Help me with a one man army character concept...

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Help me with a one man army character concept...

Unread post by tsh77769 »

I know things like this have been done before as I have seen some such threads. A fresh view is always welcomed.

Parameters: Multiple selves +2 major & 3 minor, or multiple selves + 1 major & 5 minor. With one of the powers providing some sort of uniform/costume/armor. This is because the multiple selves are created naked and we can't have that now can we?!

Concept: A character specializing in small unit military tactics that is as self sufficient as reasonably possible with little or no additional equipment. For example, the aforementioned uniform/costume/armor power plus something that provides ranged combat (say energy expulsion or the like), something that provides transport (say something like flight wingless, or flying force disc, or teleportation, etc.), maybe something that provides enhanced melee but I'm not too worried about melee, not a priority (say something like body weapons for example).

ALTERNATIVELY: Dimensional Room would effectively allow each of the multiple selves to store all the equipment they need and have it readily accessible and instant wardrobe would also be another solution.

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Re: Help me with a one man army character concept...

Unread post by dreicunan »

An APS power (say, APS Light) would obviate the need for clothing while also providing good mobility options and firepower, while APS Metal would give you a good group of bruisers at the cost of a bit of mobility (but you could take Flight Wingless and Extraordinary Speed as minors to counteract that).

For true self-sufficiency, take Space Native (and ignore needing to breath, as well as being immune to cold, ocean depths, depressurization, and radiation; you also get to speak in a vacuum) and Without Sustenance (to let you REALLY stretch your rations as you go up in level).

An interesting major to take for self-sufficiency would be Zombie Flesh, which would really cut down on trips to the doctor due to the regeneration that it grants (not to mention having a squad of guys who keep coming no matter how many times they get shot would be quite unnerving; superhuman strength is a nice bonus as well). Take Energy Resistance as a minor and they are still killable, but very hardy (especially if you take Space Native and Without Sustenance as well). That would still let you take an Energy Expulsion power and a mobility power like flight wingless or flying force (or instead of those, go with the 3 majors, 3 minors and also take an APS that give you flight and damage abilities).
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Re: Help me with a one man army character concept...

Unread post by Regularguy »

tsh77769 wrote:ALTERNATIVELY: Dimensional Room would effectively allow each of the multiple selves to store all the equipment they need and have it readily accessible and instant wardrobe would also be another solution.

Guiding off that, how about Gateways? Figure he designates his base of operations as Point A, and Point B can be wherever he is when he decides to instantly pop back home for clothes (or a hot meal or a cold drink or useful gear or whatever else he’s got stockpiled there), and then he can pop right back to Point B. Or to whatever Point C he’s got anywhere else on the globe. And so on.

If that suffices for clothes, then maybe take Flying Force Disc like you just said (so that, even without popping back to base, flightgear and a ranged weapon can just pop in); and maybe take Invulnerablilty (for a solid general-purpose defense) and Danger Sense (so that, if he’s ever unexpectedly up against something so serious that Invulnerabilty won’t protect him, he can — shrug and pop back to base).

That leaves you with a Minor Power, and I’m a fan of Vocalization: slip hypnotic commands into an interrogation, or into a conversation, or whatever; and, for the ‘teamwork’ angle you seem keen on, have one guy freeze people or create a diversion or play impersonator to con somebody over the phone or whatever right when his partner is on the spot to take advantage.
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Re: Help me with a one man army character concept...

Unread post by Incriptus »

Random Thoughts on Multiple Selves (May not be exactly what you are asking for, my apologies)

Have you considered Bio-Aura (PU3)

Hypothetically your duplicates would be wearing the same outfit as you are. You'd still need to abide by the rules about complex equipment [So they would need to get their own guns] and the weight limitation [and possibly their own body armor]. If any of the objects or personal effects were removed they would vanish [so no trying to sell your multiple's jewelry, you can show them your badge, but can't hand it to them]. Plus it may synergize with some of the other options.

Animal Transformation

I have personally been day dreaming about a character named "Pack". Combining Multiple Selves with Animal Transformation [especially if any animal is allowed] would allow for a lot of versatility, but not much in power. Although that runs afoul of the rules about combining powers [Page 74 of the Main book] But it's easily overlooked

Frequency Absorption

Actually this has always been one of my favorite non obvious powers, but I'm seeing extra synergy with Multiple Selves. Since "Everybody on your team" has the power you are always in radio contact with each other, at this point (depending on how hard you push the concept) you have "radio-telepathy". Plus with the GPS you and your duplicates always know where each other are.
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Re: Help me with a one man army character concept...

Unread post by tsh77769 »

Wow guys, some great ideas that I had not considered!!

Keep it coming!

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Re: Help me with a one man army character concept...

Unread post by Regularguy »

tsh77769 wrote:Wow guys, some great ideas that I had not considered!!

Keep it coming!


What if you swapped out Multiple Selves for Mirror Mastery? So you can, with mirrors, create clothed duplicates. And, with mirrors, you can whip up ranged blasts or work teleportation effects. So, yes, there’s one big drawback; but you’re otherwise covered.

So maybe you take Transmutation, to temporarily turn stuff into mirrors. The fact that it’s a temporary change, unless the Transmuter takes damage, is the one big drawback; but that’d still remedies the Mirror Mastery drawback.

Only: what if the mirror duplicate does the permanent transmutation? Sure, he takes damage; but so what? Just have him permanently turn whatever’s around into drinkable water, if you ever need some; or have him generate silver or gold or whatever for you if you need money to buy stuff — which, since you can have him produces explosives or poisons or whatever at need, is probably a short list.

Do as you like with the remaining powers; but, again, if you’ve got that one trick up and running, how much more do you need?
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Re: Help me with a one man army character concept...

Unread post by Tick »

The concept of one man army can be taken many ways. Sound like your looking for a literal suggestions. The ones offered are really great.
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Re: Help me with a one man army character concept...

Unread post by zerombr »

hmmm I guess Transmutation (which is so godawful broken that I banned it in my games), could make a reflective metal. That tracks. I do like mirror mastery, but boy those blasts are weak, IIRC.
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Re: Help me with a one man army character concept...

Unread post by Incriptus »

There is always the infamous

Multiple Selves + Mirror Powers for even more uses ...
Further combined with Energy Doppelganger
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Re: Help me with a one man army character concept...

Unread post by Vincent Takeda »

im a big fan of shrink for this trope. bring out the clones, gear em up. shrink em back down and carry your posse in your pocket. my one woman soviet assassination squad codename:matryoshka
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Re: Help me with a one man army character concept...

Unread post by Incriptus »

Code Name: Cascading Reflex = Multiple Selves + Swarm Self
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Re: Help me with a one man army character concept...

Unread post by tsh77769 »

I just realized that instant wardrobe wont help with the not being naked because you have to have something already on to switch out with the new outfit.

I've also noticed that of all the couple hundred powers only 2 allow you to survive being decapitated, Minor: anatomical Independence and Major: Zombie Flesh. That's kind of interesting.
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Re: Help me with a one man army character concept...

Unread post by tsh77769 »

So far here is what I have come up with...

2 Majors and 5 Minors...

Immortality: Because it's cool and part of the character concept. Note: Still dies if decapitated.
Multiple Selves: Because of the core one may army concept.

Flying force disc: Transportation of self, others, and cargo, in space, water, and atmosphere. Also a ranged projectile weapon (although weak, at least it has good range) as well as a shield or barrier of sorts.
Detonation or Explosive Power: For blowing stuff up and shaking off multiple attackers and also a sort of short ranged projectile attack and area affect weapon.
Energy Expulsion, Energy: For a mid-ranged good powered stealth attack without capacity limit and that does not draw on HP/SDC/PE.
Anatomical Independence: Not that interested in the remote control eyes and ears etc. however very interested in the limb regeneration and decapitation immunity.
PLUS ONE MINOR I still have not decided yet.

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Re: Help me with a one man army character concept...

Unread post by dreicunan »

tsh77769 wrote:So far here is what I have come up with...

2 Majors and 5 Minors...

Immortality: Because it's cool and part of the character concept. Note: Still dies if decapitated.
Multiple Selves: Because of the core one may army concept.

Flying force disc: Transportation of self, others, and cargo, in space, water, and atmosphere. Also a ranged projectile weapon (although weak, at least it has good range) as well as a shield or barrier of sorts.
Detonation or Explosive Power: For blowing stuff up and shaking off multiple attackers and also a sort of short ranged projectile attack and area affect weapon.
Energy Expulsion, Energy: For a mid-ranged good powered stealth attack without capacity limit and that does not draw on HP/SDC/PE.
Anatomical Independence: Not that interested in the remote control eyes and ears etc. however very interested in the limb regeneration and decapitation immunity.
PLUS ONE MINOR I still have not decided yet.


Take Space Native and never have to worry about breathing or radiation again (given your rational for Flying Force Disk, I think this would compliment your choices nicely).
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Re: Help me with a one man army character concept...

Unread post by ITWastrel »

How about...

Multiple selves - The army
Major power: Alter limbs - The armory, rockets, guns, tools, blades... and wheels and treads, and even rocket flight if you also have...
Minor power: Energy Expulsion. Gets +50% range when combined with the above.
Minor power: Bio aura - to duplicate your costume when you split up.
Remaining major or minor powers can get you the defenses, regeneration, or other oomph you need. I would personally pick up minors like lightning reflexes, extraordinary attributes, and general supersoldier badass-ness.
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