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Tell us about your characters.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 9:41 am
by pblackcrow
Tell us about your characters.

Re: Tell us about your characters.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 2:37 pm
by Jefffar
Technically my current PFRPG character is actually a BTS2 character working for a company that has a stable dimensional portal to the Eastern Territories.

Character is a Diviner with a professional hunter background. He has the fast and agile attribute set and the keen shot ability. His preferred weapons are a large caliber hunting rifle, a pistol chambered in .454 Casul/.410 shotgun and a tomahawk.

Re: Tell us about your characters.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 5:51 pm
by Hotrod
pblackcrow wrote:Tell us about your characters.

My personal favorite:

An elf with an imported O.C.C. from Rifts: England: a Scathach. He's a skilled craftsman of minor enchanted items, a potent healer (major psionics plus mystic herbology), and a strong, if unarmored, fighter. He's also got such a terrible speech impediment (M.A. 2) that he's functionally mute (speaks his native tongue at 30%) and uses sign language, writing, and/or charades to communicate instead. He had a severely troubled childhood in the Vequerrel Woodlands to the point that he hides his elvish features with his hair, hats, and/or a headband.

I've not yet had a chance to play him, but I've always wanted to try a mute approach to a roleplaying session, using notes and gestures to communicate everything but the basics of combat and character actions.

Re: Tell us about your characters.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 1:16 am
by Veknironth
Well, for me it's just a regular old stock human wizard. Started in 1st edition and ended up in 2nd. Made it up to 8th level before the campaign petered out.

"I feel so plain!"

Re: Tell us about your characters.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 10:04 pm
by Whiskeyjack
I don't have any. :( I always GM.

Re: Tell us about your characters.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 3:32 am
by Warshield73
PF was the first fantasy RPG I ever played back in the late '80's, I was never into D&D. At that point we were playing Robotech so we decided to give PF a try. Since I didn't know fantasy that well I just went for an Elf Long-bowmen. We only played a few times, the system was too different then Robotech and once we started Rifts we pretty much dropped everything else, but he was a lot of fun and in the second scenario I got my hands on a pile of magic arrows.

I really enjoyed playing him but I have to say the second edition version was better.