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Hehehehe.... Time for a mind-bender

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 9:52 pm
by Rathorc Lemenger
I was just watching a video about Kamen Rider Kabuto and it got me to thinking: How well do you all think it would work if there were heroes similar to those in the Kamen Rider/Masked Rider and Super Sentai/Power Rangers Franchises (without using the actual names)?

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.

Re: Hehehehe.... Time for a mind-bender

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 10:14 pm
by Axelmania
I can't help but think the "Gestalts" brought to PU2 (weren't they in the Rifter originally?) were influenced by stuff like Golion/Voltron and various Megazords.

Re: Hehehehe.... Time for a mind-bender

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 6:11 am
by zerombr
yeah are you talking about gestalts? I'm not too familiar with the sentai series

Re: Hehehehe.... Time for a mind-bender

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 1:32 am
by eliakon
Rathorc Lemenger wrote:I was just watching a video about Kamen Rider Kabuto and it got me to thinking: How well do you all think it would work if there were heroes similar to those in the Kamen Rider/Masked Rider and Super Sentai/Power Rangers Franchises (without using the actual names)?

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.

Sure why not?
You might need to invoke some handwavium to get the transporter/bonded mecha/whatever so that you can get the exact effect your looking for...
...but that shouldn't be to hard.

Then go go GM Power!