the Nightlands again.

Daniel Stoker

Re: Using Dark Day for Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 11:02 am
by Glistam
I think it's a natural fit! The Heroes Unlimited GM's Guide has an adventure which crosses Superheroes and Nightbane, and the Nightbane Book Between the Shadows contains a good short write-up on crossing the two as well. Nightbane make great super heroes or villains in a Hero game, and superheroes fit into Nightbane about as well as the paychics. I think the two work really well together and my Heroes Unlimited games ALWAYS have elements of (pre-Dark Day) Nightbane in them, mixed and pulled from all the books.

In my previous Heroes Unlimited game, one of the PC's was a Nightbane Sorceress and she was learning about her heritage as the game went along. We fleshed out Nightlands Century Station and set the stage for Dark Day to be the next big threat before we shelved the game.

I would watch out for power level issues. Nightbane can tend to be on the "high side" of character power level when compared to superheroes. Lots of SDC, a bunch of great Talents, Supernatural Strength, and incredible healing make them pretty powerful. I usually restrict the Nightbane to having a Morpheus that "fits" with a modern hero world. Animal/Lycanthrope, Power Armor, A Ken or Barbie, or just mildly weird enough to be considered a mutant or alien.

Re: Using Dark Day for Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:56 am
by Coffee Zombie
One of the PCs is a wizard, so I'm thinking I could have the wizard learn a spell that allows travel to the Nightlands, for when that's required. Or I might have "permanent portals" present. But thanks for the feedback, now I have to think which arm of the plot I want to proceed with after all.

Re: Using Dark Day for Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:50 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I like the idea of mixing characters from Heroes Unlimited and Nightbane but have yet to do so. I do use the Nightbane books as source material for HU2, however.

Re: Using Dark Day for Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 5:54 pm
by Tick
I'm not a huge fan of Nightbane, though I suspect the Heroes would run rampant if they wanted to. Super heroes in general do well in all genre games. My favorite was when I took my Super Heroes to medieval times and fantasy setting. Magic was an equalizer and the knights were a surprisingly skilled bunch when holding fortified castles grounds or siege the players HQ... Well the HQ did not last long as the knights could siege the heck out of most fortified buildings.

It was a fun twist.

I say do it.

The game is what you make it. Super Heroes will take care of their own. LOL

Re: Using Dark Day for Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 5:55 pm
by Tick
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I like the idea of mixing characters from Heroes Unlimited and Nightbane but have yet to do so. I do use the Nightbane books as source material for HU2, however.

Stone Gargoyle wrote:I like the idea of mixing characters from Heroes Unlimited and Nightbane but have yet to do so. I do use the Nightbane books as source material for HU2, however.

Re: Using Dark Day for Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:34 pm
by RockJock
It has always been a great fit. Dark Day mixed with Days of Future is how I've run an epic campaign in the past. Our HU world has always had Nightbane, and a lot of other elements from Nightbane from the start.

Re: Using Dark Day for Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 5:59 am
by Sir_Spirit
One idea I had from the GM guide, they suggest that even an intangible character could suffer a 1d6 from a darkblade. So I thought what if the intangible [N?]PC is the one with the the blade? So he can be ghostly and still damage the tangible PCs.....