Looking for notable/awesome/iconic NPC's

Let's talk of things that go bump in the night. Stuff that makes your skin crawl. Creatures that are Beyond the Supernatural™. Also checkout the in-character site - Lazlo Society™

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Looking for notable/awesome/iconic NPC's

Unread post by Glistam »

I'm working on a concept for a Palladium one-shot or mini campaign where notable individuals are plucked from time and space and thrust together into a mad quest to save the Megaverse. I'm hoping for some help in the form of answers to the following question:

If you could play as an existing notable, awesome, or iconic NPC from any of the books or official Rifter material available for Beyond the Supernatural (1e or 2e), which NPC from which book/page would you choose, and why?

Does BTS even really have any official NPC's outside of Victor Lazlo in Rifts?
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


Temporal Wizard O.C.C. update 0.8 | Rifts random encounters
New Fire magic | New Temporal magic
Grim Gulf, the Nightlands version of Century Station

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Re: Looking for notable/awesome/iconic NPC's

Unread post by mrloucifer »

I can offer you a list of NPC's, pregens and PC's via the house of BTS. Click here to head over and see the many character sheets.
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places."
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By night I'm known as Steven Dawes, that "BTS" guy, and the Host of the House of BTS!
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Re: Looking for notable/awesome/iconic NPC's

Unread post by mrloucifer »

I can also recommend Eddie "Bet the House" Champman from the Rifter #53. He's a Lucky Psychic, and one of my favorite NPC's.
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places."
–H.P. Lovecraft

By night I'm known as Steven Dawes, that "BTS" guy, and the Host of the House of BTS!
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Re: Looking for notable/awesome/iconic NPC's

Unread post by thorr-kan »

I don't have anybody icon, but the following character is one I built for BTS1 back in college. I gamed him against a Hound from Nightbane; I was able to win 1 time in 5. Though if I gave him the Intuitive Combat psi power from Psyscape and Ch-Gung from NinjaS & Super-Spies, I was able to win 1 time in 2.

Name: OCC: Normal Human
Occupation: Bouncer,investigator Level: 1
Residency: XP: 0

IQ - 12 - PP - 19 - +2 to strike, parry, and dodge
ME - 17 - +1 to save vs psionics/insanity PE - 18 - +7%,+2 vs coma/death, magic/poison
MA - 11 - PB - 10 -
PS - 23 - +8 to damage Spd - 24 - +4 to dodge

Disposition: Gung-ho, guts and glory type who sees himself as a hero. Likes combat.

Insanities: Obsession (Combat): loves it; Affective Disorder (Violence): 48% chance of attacking the initiator of violence against an innocent.

Background: Witnessed an attack by supernatural creatures that killed his parents during gradeschool. Pursued sports and martial arts to boost self-esteem. Now works as a bouncer and enforcer for local groups and charities. Also does some investigation into supernatural/paranormal events that occur locally.

Height: 5’9” Weight: 150 lbs Hair: Black, pony-tail
Eyes: Brown Age: 18 Race: Caucasion/Amerindian
Alignment: Anarchist

HP: 28 SDC: 89
PPE: 14 ISP: 0 Chi: 18

Saves: Lethal Poison 12 Psionics 13
Non-lethal Poison 14 Spells 10
Drugs 13 Rituals 12
Insanity 10

Basic Skills:
Mathematics: Basic 98%, Language: English 98%, Literacy: English 98%

Scholastic Groups:
Physcial: Hand-to-hand: Karate, Boxing, Wrestling
Domestic: Dance (40% + 5%/lev), Sports: Football (40% + 5%/lev), Sports: Basketball (40% + 5%/lev)

Secondary Skills:
Athletics, Body Building, Running, WP Shotgun, First Aid (45% + 5%/lev), Radio: Basic (45% + 5%/lev), Basic Mechanics (30% + 5%/lev), Basic Electronics (30% + 5%/lev), Computer Operation (40% + 5%/lev), Pilot: Automobile (60% + 2%/lev)

Combat: 3 actions/melee
Initiative: +1 Strike: +3 Parry: +7
Dodge: +6 Roll/Pull Punch: +9/+2 Leap:
KO: Stun: Critical: 20
Damage: +10 Death:
Hand Attacks: Punch 1d4; Knife Hand 1d6, Palm Strike 1d6,
Foot Attack: Kick 2d4; Snap Kick 1d6;
Special Attacks: Knee 1d4; Elbow 1d4; Body Block/Tackle +1 strike, 1d4 damage & knockdown; Pin/Incapacitate on 18-20, Crush/Squeeze 1d4 damage
Special Defenses: Breakfall +1;
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Re: Looking for notable/awesome/iconic NPC's

Unread post by gaby »

Well I like the Court of the Tarot,s characters from Rifter 45.

I love to see more pre-made characters,One who is a Stage Magician/Physical psychic in House of BtS.
I also like to see ideas for More Psychic powers.
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