Quick Question: Line Transit

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Quick Question: Line Transit

Unread post by Malakai »

this power gives some odd and seemingly conflicting information:

Travel speed: 1 mile/action
Duration: 1 melee round per level
Range: up to 100 miles with little difficulty, but theoretically thousands of miles if the connection is there.
Navigation: Traveling a distance greater than 100 miles (160 km) requires line
navigation - Base Skill: 55% +4% per level experience (-5% penalty for every 300 miles/480 km of distance). A failed roll means the character emerges 3-18 miles (4.8 to 29 km) from his target location (roll 3D6 to determine the distance).

These 4 things do not seem to add up: Even given a character with 10 attacks a round, it would take him getting to 10th level before he could POSSIBLY go 100 miles, based on limits of duration and speed, let alone far enough to make use of the "-5% per every 300 miles". So, which part is the broken/incorrect one? is the duration supposed to be in some other time frame? is the speed supposed to be faster? Is the range listed too far?

I tend to think the last one not a serious possibility, given the amount of other things that refer to such distance, but what says the community?
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Re: Quick Question: Line Transit

Unread post by Incriptus »

I have no strong opinions on it except to say that you're correct something doesn't add up

My house rule position ... ignore the duration. I feel this happens a lot where they give a power that you can use at will a duration.
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Re: Quick Question: Line Transit

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Incriptus wrote:I have no strong opinions on it except to say that you're correct something doesn't add up

My house rule position ... ignore the duration. I feel this happens a lot where they give a power that you can use at will a duration.
I agree. As written the power is too limited.
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