Warshield73 wrote: I'm sorry, I had assumed that we had all read the same materials, my mistake and I apologize. Just for Reference I will be referring to "A Note on Biology" from Conversion Book One, Pg. 29 published in 1991 which can be found almost word for word on Pg. 41 of the Revised CB1. I believe there is similar not in the original PFRPG but I am not positive.
No. I remember the half page from 28 Years ago. Thing is it self contradicts and doesn't actually back it up. It's a bad attempt at a hand wave.
Warshield73 wrote: Pepsi Jedi wrote:Warshield73 wrote: Pepsi Jedi wrote:To be honest the "No halfbreeds in Palladium" (Except a noted few) always struck me as Palladium being lazy/cowardly and simply 'not wanting to deal with the mechanics.
Not sure were the "laziness" comes from since the mechanics here are very simple.
Depends on what mechanics you choose to employ. I call it laziness because palladium just hand waves it and ignores it. There's no 'reason' they do so, other than choosing 'not' to do it. Why? Because they didn't want to deal with it.
Warshield73 wrote: They just didn't think it made sense.
There's no evidence of that. It's not actually directly addressed.
I get it, you don't like the rule but they didn't "hand wave it away" they stated there reasons clearly in a Note on Biology which is almost a full page in length.
1) It's not a full page in length, even adding the bit from the next page it's not a full page in length.
2) The Reasons aren't stated clearly. It's an inept attempt to justify the laziness that contradicts itself repeatedly in the half a page or so of text.
Warshield73 wrote:They talk about who can breed (like mutant dogs, especially wolves, being able to mate with wolfen and humans from any dimension or planet being able to mate. You may not like there reasons but they are stated clearly, in detail for all to read should they choose to do so providing there is plenty of evidence that they didn't think it makes sense.
Not at all. And for that exact reason. Stating that Wolven and Dog boys COULD breed, fully blows the "Elves and Humans could never breed out of the water.
If you're going to use "SCIENCE" as your justification you can't use it as the reason to allow 1thing and in the exact same breath use it to disallow the exact same thing.
If a human and elf can't breed because they're different species from different worlds/dimensions, then a wolfen from palladium fantasy can't breed with a dogboy from rifts earth, as they're different species. The fact that they both look a bit canine like doesn't some how circumvent that. But on that page.. it does.. yet a Rifts wheiner dog breeding with a Fantasy Wolfen from palladium fantasy works.. but a human breeding with an elf, who's difference is ears and life span is some how stupid?
In effect they say "You can't do this, but this is actually allowed, but no". They contradict themselves repeatedly trying to justify the reason they're TRYING to cite they're giving. Thus. Laziness and hand waving.
Warshield73 wrote:
The second line of the second paragraph "In the real world there are very few species of animals that can crossbreed and produce live offspring." Every IP decides what real science they are going to keep and which they are going to circumvent.
Which is nice, it means you actually read to the end of my previous post where I say exactly that... in this case. Palladium chooses not to generally allow it. Because they're lazy. The "Biology" angle is totally debunked if a Monster bipedal race of fantasy wolf men can breed with genetically uplifted dogs from different planets/dimensions.
Warshield73 wrote:
Star Wars, at least in canon, has no crossbreeds.
Yes it does. They call them "Hybrids". Look up Alter-espirions. Humans and Twileks can cross breed and the results vary greatly when they do. Quarren and Mon Cal could cross breed, Humans and Theelien could as well.
Warshield73 wrote:
Mass Effect, doesn't either (Reminder Asari don't mix DNA with a mate the mate just randomizes their own). Both of these have faster than light travel and strange powers (the Force / Biotics) but they keep this one
Can't speak to Mass effect. Never played the game. But quoting one videogame doesn't some how make your point.
Warshield73 wrote:
In many of the Fantasy / Sci-Fi IPs that do allow crossbreeds it is because the races have common ancestry which is not the case in Palladium.
*shrugs* It doesn't some how make it rare that they're allowed. It's a standard thing in the Genre.
Warshield73 wrote: Pepsi Jedi wrote:Warshield73 wrote: I always assumed he wanted to make it easier for GMs to avoid the obviouse power gamer stupidity by making it a rule that the GM could ignore, or circumvent, if he wants
Where that actually a reason.... lol...do you.... think.... it'd.. show... up in RIFTS?????
I mean... lol --really--?? Palladium and specifically Rifts is pretty much universally known by those that do know.. as power gamer stupidity heaven. Having cross breeds isn't going to add to that in any significant sort of way.
A Note on Biology, first Paragraph talks about "half titan and half Gromek" and "half vampire, half dragon" so there is plenty of evidence that they were trying to avoid power gaming. They cannot control how people play Rifts, they just create the rules and people ignore them when they like.
I think you're mistaking "Anti-stupid sounding crosses" to "Anti-power gaming"
Again, Palladium, and Rifts specifically are known and have been known for literal decades as a power gamer's heaven.
Doesn't mean everyone that plays is (I am not, myself) But to act like it's not renown in the industry as such is disingenuous at the very best.
Warshield73 wrote:
Rifts has plenty of rules for reducing power gaming. From how expensive, rare and difficult to acquire certain tech or magic is to making the availability of it at the GMs discretion. If a GM allows it, and I have in some games, your RIfts characters can become like gods. If the GM uses the tools, which I have in most of my campaigns, your PCs will never be the toughest pices on the board
In my 30 years or so of experience with Palladium, finding games that restrict things to logical 'sensable' levels tend to be the minority. Heck just being on these forums for years you see some other posters that become running jokes in sillyness. (Not naming any names.)
Can a GM make house rules and restrict things and keep it to a 'lower' level of power? Sure. You'll be cutting out huge parts of the books but that's fine. (I often do) But for every one that does there are many that don't.
Again, it's what the system is KNOWN for. A dragon toating a rail gun, or plasma rifle. Not for anything resembling restraint.
Warshield73 wrote: Pepsi Jedi wrote:Warshield73 wrote: Pepsi Jedi wrote:No higher purpose.
No "Realistically two different species couldn't be DNA capable"
No "You've more in common with an earth spider than an Elf from another dimension, biologically.
All of these are true though. If Elves are from a completely different place and time with no connection to humans, one being magically made from another, then we would have more in common with a spider than an elf, DNA wise that is.
Welcome to Rifts, where dragons fly through the skies and illiterate humans have science so advanced they can take bodies of their fallen from hours previous, rip the brain out and stick it in a robot body to live and fight again.
I understand the "Science"
Rifts is not in any way... shape.. or form.. based on Science. Not even remotely.
Again, they state the reason, clearly for all to read and it is to avoid the "half vampire / half dragon that, and I don't know the power level of the games you run/play in, would definitely unbalance the games I run.
No though, they don't. They state what they claim is the reason and then on the very same page prove it's not true. As for half vampire half dragon. Well that's just dumb (in my popinion.) It's not like Dragons having sex with vampires would produce offspring anyway. lol.
You can avoid "Stupid" with out trying to justify it with fake science, that you instantly disprove in a few sentences.
Warshield73 wrote:
Dragons fly...so the bones of an ordinary human shouldn't break?
There are cybernetics so humans shouldn't die of blood loss?
Because both of those are rules found in the same book as no crossbreeds so I am not understanding your point.
No you're purposefully playing obtuse because you don't like the point. You understand it fine.
Warshield73 wrote:
Why do firearms in Rifts use gunpowder when sugar will do?
They use Eclips.
![Big Grin :D](./images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
Warshield73 wrote: As I already stated every Sci-fi or Fantasy IP chooses what science they choose to follow and which they circumvent. Star Wars has the force and FTL but no transporters, is that laziness on their part?
Actually i said it, then you tried to claim it, but neither here nor there. To answer your question though. No. In that instance Star Wars isn't being the lazy one. Star TREK was the Lazy one. Transporters were 'created' to avoid having to shoot shuttles going down to land on planets every episode. lol It was a cost cutting measure of TV in the 50s. Nothing more
Warshield73 wrote:
As for PB being "universally known" for power gaming...that says everything about the player/GM and not about the game.
Afaid not. When the ---system--- is known that way, it says stuff about the system. If you hear about GM's being power gamers, that's different. You hear about some in most every system, but if you're in a game store and someone (Can find Palladium on the shelf) points to Palladium and goes "WHOOOOOOA talk about POWER GAMING and TWINKERY.. have you ever played RIFTS???" That's not indicating one bad GM or a few bad GM's. It's what the system is 'known' for.
Warshield73 wrote: Pepsi Jedi wrote:Warshield73 wrote:
We have almost 99% of our DNA in common with chimps and bonobos but we can't interbreed with them so this just makes sense.
Again. Welcome to Rifts. Shall we go tour Lone Star?
Umm...wow...shaking head...you do realize that Lone Star is how the CS gets around this rule?
That was my point. They ignore it when ever they want. "It makes sense" doesn't really have a place in Palladium as a -justification-. When oh so so much doesn't.
Warshield73 wrote: I mean if humans and dogs could mate they wouldn't need to create dog boys right.
The rule just applies natural attempts and doesn't limit anything you might put in from a mad scientist or Gen-Splicer even.
But that's the thing. A 10 foot tall wolf humanoid from another dimension can breed with a genetically uplifted dog from 'earth'. But.... a humanoid with round ears, can't mate with one with pointy ears!
Do you see the hypocrisy? By palladium's own logic both should work. As should Humans breeding with chimps and gorillas
Warshield73 wrote:
Also, it really doesn't limit you in anyway as you can house rule it and the mechanics can be simple. Everything is an average. Mom has a PS of 5D6, Dad has 3D6, child has 46 or roll both and take the average. Easy.
I can and have house ruled. That' snot the point.
The point is that it's allowance or disallowance is based on nothing more than a hand wave and an ill illustrated one at that that breaks it's own rule, in the example to explain it. lol Where it actually consistant (From 30 years ago) that'd be one thing. But it's not.
Warshield73 wrote: Pepsi Jedi wrote:Warshield73 wrote: Pepsi Jedi wrote:Just laziness. Crossbreed characters have been established since Fantasy/Scifi/RPGs started. Not allowing them doesn't make palladium unique. Just... lazy.
Clearly it does make them unique if it is well established in sci fi and fantasy but PB avoids it like the plague.
Being scared to do something, or too lazy to do something doesn't make you cool. It's calling a flaw a 'feature' and trying to sell it to the ignorant.
Please provide proof of them being scared to do this?
Over thirty years of publications and the rule stands.
Warshield73 wrote:
I have provided plenty of in text sourcing so give me one thing other than blind hatred of the system.
No you haven't. You've sourced less than one page that contradicts itself and indicates that it can happen, while trying to say it can't.
Warshield73 wrote: All I'm getting here is everything you don't like is a flaw and all of us who do like it or the ignorant who are stupid enough to buy it. If that isn't what you are saying please clarify.
I'm saying they're trying to sell a flaw as a feature and yes. Some people buy it. I can't help that. It's not that "Everything that I don't like is a flaw" The... flaws are flaws.
Warshield73 wrote: Star Wars has no transporters, is that a flaw and not a feature?
Star wars DOES have hybrids.
Warshield73 wrote: Star Trek ships would take decades to fly across the galaxy instead of the days or weks in other IPs. Where they too lazy to come up with the chartography of the entire galaxy so they just put it in there?
Their travel is different. Their 'laws of physics" are different, but (More or less) Established under their univers's rules, and (More or less) Adhered to.
Warshield73 wrote: Pepsi Jedi wrote:Warshield73 wrote:
Also, just to point out that in Star Trek they had to create an in universe reason for all the half-breeds. STNG "The Chase", Season 6 1993 created a back story that some species that existed a million years ago seeded planets in that part of the galaxy with their DNA allowing for the interbreeding. If you read some of the articles from the writers of this episode they thought it was becoming ridiculous for ST to have all these mixed people given what we were learning about DNA and evolution that they needed something to make this look a little less stupid.
It's Star Trek... which is very 'light' science fiction. There's psionics that can sense thought and emotion from dozens of miles away across open space, through starship hulls. Star Trek has the Q.
Once you have the Q, trying to "Justify something scientifically" is just a head fake. Star Trek had a bunch of human like aliens because the original creator didn't want tons of 'Aliens' with big rubber masks, or heavy make up/applications... and the original Trek was developed over 5 decades ago and couldn't do it anyway. it was logistics. Not scientific rational.
I don't get what any of these, seemingly random, plot points has to do with the very specific part of the IP that I specifically referenced. Again, every IP choose what science they obey and what, and how, they circumvent it.
Because you gave a false reason behind trek 'having to create an in universe reason for all the half breeds" They didn't. They had half breeds from the very start. Spock was in the first EP.
They didn't need "SCIENCE!!!" To save them. All the 'gods' and Q and everything they run into blows science out of the water. lol
Warshield73 wrote:
Yes GR wanted aliens that you could see their facial expressions but that didn't automatically follow that those races would be able to mix.
And yet one of the first ever, was a mix. Your theory is DOA
Warshield73 wrote: If you want to be specific on why there was a spock and later other crossbreeds if you read some of the interviews with GR and Majel Roddenberry he did it for a lot of social-political reasons that today would be called PC or SJW.
That's some pretty heavy Revisionist stuff right there...
Warshield73 wrote: Pepsi Jedi wrote:Warshield73 wrote:Again if you have a world were elves are just humans that have been magically changed or vice versa then half breeds might make sense but otherwise...
Palladium is a fantasy creation that just happens to have lasers as well as magic. The 'rules' are what ever you want them to be when you're writing such a thing.
Agreed, these are the rules he wanted and some of us kind of like them. For those that don't, house rule.
Then you agree with my point (You really do because you try and throw it at me numerous times above) Then the point stands. If the rules are what ever you make them and you cut out such a thing, then it's done on purpose.
"Science" is not a basis in THIS instant because in the same page it's claimed, it's proven clearly false.
Warshield73 wrote:
From the very start of Rifts my friends and I didn't like rules for guided and smart missiles. We added in chaff, decoys, jamming skills, all years before they appeared in any books. Was that lazy on PBs part, no because are rules are complicated as all hades and many people that have gamed with me under those rules haven't liked them because they are too complicated and that's fine. They aren't "ignorant" they just wanted it simple.
Well there's two points to be had here.
1) You making bad rules doesn't justify a game company not making good ones. That's just on you.
2) Yes it's lazy by palladium. But then, Palladium's 'weapon knowledge" comes from late 70s and early 80s Chuck norris movies.... so... it's ignorance as much as lazyness. In this case, being ignorant and being too lazy not to learn enough about them to include them.
Do systems have to have rules for EVERYTHING? No. When you're doing an ultra high tech game though where guided munitions are a thing, should ya maybe google it? Yeah.
Warshield73 wrote: Pepsi Jedi wrote:Again trying to shoehorn "SCIENCE!!!" In as an excuse.. in palladium, is laughable.
And I don't say that to be mean. It's just never been what you'd call a regular thing in Palladium books. (Which is fine. If you want harder Sci Fi there's other places to find it. Palladium SURE ain't it.))
Yes, Palladium is much more "this one goes here and that one goes there" vs. tachyons through the deflector dish but I am not sure I see your point.
My point is that palladium couldn't hit "SCIENCE" if it picked up a barn and threw it, at it. Trying to pause mid flow in all the Palladium sillyness and sudenly try to adhere to science is not going to work.
Warshield73 wrote:
Gravity still works.
Warshield73 wrote: Bows still fire forward instead of sideways.
Some bows, the act of pulling the string is enough to produce a Megadamage laser...... because... SCIENCE!
Warshield73 wrote: It isn't shoehorning its just world building. This is the science we like, we keep that. This is the sceience we don't, how do we get around it. Oh Mr. Heisenberg with your uncertainty principal saying transporters won't work, I give you the Heisenberg compensator. Take that science we don't like. - Star Trek reference for those unsure.
Again I bring up the lack of transporters in Star Wars and how, relative to other sci-fi, slow Star Trek warp drive is. Is that laziness or just the world they want?
YES it IS lazyness, just not the type you think. lol. The Star Trek Transporters were 100% developed because they didn't want to film the shuttle craft landing. That's 100% the transporters origin. Yes it was 100% an act of laziness (And finance)
Warshield73 wrote:
What about Star Gate, wormholes are only one way. They have fictional scientific explanation for it but really they just wanted it for plot reasons. It's not shoehorning it's just the world they built. I mean they have engines that can cross between galaxies in days, ludicrously powerful energy shields that can withstand a coronal mass ejection but the wormholes only go one way? Please it is well established in sci-fi and fantasy that portals are two way, you're right this is just lazy.
You're trying to be snarky but in reality you're just proving the point. Yeah it's lazy. Yes it's a plot point buyt it's a lazy one that was developed early on. And they go both ways you just have to dial back. Sort of like a phone works both ways. But one side has to call the other one.
Surely you see that's exactly what StarGates were based off, don't you? lol
Warshield73 wrote: Pepsi Jedi wrote:Warshield73 wrote: Pepsi Jedi wrote:Yes. I'm aware of some of the types that crossbreeds attract. Power gamers and what not. They're easy enough to curtail.
Yes it most certainly does and no, it is not easy to curtail.
Sure they are. I'll demonstrate "No you can't have it. That's a twinkish thing"
Warshield73 wrote: You have to make house rules just like you would do if you want to allow half breeds in the existing game.
Or just tell them 'no'. It's not that hard.
Agreed, it requires a house rule of similar difficulty and consistency as saying "I'll allow that".
Then you agree that I've been right from the start, and Palladium in this instance were just lazy.
Thanks for playing!