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ancient weapon master

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 5:45 pm
by Steinerwan
If a character has the hardware spuper power cataegory and somehow manages to get a skill program that he can use to take the ancient weapons master power category, does he give up his modern weapons or keep them since he was using those first before becoming an ancient weapons master?

Re: ancient weapon master

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 12:16 am
by eliakon
Steinerwan wrote:If a character has the hardware spuper power cataegory and somehow manages to get a skill program that he can use to take the ancient weapons master power category, does he give up his modern weapons or keep them since he was using those first before becoming an ancient weapons master?

Since this is totally in the realm of a house rule to be able to do that in the first place... would be solely up to the discretion of the GM who made the house rule on how that particular house rule would work at their table.

My two cents? You are what it says on the tin. You want to be an AM, you get AM with all the upsides... and the downsides.

Re: ancient weapon master

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 7:26 am
by zerombr
indeed Eliakon. This is not possible by the rules. Also, gaining a skill program is not the same as an entire power category.

Re: ancient weapon master

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 11:14 am
by pad300
As a second power category, the combination is weird. If you wanted to take a character in that direction, I would look at the rules for crossing over Ninja's and Superspies Martial arts, either in terms of time "off" (on sabbatical from the main campaign) to do the studying (N&S gives times in years to learn), or the cost in skills/skill programs (I've seen those somewhere, it might be in the N&S main book ... but it might not be there)).