Anyone Want a Beta Full of Missiles?
Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2019 11:43 am
The Beta Missile Payload is as follows (per Art of the Shadow Chronicles, I use the 2E RPG designations):
-40 SRMs in x2 MM-20 launchers, but these are blocked when connected to an Alpha (190mm size)
-16 SRMs in the x2 MM-16 launchers (340mm size)
-it also has 6 wing hard points with variable configurations possible
-2x (yes 2) top mounted 3-shot Medium Range Missiles (560mm size, not in the 2E RPG, see AoTSC pg139. As this is a dual system it can't be the Super Shadow Fighter module's missiles depicted on pg84 where I count one module with 9 visible)
In TSC OVA Marcus makes a comment that Mia has "a Beta full of missiles". Since Mia would only really have 16 extra missiles over Marcus as depicted (wings are empty) for sure (and the MRM launcher can not tell if its there or not, and the Syncro-Booster module is not present). This doesn't make much sense in relation to what the Beta is capable of. While thinking about this issue and how to reasonably arrive at a "beta full of missiles" several issues arose.
1. The dual MM-20 launchers have several issues. The least of which is that they are prevented from firing while connected to an Alpha. These launchers open downward, which they can't do when connected to an Alpha (a speculative exception might exists for the Guardian Mode). This has me wondering why the MM-20 doors even open down, it would make more sense to have them open upward so they would be available in all known configurations. The only reason I could see for this is that the MM-20 is a Beta Battloid Mode only system (akin to the Alpha's MMDS-16, this restriction is supported by the animation as the MM-20 is only used in Battloid IINM). Which still runs into the issue that the UEEF proper doesn't seem to employ the Beta solo (in the canon comic/animation) so why engineer in that much punch that can't be used and why give IT a reload capacity which could be better employed by the usable MM-16).
The following independent thoughts have crossed my mind related to this, none are acknowledge in AotSC or Infopedia (or the 2E RPG):
-the MM-20 and MM-16 need to be switched in terms of who has reloads (this give the Beta 32 Missiles available and 20 blocked, instead of 16 available and 40 blocked).
-the MM-20 launcher gets redesigned for post 2042 Beta's (like the one Mia uses in TSC in 2044) to avoid the issue.
-the MM-16 is the only missile system (complete with 2 sets of reloads), but the Series Use Beta from Point-K was modified to use the more common Alpha 190mm missile sacrificing the reloads for the MM-16 to give a 2 volleys of 190mm missiles, and the M-20 uses what would have been a reload hatch for the MM-16. This option might also be more expansive potentially than just the inclusion of MM-20s.
2. Are the MM-16 launchers really supposed to be Medium Range Class missiles? They are 340mm in diameter, much larger than the KNOWN Medium Range Missiles on the Logan (275mm) or the VF-1 (300mm). Other aspects like Length/Volume can obviously be a factor here pushing them into the SRM class. I know says they are SRM, but I think it might have to be considered. It doesn't necessarily change impact of Marcus statement (unless the missiles standard at the time is more like the AGAC than what was shown).
3. Art of the Shadow Chronicles (pg139) mentions an optional 2x (yes 2) top mounted 3 shot Medium Range Missiles (total payload 6, diameter is 560mm). This system isn't present in the 2E RPG, but appears to be a reference to the 1E RPG's MRM launchers for the Beta. These can't be the Syncro-Cannon/Booster module as the Beta only gets 1x of them, and when the booster is open (w/cannon ejected) it has 9 visible (what I think are) missiles identified (more actually that would be hidden).
Speculative (w/o any real support) option would be that this is not the only missile configurations, you could trade each 560mm for 4x of the 190mm easily for a total of 24x 190mm variety. Theoretically a trade of 1:12 is possible, though a 1:9 or 1:10 seems a more plausible limit. This speculative option alone if taken to plausible limits would I think explain Marcus statement (without any other modifications).
4. The Cargo Bay (RPG calls it a bombbay, but Infopedia and AoTSC call it a cargo bay) is said to be capable of deploying ordnance that is limited in size only by the bay doors, while the RPG seems to limit it to bombs the text in AotSC and suggest other options might be possible. One issue with the bomb bay doors is how you can fit the various size bombs per the RPG (light, medium, heavy). If we assume the type used in the animation (Ep83) are "light", the issue of how to load/carry/deploy medium and heavy bombs remains and I have three solutions:
1. The Beta uses a common case for all 3 bombs, with only the amount/type of explosive loaded into the bombs being changed. The amount of explosives changes the mass, which reduces the number it can carry (by mass, but not volume).
2. The UEEF constructed the medium and heavy class bombs in segments that "slither" from the bay to the hatch and once free "lock" themselves into a rod mode or just drop to the ground like a snake would. We can build robot snakes/tentacles in the real world, and we know the Masters had them on their City Ship ("The Trap"), so the notion isn't completely without some foundation. This does seem unlikely and be more "expensive" to produce, but it would certainly be a possibility.
3. The Beta deploys the larger ordnance through the front cargo door (Ariel/Marlene uses it to board the Beta in Ep83), this might require some degree of allowances to allow the cargo bay to be configured to store and deploy them through the larger hatch. Most likely feeding it out the hatch at an angle, unless the floor can be made to slope downwards.
Another option that leave open that and the RPG doesn't, but would explain Marcus's statement is to allow the cargo bay to "eject" missiles in a manner similar to the Dorsal Fast Pack Boosters (of the VF-1) when they fire their missile payload (as seen in the animation) This would require the Beta to be in Fighter Mode, but would be extremely possible. The Bombs (in lineart appear to be) ~225mm diameter with length of 450mm (when compared to a male CVR-3, assuming 1.8m height is ~8 diameters tall, and the bomb appears to be ~2 diameters long). This would give the Beta an extra 16 missiles, Plus 2 (4 at most) more at the ready just before the doors seems plausible to. You might also be able to double the payload (in the bomb rack area) using the open area of the cargo bay with some hardware additions for reload. Even without pushing it, one is looking at 18-20 missiles (34-36 with reload) sized to match the known bombs, combine that with MM-16 (34-36 w/o reloads for either) and getting a "Beta full of missiles" starts to make more sense (with other options it makes even more sense).
-40 SRMs in x2 MM-20 launchers, but these are blocked when connected to an Alpha (190mm size)
-16 SRMs in the x2 MM-16 launchers (340mm size)
-it also has 6 wing hard points with variable configurations possible
-2x (yes 2) top mounted 3-shot Medium Range Missiles (560mm size, not in the 2E RPG, see AoTSC pg139. As this is a dual system it can't be the Super Shadow Fighter module's missiles depicted on pg84 where I count one module with 9 visible)
In TSC OVA Marcus makes a comment that Mia has "a Beta full of missiles". Since Mia would only really have 16 extra missiles over Marcus as depicted (wings are empty) for sure (and the MRM launcher can not tell if its there or not, and the Syncro-Booster module is not present). This doesn't make much sense in relation to what the Beta is capable of. While thinking about this issue and how to reasonably arrive at a "beta full of missiles" several issues arose.
1. The dual MM-20 launchers have several issues. The least of which is that they are prevented from firing while connected to an Alpha. These launchers open downward, which they can't do when connected to an Alpha (a speculative exception might exists for the Guardian Mode). This has me wondering why the MM-20 doors even open down, it would make more sense to have them open upward so they would be available in all known configurations. The only reason I could see for this is that the MM-20 is a Beta Battloid Mode only system (akin to the Alpha's MMDS-16, this restriction is supported by the animation as the MM-20 is only used in Battloid IINM). Which still runs into the issue that the UEEF proper doesn't seem to employ the Beta solo (in the canon comic/animation) so why engineer in that much punch that can't be used and why give IT a reload capacity which could be better employed by the usable MM-16).
The following independent thoughts have crossed my mind related to this, none are acknowledge in AotSC or Infopedia (or the 2E RPG):
-the MM-20 and MM-16 need to be switched in terms of who has reloads (this give the Beta 32 Missiles available and 20 blocked, instead of 16 available and 40 blocked).
-the MM-20 launcher gets redesigned for post 2042 Beta's (like the one Mia uses in TSC in 2044) to avoid the issue.
-the MM-16 is the only missile system (complete with 2 sets of reloads), but the Series Use Beta from Point-K was modified to use the more common Alpha 190mm missile sacrificing the reloads for the MM-16 to give a 2 volleys of 190mm missiles, and the M-20 uses what would have been a reload hatch for the MM-16. This option might also be more expansive potentially than just the inclusion of MM-20s.
2. Are the MM-16 launchers really supposed to be Medium Range Class missiles? They are 340mm in diameter, much larger than the KNOWN Medium Range Missiles on the Logan (275mm) or the VF-1 (300mm). Other aspects like Length/Volume can obviously be a factor here pushing them into the SRM class. I know says they are SRM, but I think it might have to be considered. It doesn't necessarily change impact of Marcus statement (unless the missiles standard at the time is more like the AGAC than what was shown).
3. Art of the Shadow Chronicles (pg139) mentions an optional 2x (yes 2) top mounted 3 shot Medium Range Missiles (total payload 6, diameter is 560mm). This system isn't present in the 2E RPG, but appears to be a reference to the 1E RPG's MRM launchers for the Beta. These can't be the Syncro-Cannon/Booster module as the Beta only gets 1x of them, and when the booster is open (w/cannon ejected) it has 9 visible (what I think are) missiles identified (more actually that would be hidden).
Speculative (w/o any real support) option would be that this is not the only missile configurations, you could trade each 560mm for 4x of the 190mm easily for a total of 24x 190mm variety. Theoretically a trade of 1:12 is possible, though a 1:9 or 1:10 seems a more plausible limit. This speculative option alone if taken to plausible limits would I think explain Marcus statement (without any other modifications).
4. The Cargo Bay (RPG calls it a bombbay, but Infopedia and AoTSC call it a cargo bay) is said to be capable of deploying ordnance that is limited in size only by the bay doors, while the RPG seems to limit it to bombs the text in AotSC and suggest other options might be possible. One issue with the bomb bay doors is how you can fit the various size bombs per the RPG (light, medium, heavy). If we assume the type used in the animation (Ep83) are "light", the issue of how to load/carry/deploy medium and heavy bombs remains and I have three solutions:
1. The Beta uses a common case for all 3 bombs, with only the amount/type of explosive loaded into the bombs being changed. The amount of explosives changes the mass, which reduces the number it can carry (by mass, but not volume).
2. The UEEF constructed the medium and heavy class bombs in segments that "slither" from the bay to the hatch and once free "lock" themselves into a rod mode or just drop to the ground like a snake would. We can build robot snakes/tentacles in the real world, and we know the Masters had them on their City Ship ("The Trap"), so the notion isn't completely without some foundation. This does seem unlikely and be more "expensive" to produce, but it would certainly be a possibility.
3. The Beta deploys the larger ordnance through the front cargo door (Ariel/Marlene uses it to board the Beta in Ep83), this might require some degree of allowances to allow the cargo bay to be configured to store and deploy them through the larger hatch. Most likely feeding it out the hatch at an angle, unless the floor can be made to slope downwards.
Another option that leave open that and the RPG doesn't, but would explain Marcus's statement is to allow the cargo bay to "eject" missiles in a manner similar to the Dorsal Fast Pack Boosters (of the VF-1) when they fire their missile payload (as seen in the animation) This would require the Beta to be in Fighter Mode, but would be extremely possible. The Bombs (in lineart appear to be) ~225mm diameter with length of 450mm (when compared to a male CVR-3, assuming 1.8m height is ~8 diameters tall, and the bomb appears to be ~2 diameters long). This would give the Beta an extra 16 missiles, Plus 2 (4 at most) more at the ready just before the doors seems plausible to. You might also be able to double the payload (in the bomb rack area) using the open area of the cargo bay with some hardware additions for reload. Even without pushing it, one is looking at 18-20 missiles (34-36 with reload) sized to match the known bombs, combine that with MM-16 (34-36 w/o reloads for either) and getting a "Beta full of missiles" starts to make more sense (with other options it makes even more sense).