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Can a Demigod take the Immortal Power Category?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 6:47 pm
by Cyber-Knight
This came up earlier today and I was curious about this. Can a Demigod (Pantheons of the Megaverse) take the Immortal Power Category (Powers Unlimited 2)? I was under the impression Demigods could choose Heroes Unlimited Power Categories with a few exceptions.

Re: Can a Demigod take the Immortal Power Category?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 7:37 pm
by eliakon
Cyber-Knight wrote:This came up earlier today and I was curious about this. Can a Demigod (Pantheons of the Megaverse) take the Immortal Power Category (Powers Unlimited 2)? I was under the impression Demigods could choose Heroes Unlimited Power Categories with a few exceptions.

As the Pantheon book predates the PU book by over a decade the restrictions in Pantheons obviously will not cover HU2 nor PU.
Thus technically they can only be classes in HU1 main the other books and classes aren't covered. But like most things it is purely a GM call on if you can take any of the categories in PU, or even HU2.

That said I would, personally, say you cant take anything that is racial. Since virtually all the Immortal categories are races that would be a no-go.
As it would be silly to have a demigod take as its class godling and get all the huge powers of both.
Of course as I said is up to the GM

Re: Can a Demigod take the Immortal Power Category?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 11:12 pm
by Cyber-Knight
Well, if one wants to get technical, the rule is that it’s exclusionary. So unless it specifically excludes something, then it’s not excluded. I get the point, though, that it wasn’t written with that in mind, so talking about technicalities regarding rules that were never written with each other in mind is ultimately pointless.

Although regarding the idea that it’s “racial”, I was under the impression that Heroes Unlimited Power Categories were open to all playable races. I.E. Elf, Dwarf, Coyle, etc. Which is why Demigods could take Heroes Unlimited Power Categories (Albeit with some limitations which were specifically spelled out). Immortals don’t list any such limitation, so I don’t see why that should be assumed to be a rule.

As for Demigods in particular, that made a ton of sense for me because it’s a great way of representing a Demigod which is a halfbreed of something other than a god and a human. Zeus knocked up a dragon? Go with the dragon option. A god and an angel had a child together? You can create it that way. And so on. That’s a great way of doing something like that, and it can open the door for very imaginative characters.

Can they be powerful, too? Sure. But then again, this is Rifts. The core book comes with a PC who has a gun that does 3d6x10 MD and a playable dragon. Powerful stuff abounds in this game. At the end of the day, it’s less about the power level of the character and more about how the player plays the character and what kind of stories you can tell at the table with that character.

Re: Can a Demigod take the Immortal Power Category?

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 9:50 pm
by lather
Why not use the demigod pattern of the Immortal?

Re: Can a Demigod take the Immortal Power Category?

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 10:31 pm
by Daniel Stoker
Not as powerful?

Daniel Stoker

Re: Can a Demigod take the Immortal Power Category?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 9:30 pm
by Nightmask
The Immortal power category includes a Demi-God sub-category, so in taking that you'd be replacing the features of the Pantheons version, as they're basically different types of Demi-Gods and you really aren't going to have the Pantheons version taking yet another Demi-god to double-stack them.

Re: Can a Demigod take the Immortal Power Category?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 1:15 pm
by Tick
Cyber-Knight wrote:This came up earlier today and I was curious about this. Can a Demigod (Pantheons of the Megaverse) take the Immortal Power Category (Powers Unlimited 2)? I was under the impression Demigods could choose Heroes Unlimited Power Categories with a few exceptions.

In powers Unlimited Immortals are described as demi gods so Yes!
Do it! THere is a whole new way to think about Immortal characters that are not limited to demi gods but the undead and more as well. A fantastic group of books to get.