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Reaper Cell Type Game Ideas

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 1:48 pm
by LostOne
So I've been reading the Reaper Cell story in Rifter 71-72. I've never GMed or even played in a game where the players are pro-CS. This kind of storyline appeals to me as something to try to flip the tables around some and put the players out of their usual hate-the-CS comfort zone.

For those not familiar with it, the idea is a small group of CS and ex-CS troops are gathered for a black ops disavowed team. Most can't qualify for standard CS troop status anymore for reasons (such as vanguard, or while deployed was captured by Atlantis slavers and turned into a T-Man, one is probably headed towards section 8 after the loss of his wife during a mission), but they're still strongly loyal to the CS as patriots.

I was wondering if anyone had run something like this or at least had ideas for adventures to throw at players in this kind of black ops cell scenario? I think there is actually a book about the Disavowed but I don't have it, sadly. Perhaps that book is what ended up inspiring the Reaper Cell storyline?

Re: Reaper Cell Type Game Ideas

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 4:14 pm
by Fell
Hey LostOne,

As the guy who wrote the Reaper Cell story... I hope you liked it? Was my first novella. Had a blast writing it, so much so I wrote a follow up story. Was shorter, but had more of the former CS guys doing stuff for the CS as disavowed members. Fighting Atlantian Slavers and ending up in Mexico! Submitted it over a year ago - but it has not seen light. (My other stuff has so I feel blessed).

It made my day to see someone read or is reading my Reaper Cell story.


I have GMed Rifts since it came out but never had a Player Group that wanted to be CS characters. The thing with the new CS Disavowed book (not released yet) is it blurs the lines and allows a Ley Line Walker and a CS Special Forces soldier to work together. The entire Minion Wars lends to that.

There looks like there are a few copies of the RAW Disavowed book still for sale: ... vowed.html

I submitted some material to PB for that but have no idea if it'll see light. Inside that book are a ton of ideas for where to take your Disavowed Characters. Matt and Kevin compiled a lot of lists and story/game ideas for it. You can see them in the RAW preview book. Worth getting!


1.) Work with a few non CS to go after a Federation Mage who has been doing hit and run operations on both CS and non CS locations. The mage is a Shifter and is working to impress a Vampire Intelligence. The Intelligence has promised eternal life to him in exchange for opening Rifts to attack places north of the border. Wild Vampires come though the portals and strike CS outposts ect. The Intelligence hates the CS thus his desire to target the CS outposts. This might lead to a Disavowed group hunting down the Shifter who lives deep in Mexico when not attacking the CS.

2.) Use the White Wolf and Psi Stalker from Story in your game, they are terrorizing the county side and need to be stopped. Federation Warrior Mages assist them in the horrors.

3.) One of the Newer CS Outposts in Arkansas has had a lot of mysterious things happen there. The base Commander is under sway of a demon and no one knows it. Well actually his XO suspects it and has requested help. The CS outpost uses a lot of non CS mercs to do missions for them still, until they can fully finish the outpost. The disavowed might infiltrate as mercs and investigate.

4.) The CS needs eyes and ears in Lazlo. Rumors of a new kind of techno-necro magic automatons are running rampant. Is Lazlo building up to attack the CS or is a group there that is dangerous to the CS planning something? Go find out. It turns out the head boss of the NecroTeks is out to get Lazlo and the CS!

5.) The annual Gambling Extraordinaire held every year in TJ (Mexico) has attracted the attention of the CS. Supposedly a grand prize is being offered that has the CS worried! Rumor of unearthed Nemian Technology from hundreds of years ago is contained on a disk, and the CS can not have that disk revealed to the world. The Party might have to steal that disk? Or Gamble their way into winning somehow? Track down the winner after he, she, it wins and take it? A mixture of Mercs, Mages and Monsters (D-Bees) will all be playing to win that disk...


Have fun!


Re: Reaper Cell Type Game Ideas

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 4:25 pm
by LostOne
Thanks for the reply! I am not finished with it, maybe 3/4 of the way through. But I am enjoying it, yes. I thought the Disavowed had been out a while but apparently not. My mistake. I'm always behind on getting books so tend to think everything is out unless I only heard about it recently. I think that was announced a couple years ago...

Re: Reaper Cell Type Game Ideas

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:41 am
by LostOne
Finished the Reaper Cell story. Very enjoyable. Any plans for a followup? It ended with the cover of Disavowed, is that going to be included in that book?

Wish it would come out, since I found that Reaper Cell storyline I want to run a game along those lines but if there is a book coming out I'm going to put it on the backburner. Hopefully if I wait the book will give me even more inspiration and then I can run the best storyline possible.