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What makes your favorite?

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 3:34 am
by Vincent Takeda
What about your favorite characters makes them your favorite characters?
What about your favorite classes makes them your favorite classes?
What about your favorite races makes them your favorite races?
What about your favorite campaigns made them your favorite campaigns?

Re: What makes your favorite?

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:17 am
by Hawk258
My favorite is also my oldest. He has been to hell and back (figuratively but possibly literally soon).
I like him be cause he was one of my most fun characters.

Fighting vampire Familiars, having a gladiatorial death match against a Rau-man. Learning the horrors of space travel (and why phase pistols exist).

Favorite class. Probably operator. Just because nearly everyone needs an operator once in a while.

Favorite race is probably machine person

Can't say I have a favorite I have ran many.

Though the obermax imperium is fun

Re: What makes your favorite?

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:21 am
by Vincent Takeda
I seem to gravitate to healers and mechanics because I like playing the character that helps the party keep the ball rolling.

I tend to play humans because I like my default mindset to be 'what would it be like if I were a dude who could ...' instead of 'what would it be like if I were a 30 foot lizard who could... '

That being said I'm addicted to shapeshifters because the more I can change my form the more versatile I can be. The person who says you only have one chance to make a first impression is the guy who cant change his face!

If I'm not playing the party's healer or repair guy, I like being the infiltrator or scout because its challenging to be sneaking around and helps the rest of the party gather information and know whats coming. I like being the unnoticed fly on the wall.

My current palladium characters are the best of both worlds having both shapeshifting, medical and mechanic skills covered and are aslo fantastic infiltrators and scouts, so I'm in hog heaven.

In pathfinder I played an evolutionist summoner which was a human with a supernatural friend who's appearance they can change as they grow in power. I was also the party healer so 3 for 4 on that guy as well.

So I seem to like support roles, versatility,sneakiness and the ability to change my visual style and presentation on a dime.

My favorite campaigns are invariably the ones that lasted the longest because I like my characters to be able to be part of as many adventures as possible. I dont like finishing a story arc and then having to roll up a new guy and start over. I want to KEEP GOING!

Re: What makes your favorite?

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:58 pm
by Alrik Vas
I play humans because it's easy to identify with them, more sensible when you're digging for culture instead of making your character a stereotype of another race.

My favorite characters are always snarky, very troubled, usually killers who have do deal with the truth that they are not good people and deal with that truth very poorly.

Classes though, give me sneaks who plan their attacks carefully through methodology, while throwing a curve ball here and there.

My favorite campaigns deal with the characters, rather than just a series of point to point challenges. The events need to be there for the action to happen, but it should be the characters that drive the story.

Re: What makes your favorite?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 4:44 am
by torjones
Vincent Takeda wrote:What about your favorite characters makes them your favorite characters?
What about your favorite classes makes them your favorite classes?
What about your favorite races makes them your favorite races?
What about your favorite campaigns made them your favorite campaigns?

While I can't say that I've played EVERY OCC/RCC out there, I've played quite a few of them. Most of my favorite characters have been ones that have had a lot of flexibility built into them. They had a specialty that they were best at, but could at least contribute if need be to any task the party needed doing. That goes for the classes for the most part too. I have a tendency to play LLW, mind melters, the occasional TW, and Psi-Tech. I have found that my Operators/Psi-Tech tend to be OP towards the end of the game. There are just some technological combos that never get tiring, like the NG-P7 with a nuclear powered e-clip. (Seriously, what were they thinking when they made the Skelebot??? OTOH, they are a great resource for just about anything you might want to build, and so is the rest of the CS's hardware.) I also have a tendency to end the game with the same equipment I start with, just heavily modified, especially if I'm playing a Psi-Tech.

As for races, I tend to play humans or very near humans. I've enjoyed playing Altess, Changeling Metamorphs, Neo-Humans, and cyber-humans. I've played dragons, but just can't get the playfulness of a hatchling right, so I prefer to avoid that. Part of it is the Human+ aspect, but being able to pass for human is definitely a bonus on Rifts Earth.

Favorite campaigns? Being able to do weird stuff and be heroic while doing so. If I start with a Behemoth Explorer, expect that after a year of playing that it'll be flying, armed with several heavy energy turrets and missiles (mini and shorts), and have powerful shields, with everything on double redundant independent power supplies. Possibly also capable of exploring the Megaverse, if the party also has a TW.