Sticky on special materials for weapons and armor...???

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Sticky on special materials for weapons and armor...???

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Can we get sticky on special materials for weapons and armor?


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Re: Sticky on special materials for weapons and armor...???

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A list of available crafting sources and materials that produce bonuses or special effects could be useful.

Crafting Bonuses:
Hex Master-crafting offers the highest crafting bonuses in the game, with double those of "normal" dwarf quality (Eastern Territory)
Dwarf-made weapons have bonuses provided in P2E.
Kobolds, Kiridin barbarians (Northern Hinterlands), and Jotan offer bonuses slightly less than dwarf quality.
Customized bows by Gabriel (Western Empire p97) add +1 attack per melee, +1 to strike, and +100 ft of range.
Arrows made by the famed fletcher Everall of the Eastern Territory (p117) are +1 to strike and +40 to the range.
Multi-Bladed Longbow Arrowheads (Western Empire p127) add +4 to damage.
Holy symbols carved or painted on objects repel vampires (Western Empire) and fairies (Monsters and Animals)

Special Material Bonuses:
Black Metal (Dragons & Gods) does double damage and is lightweight and invulnerable to all but magic.
Red Metal (Dragons & Gods) armor has triple the SDC of normal armor and is in many ways effectively immune to damage.
Crystalized blood of Kym-Nark-Mar (Dragons & Gods) strikes through any AR while still damaging the armor it passes through
Silver will harm undead, were-folk, and some supernatural beings.
Gantrium (Northern Hinterlands) forged with a magic fire is indestructible and doubles the P.P.E. recovery of its holder, and it can be enchanted into jewelr that reduces P.P.E. costs of magic by half.
Xanthine Gems (Northern Hinterlands) function as P.P.E. batteries.
Unicorn Horns (Monsters & Animals, Rifts Conversion Book 1) may also function as P.P.E. batteries.
Fire Sand (Yin Sloth) allows for a potent one-shot incendiary weapon.
Grodnelite (Nimro) allows for a potent one-shot explosive weapon.
Black Iron (Northern Hinterlands) does +2 to damage and is tougher than normal steel
White Iron (Northern Hinterlands) ignores the first 20 points of damage done to it and is +1 to strike.
Stone Wood (Northern Hinterlands) arrows do +1D6 damage, but have half the range. Stone Wood is also good for blunt weapons, I think.
Yellow Wood (Eastern Territories) is tough and adds +2 to damage.
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Re: Sticky on special materials for weapons and armor...???

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Korobite (Northern Hinterlands) Can be used to edge weapons so they can harm supernatural creatures.
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Re: Sticky on special materials for weapons and armor...???

Unread post by tsh77769 »

Awesome guys! You had one or tow I didn't know about and so I'm learning cool new stuff!

I think this could be an excellent GM resource thread when it is fully fleshed out.

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Re: Sticky on special materials for weapons and armor...???

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This is a great idea. Any more materials?
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Re: Sticky on special materials for weapons and armor...???

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Another place to look would be the mundane weapons contest topic.

Searching for --> ' The Saber of Armoth Helkamar ' will get you to it.
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Re: Sticky on special materials for weapons and armor...???

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Can't remember if it is canon, but RW mythologies had that any consumable poison or toxin that was poured into a unicorn horn would foam up and become neutralised. (Depending on the story, the horn also had to be freely given, which resulted in the death of the unicorn!)

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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Re: Sticky on special materials for weapons and armor...???

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Borast wrote:Can't remember if it is canon, but RW mythologies had that any consumable poison or toxin that was poured into a unicorn horn would foam up and become neutralised. (Depending on the story, the horn also had to be freely given, which resulted in the death of the unicorn!)

RCBr says that if the horn is taken from the unicorn, it will die.

The books also say that a Uni's Horn radiates what if a mage got part of a UH lodged into his body... Would the mage regenerate quicker w/o having to actively gathering the PPE from the horn part?
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Re: Sticky on special materials for weapons and armor...???

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Re: Sticky on special materials for weapons and armor...???

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Yep...that is the one I pointed to.
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Re: Sticky on special materials for weapons and armor...???

Unread post by Warshield73 »

I thought there was a thread that listed all of the fictional materials in Palladium for fantasy, nightbane and even rifts but I can't find it.
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Re: Sticky on special materials for weapons and armor...???

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There's also Chrysteel from Dyval (p200). Weapons made of this material are simple magic weapons by default; they can hurt creatures that are immune to normal weapons, get +3 to damage, and are hard to break (but not indestructible). It can also make armor that's nothing special (basically identical to regular armor in Palladium Fantasy, but can become MDC in the right environment).
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Re: Sticky on special materials for weapons and armor...???

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here are some I collected for a project....

    Xanthine; .

    Cold Fusion Diamonds;
    (Twilight) Black Metal, (NB)

    Crystal Metal, the blood of Kym-nark-mar,    
Red Metal, is the blood of the Zandragal,    
White Metal, the blood metal of the dragon god Kormath,
    Black Metal is the blood-metal of Styphon the Black

This is not a complete list.
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Re: Sticky on special materials for weapons and armor...???

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Re: Sticky on special materials for weapons and armor...???

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Borast wrote:Can't remember if it is canon, but RW mythologies had that any consumable poison or toxin that was poured into a unicorn horn would foam up and become neutralised. (Depending on the story, the horn also had to be freely given, which resulted in the death of the unicorn!)

RCBr says that if the horn is taken from the unicorn, it will die.

The books also say that a Uni's Horn radiates what if a mage got part of a UH lodged into his body... Would the mage regenerate quicker w/o having to actively gathering the PPE from the horn part?

Sorry, my nickname isn't Odin, I don't plan to stick any foreign objects into meself and break them off..

However, I would say it would have to be most or all of the horn to radiate, and without researching it (reading the entry), only while still attached to the nice horsey...I could be wrong...but I'm still not experimenting! :lol:

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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Re: Sticky on special materials for weapons and armor...???

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

kiralon wrote:Here's a few homebrew ones ... e#p3004682

I do have my own 'inventions' :wink:
Note that the following where written for my psionic hardware power cat. so they will have text that was written for it's item creation text.

    Fire Rubies, are odd gems. In every mundane physical measurement they are nothing but natural rubies. However, to the mystically sensitive these gems blaze with mystical energy that will ether attract or repulse the sensitive. Native to the 7th Hell of the Yama Kings, they are comprised of solidified negative chi. *When they use as a focus with magic, chi power, or psi power that causes degenerative harm to living things or those that produce flames, then the energy cost is cut to only one tenth the base cost. *Another option is that the use of it as a focus can multiply the range and duration by a factor of 5. When incorporated into a psi-tech device the gem needs to be encased in a non-ferrous metal lacette, and the Psi-tech decides which modifiers the gem will produce while she incorporates it into the device.
Theoretically there should be a corresponding positive chi gem from the Realm of the Jade Emperor's Court, however, access to that realm is much more restricted then the many realms of hell. Theorists analyzing chinese mythology and second hand reports that they suspect that the Jade Emperor's Immortality Peaches are what take the place of the theorized positive chi gems.
Note: these gems can be taken along with a mind-walker or a negative chi being while in their chi form. And that negative chi beings who consume these gems will gain 900 point of negative chi per caret (0.5 grams).

    StarFire Gems, are brilliant deep blue psychoactive gems that are composed of living crystal matrix analogues to flora from an eco-system composed of living crystal. They allow a psion, when using it as a focus, to ether greatly magnify their powers, or allows them to use powers they normally would not have, or to expand the scope of a power they do possess. When a psion is wearing one of these gems of at least 6 carets (3 grams) she will experience a doubling of the range, duration, and effects of her powers.  But when the psion uses the gem as a focus the effects of her powers will be ether multiplied by by ten fold or the cost will be cut to just a tenth of the normal cost (with a minimum of 1 I.S.P.) Magic users will also experience these bonuses two optional bonuses, but are limited to them. Another thing a Psion will be able to do without he use of these gems is to broaden the scope of her powers that she is using, so long as they the central "idea" of the power remains the same. To give an example of this, if a psion has any of the super psionic telekinetic powers then she will also be able to mimic the other telekinetic powers. The physical Telekinetic powers would work at full strength while the mimicked super psionic telekinetic powers would be done at half strength. (Game Masters have it in their aegis about how broadly this aspect of the gems come into play in their games.) The final thing that psions, of level 5 or above, using these gems as a focus is to be able to using psionic powers that they know about, and use it as if she is a first level psion.
Cost: (6 carets) 10 million credits from a Shaft retailer.
Starfire gems were first introduced tot he Milkyway Galaxy by the Shaft Corporation ten standard cycles ago. The Shaft Corporation does it's processing in strict information controls about where the processing, cutting and mounting, of these gems to the point that none of the raw gems have reached the open market. The change in the Shaft Corporation from a back water planetary cooperation to a minor trans-stellar company by through the acquiring these gems as a product has been dramatic. However, the gems are at best a niche product, and when compared to the T.G.E. the Shaft Corporation is still fairly small.
When one digs through the shroud of shell companies that the Shaft Corporation uses to hide all aspects of the source and processing facilities of the gems, they will encounter false leads. But there are a few truths mixed into the multitude of false leads.
●The Shaft Corporation is not only a multi-stellar corporation, but is also a trans-dimensional corporation.
●That no-one in the Shaft Corporation really knows where the starfire gems come from.
●The gems are supplied to the Shaft Corporation by the Ashura Collective through a shroud of dummy corporations.
●The Ashura Collective uses the Shaft Corporation to launder it's connection with the starfire gems.
●The gems are the seeds of something called a Void Flower.
●That many of the those that harvest the starfire gems do not return in their right minds.
●The Ashura Collective are the only ones who knows where the gems are collected and are the ones who are 'pulling the strings' in the  Shaft Corporation.

G.M. Section
Most investigators never learn about the Ashura Collective. And those that do most often disappear & taken to world of the harvesting site.
    The Ashura Collective was a small guild of mages that while exploring a planet that had suffer an apocalypse and a flaring up of the the world's magic potential. They discovered an infestation of a bio-sphere made up of crystalline life-forms with one the towers in a ruined city. After developing protective magics against the intense psychic imprints of the millions of people who had died there that even mundanes are afflicted by when they are inside the limits of the city, they studied the exotic bio-sphere and the surrounding ruins. In that time they discovered the seeds of the void flower had unique effects of enhancing psychic abilities & magic. The exotic bio-sphere has taken root in an area of the ruined city that seams to be near a Ley Line Nexus but there is only one ley line that crosses through the effected area. The exotic bio-sphere seams to have brought representatives of all levels of the food pyramid with it, with analogs of both flora and fauna, and herbivores and predators. But the most interesting thing they found was what they called a void flower.
    On the surface it looks to be estrange type blue & black glowing magic circle that radiates magical energies from the outer edges and void energies from the central portions of the flower. The flowers themselves are an enigma the the collective has yet to unravel. However, within the chambers where the void flowers appear there are growths among the flowers that radiate mystical energies that are greater then the apparent ambient energies. These are what the collective harvests and turns into the Starfire gems.
Most of the collective believes that the reason the exotic bio-sphere was able to take root in the ruins, is because of the plant analogs somehow feed on the psychic aura of the city. They also believe that the void flowers are connected to or use the Astral Void to move from world to world., bringing along their bio-sphere with them
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