Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Warshield73 wrote:Before I get into this I want to restate my main point, a consistent power rise that makes ships from older books kind of if not useless much less useful.
To this purpose I have tried to compare the Emancipator to the Doombringer, it's only peer. I understand and agree that it is expensive and you can buy all these other ships for the same price but that is not the same thing as saying it is not fundamentally more powerful than it's one and only peer.
Except it isn't a "peer"; its an older, much cheaper design. You keep trying to ignore cost and just compare raw stats in a vacuum. It doesn't work that way. If you have an ultimate-uber-ship (barring it having a "blows up anything" gun) that costs trillions, and i can field hundreds of ships that are 30% less powerful for the same cost, your uber-ship is totally irrelevant. Its just a floating target waiting for me to shoot it down. This would be like saying that if we built a new Battleship (lets call them "Texas" Class, since we like to name our BBs and their classes after States) in 2020, of the relatively same displacement and tonnage, that it wouldn't absolutely OBLITERATE the Iowa-Class ships. Its absurd on its face.
It is roughly 75 years older yes, but in a setting that very specifically says that technology is advancing slowly - Phase World page 114 - and older tech is not replaced by newer at any great speed. As for peer it is, it is a dreadnought separated by 1/5th of the estimated life of a ship like this judging by the Packmaster. Now in a real world setting with rapidly changing technology would you be correct, absolutely no question. In game context are, no not even remotely.
As for ignoring money, yes I can. you are talking about building fleets in some imaginary real world-ish situation but I am talking in game. In game this ship is a clear, basically ridiculous, power explosion. You have even commented on how ridiculous the fighter compliment is so not sure why this is so hard.
If we were talking about a fleet battle game were you bought your fleet and set them against each other, you would be absolutely right, but this is not that.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Warshield73 wrote:Now the Doombringer is only 50 billon while the Emancipator 350 billion. Now it is a much better ship but it is not 7 times better. They even mass in the same at 100 million tons so while you are looking at numbers that don't make sense compared to the earlier source material, like the number of Battlerams, the cost of this ship is one that should be looked at.
Seven Doombringers would utterly crush the Emancipation.
Agreed, but not even remotely the point. This is a role playing game not a fleet battle simulator and while the Emancipator is the most obvious expression of this power creep it is by no means the one I actually care about.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Warshield73 wrote: - Yannar is 2,00+2,000+2,800=6,800 but the stat block says 11,000
- Zhokil is 27,000+27,000+34,000=88,000 the stat block for it is 135,000
- You want some funny from this the Bindas totals to 18,000 and the stat block says 40,000 but the Sylonar totals to 230,000 and the stat block actually goes lower giving it just 200,000
- The only ship where the total of its parts equals the stat block, unless my spreadsheet is mistaken, is the Servitude. All others are much higher except 2 which are lower.
When it was asked earlier we were told that they were given an official MB MDC for comparison sake. Again, I hate this. I would much rather that they had gone in and given 1/3 or even 1/4 breakdowns for really big ships but they didn't.
"We were told" is 100%, grade-A, utterly irrelevant.
If it isn't in print, either in official, published eratta where any new player can see it, or in a revised printing of the book, you might as well use it as toilet tissue.
Also, it doesn't change the fact that the
stat block in the early part of the book is wrong. It lists the Emancipation class as being 10,500 feet long, for instance. It is more than 15,000 ft long.
You are absolutely right, told is useless here. But since the numbers are printed in the book that is all I have to go by. As for the misprint of the length, you might have a case if every other ship in the book matched what was in the stat block, but it doesn't. Your assertion that an entire section of a book should be disregarded because you don't like what it says, well you can use it as toilet paper.
I also want to point out that previously you said:
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Problem with that theory is that the general stat block earlier in the book for the Emancipation-class is wrong. Its the only one that doesn't add up (the others all correctly add up the 3 hull segments, the Emancipation does not add up correctly), AND it has incorrect stats for the ship itself (cutting its size down by nearly a mile).
Ergo, the stat block earlier in the book for the Emancipation is incorrect and invalidated by the data in the actual ship description.
Now you were dead wrong about this, only one ship in the entire book has the 3 sections add up to the MB in the stat block. You are saying that about 3 pages of a book is filled with useless and incorrect information based on nothing but one figure, the length, having a typo (yes if you switch the 5 and the 0 it would be correct so probable typo) even though all the other stats match up and the MB MDC being more than the 3 sections is totally consistent with all the others.
Now I could be wrong. Maybe Campbell will come on and say that those stat blocks are a mistake and part of some early draft that should have been thrown out. But, since it is not in an official errata or reprinting of the book then I'm sorry by the rules you have set out for this conversation we have to use these numbers. It's in the book.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Warshield73 wrote: And I have to tell you that Battlerams and silverhawks sent after the Carriers will ruin the day of those ships completely elimintating, or even inverting, the fighter advantage as massive numbers will need to be retained for defense.
Theyll never reach the Packmasters. They are slow as pigs compared to fighters, and no sane Admiral is going to deploy his CVs in the line of battle with his Battleships. Theyll be loitering WAY back from the fight. The Silverhawks cant even hurt the carriers. (See below) Even if they could catch them.
I specifically said earlier that I was simply looking at an attrition model. If you want to get into strategy the Emancipator can simply deny the Protectors battle more easily than the Packmasters can. Silverhawks are faster than Proctors and as fast as Star Ghosts. In the scenario you lay out with the Packmasters hanging back an Emancipator could simply jump in and out of FTL every time the CVs commit there fighters. For the sake of a simple comparison I did a simple attrition based comparison. In any situation you name where the CVs can simply leave I can name another where they can't or where the Emancipator can leave as well and this is complicated enough.
Oh, we're having this fight in the "works for my argument best" field of battle. If the Emancipation can jump into FTL whenever it wants, so can the opposition. This is... you're literally making the space-faring equivalent of "all engagements between characters happen on flat plains with totally clear lines of sight and no cover". Dont be absurd. Though that seems to be the general modus operandi here.
I'm sorry this upsets you and that you feel the need to denigrate everyone on these forums. Please try to follow along this is the only way we have to compare them.
Can you come up with battle scenarios where the Emancipator would get absolutely crushed, yes you can. Can I create scenarios where the Emancipator would dominate while the fleet of 7 would die, yes. That, if you will pardon me just seems ridiculous. All I am talking about here is a comparison of power and capabilities and you seem to agree with me that this ship is a massive escalation. Now in fleets page 11 it talks about how most battles occur in open space because of the FTL limit of CG engines. Now, this is a rule that I think is silly, have known about since the book came out, and have ignored. But, it is in the book so yes this is where a battle like this would take place. In this situation the Emancipator is even more powerful because it can launch fighters and move. FTL fighters can jump around the battle field to harass those carriers. 240 LR Proctors, 6 cruise missiles each, Packmasters go bye.
A battle in a Gravity well would actually be a good one for you as once I engage your protectors I could not escape fast enough and they would likely kill me. But in the book most of these battles take place in open space.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Warshield73 wrote:Again you have to take reload time into consideration but I will also remind you that I am saying the Emancipator is better than the Doombringer, its only peer, not 6 Protectors.
Only if this fight is being had at ranges that a longer reload time means my counter-missile batteries will completely lose the opportunity to fire on your incoming fire.
"Space is big, really big" Douglas Adams.
Yes engages in the void of space will probably start the second one ship has an advantage over another at range. Now regardless of range your point defense, there really is no counter missile batteries here which I agree with Eliakon that is just dumb, get the exact same amount of time to fire whether those missiles are fired from 1,000 miles or 10 miles. It all depends on the range of the weapon you are using to counter. So depending on your number of attacks per melee a 2 mile range will get you one shot and as previously discussed many of those shots will miss as the CMs can dodge and many of the hits will fail to destroy a missile. If one missile in a volley is destroyed by a mini-missile (or a LRM but that is for later) it has decent chance of destroying the entire volley but if it is killed by those GR or beam weapon then odds are most or all of the volley will get through. This is covered in RUE page 364.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Warshield73 wrote:Yes with missiles but I am not comparing it to the Hunter, I wasn't even comparing it to the Protector, although I covered how those missiles are not that much of an equalizer due to reload speed. Also according to the book most LRM are guided but CMs are always smart. This means to guarantee a kill on a CM, +5 to dodge, the LRM launchers will need to launch 4 missiles meaning each LRM launcher can counter 15 fighters or CM volleys before a 6 minute reload. With it's PD turrets getting just 1 shot for all the ones getting through they will get swamped.
Only if the Emancipation is sitting at -exactly- the right range to somehow exploit the variable reload times. Again, if we're having this battle in "best situations for my argument" land, then we can just stop having the argument, because we have nothing left to discuss. At that point, you're arguing in bad faith and moving the goalposts every time you post just to be right.
It isn't sitting anywhere, they would be moving together to have a fight. This would cover, at minimum thousands of miles and could potentially be more. I am not doing a what is best for my argument I am using what is says in the book about where battles happen. You seem to think that in a space battle to fleets of mile plus long warships would teleport next to each other. I have not moved the goal post once because you have failed at every turn to provide a goal post.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Warshield73 wrote:Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Long-range missile bombardment against most ships is non-viable.
Yeah I'm sorry but we have played this out more than a few times in my games and for big ships, like the Protector or Emancipator, it is very effective and the advantage is almost always to rate of fire.
Again, only if rate-of-fire happens to give one salvo a chance of getting through with NO counter-battery fire. This is ... lets just say itll happen maybe one out of every few hundred volleys.
Here is one thing I will give you. Put smart LRM in the Protector and that is a ship is way more deadly. Give it LR smart multi-warhead were each single missile turns into a volley of 4 medium range, that ship is armed to F- all. But, since the book says these ships are armed with standard guided, the effectiveness is limited.
Their effectiveness is in the high likleyhood that 4 or 8 missiles will destroy your 200 missile CM barrage. Your CMs cant dodge, and 70% of the time, the entire volley goes. The chances that the defending ship has to fire more than one or two volleys of 4 countermissiles is extremely low, and given that LRMs outrange CRMs, its not likely you will get missiles through.
If I, the Emancipator, Launch 1/6th of my fighters at your protector and then concentrate my CM fire on first one until it dies then switch to the next you have a choice of kill the fighters, of which 1/3 will have 2 CMs each, or shoot the CM volleys. The fighters of course can fire back with mini-missiles which again they only get one shot but if they hit the missile volley is almost certainly dead. Also with each dead Protector more fighters can move to the next. Again Rate of fire, including reload speed, means something here.
Except the Protectors will have hulled the Emancipation in about the 3rd or 4th round unless we're just assuming that we're ONLY fighting at Max range all the time, every time, always.
The way you move goalposts is rapidly approaching Olympic levels of skill.
The only person moving the goal post is you.
I compared the Emancipator to the Doombringer, you insisted on your Protector Packmaster fleet
You said that the carriers would never be in range of enemy fighters traveling at better that Mach 16 but the Emancipator must start the engagement at no more that 100 miles from the enemy fleet.
I am trying to meet the terms you set out even though it was not remotely my point and you continually change the dynamics and ignore the book when convenient.
If this fleet goes to attack the Emancipator it will be seen at tens of thousands of miles away.
Fleets page 25 has a targeting range of 10,000 miles with sensors of 250,000 miles so explain to me what situation stops the ships from opening up before 100 miles. Set a goal post.
You are also not paying attention to the barrage rule. If I launch 32 missiles as a barrage that translates into 3 to 5 separate volleys each needing to be destroyed by a separate launch of LRMs. But I don't have to do that.
Assume every ship has gunners of equal attacks, 4 which is low. Each MC launcher can fire 4 separate, distinct, each needing to be killed on its own, volleys of 8 CMs. That is 16 volley coming in at once. LRMs will do great here but again if you time this with your fighter deployment the LRM can counter them or the missiles but not both. Either way they are going to get hit with a staggering number of CMs either from fighters or the Emancipator, dealers choice.
Now each protector has the exact same number of CMs and rate of fire as the Emancipator so in your little imaginary fleet battle it would be even harder for the Emancipator to defend, it has no LRMs, than the protectors. It would have to hold back the 120 assault shuttles to use as frigates and/or the 960 Battleram bots (which is what I would do). This greatly reduces the effect of its fighters. Emancipator dies but so do several Protectors and all it needs to do is kill 3 of the ships and more people will have died on the fleet side than the Emancipator.
But, again, this fleet battle is your thing. In a battle of the Dreadnoughts the Doombringer dies in 5 minutes or less. It is outclassed in every respect.
In space these two opposing forces are going to see each other at tens of thousands of miles, unless you think someone is hiding behind a bush or something.
if the two ships are closing at max speed (you know assume the fleet is military geniuses while he CO of the Emancipator is a functioning moron), no maneuvering which serves you best, you are looking at four and half minutes of CM fire before beam weapons range. Assume the Emancipator CO has a room temp IQ and he just stops cold when they hit CM range it will be almost 8 minutes before beam range. Assume the Emancipator CO has the basic math skill and just as soon as he reaches CM range he will flip and burn away in which case he can keep the range open for 35 minutes.
Missiles in Rifts are not useless, in fact MRMs are the only thing that makes the Flying Fang even a remotely useful fighter. They can be shot down but that takes missiles and time. Does the Emancipator die in your little fleet battle, yes every time it borders on ridiculous. Will it kill a large chunk of the fleet sent for it and in the end cost more lives than it looses. Yes again every time.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Warshield73 wrote:Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:I mean if the Naruni are building ships like the Conquistador and Esperanda every other cruiser and destroyer/frigate is just junk.
The Hunter would hold its own against an Espandon fairly well, actually, particularly given that it is half the cost of an Espandon. It wouldnt necessarily win (the two ships can inflict roughly the same damage with their main guns, their smaller guns are roughly equal, and the Espandon's better Cruise Missile capacity is largely nullified by the Hunter's ability to simply counter-volley MRMs missile for missile. The Espandon probably wins in the end, but itll know its been in a fight.
I am not sure what you are looking at but here is the matchup:
Advantages for Espandon:
- MB 5,500 to 4,500
- Shields 7,200 to 6,000. This is a huge advantage when you factor in recharge
No it isnt.
- Mach 15 to Mach 9.5
Okay? It can either rush into range faster or escape. In the case of "Escape", thats a "Hunter Wins" as the Espandon has left.
Yes I am being trolled. If we can not agree that 5,500 is greater than 4,500 and that 15 is greater than 9.5 we're not having an actual conversation.
You have said over and over that I can not ignore cost, I am, you don't like it that is a simple matter of opinion. But now you are trying to argue that a single Hunter has a chance against a single Espandon. How is armor not an advantage? How is greater shield strength not an advantage? How is a 50% advantage in speed not an advantage.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Warshield73 wrote: - Main Cannon the damage for Esp is half that of the hunters 3 cannons but it has twice the rate of fire and ten times the range. Factor in the speed advantage and the Esp doesn't have to let the Hunter even get a shot at it.
Ahh, the vaunted "battlefield is always best for me" defense.
This has nothing to do with the Battlefield unless that battle field is smaller than 10 miles. Range is always an advantage, read the account of any Confederate soldier with his smoothbore musket going against a rifle for the first time and that gets real clear real quick. And since I brought that up, rate of fire. Take a look what happened to the battle field when repeating rifles first went against muzzle loaders. In case you missed it the Hunter is the muzzle loader (1 at a time) while the Espandon is the repeater.
What battlefield could two "Spaceships" have were a 10 to 1 range advantage would not be important. Explain to me how the Hunter is supposed to get within 10 miles of a ship that is 50% faster.
Again arguing that my ignoring cost is a problem, that I at least understand. It has absolutely nothing to do with power creep but I get it. But seriously these arguments. the ship with 2,200 MDC advantage in shields and armor doesn't have any advantage at all?
And no the Esp doesn't have to either drive in at full speed or run away. A 50% speed advantage would allow it to maintain a favorable range, separate the fighters from the destroyer or neutralize them as a threat. In a space battle speed or in a realistic setting acceleration, is the ability to control the battle.
If the Esp approaches the Hunter and it launches it's fighters the Esp can hold the range to the Hunter open at greater that 10 miles.
- If the fighters attack on there own it can destroy them with LRMs and defense lasers. Once they are dead I can simply saturate it with CM, LRM, and heavy laser. It can fire one CM at a time so no threat there. The MRMs can be an issue but power armors and and point defense can take most and 7,200 MDC shields can take a lot of MRMs especially with that recharge rate.
- If the fighters stay with the Hunter, they die. It takes longer but they die. Give this Hunter Katana fighters and it becomes an actual battle but Scorpions or Black Eagles, no. Most Hunters wouldn't carry a bomber version of either of these but lets pretend they do. Since bombers of both are 1/3 of total that means they would have 1 fighter with 2 CMs. And since we now know that nothing the fighters have besides CMs can damage the 5,500 MDC of the Esp well the Hunter is even more screwed.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Warshield73 wrote: - CMs the Esp has 60 to the Hunters 50 but it can fire 30 everytime the Hunter fires one.
And them promptly destroyed by the MRMs on the Hunter.
No, you have to roll for that, it is not automatic. Also if we put these 2 ships in the bathtub that you want for the battlefield it can close to 3 miles and fire 30 CMs that can not be countered by anything. This is more than enough to obliterate the Hunter while the hunter can fire 1 CM which if the Esp just decided to leave it's shields down and the CM did average damage of 1,400 would scuff the paint but the Esp is still flying and the Hunter has taken an average 42,000 MDC. To a ship with 4,500 MDC and total shields of 6,000. Come on, we can disagree about weather cost is factor in power creep but at least let us agree about math.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Warshield73 wrote:If the Esp decided to charge in, nose to nose with main cannon and CM against the Hunter the Hunter dies 9.9 times out of 10 and the hunter can't escape. This gets worse as the Esp carries reloads for a total of 300 while the hunter does not.
This engagement was never going to be decided by missiles anyway.
Any other decrees you would like to make? The length of the work week, moving Halloween to the last Saturday in October? Please tell me what this battle will be settled by, set a goal post because apparently this is the first battle in history where armor, shields, weapons range, rate of fire, and speed don't count so set a goal post what does.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Warshield73 wrote: - Secondary missiles Esp with 2LRM of 80 each capable of volleys up to 20 each. Hunter 2 MRM of 160 each with volleys of just 8 each that means it is incapable of the random missile assault with the Esp would excel at it.
Its like i mentioned the LRMs of the Espandon being its major benefit. And Random Missile Assault. Seriously. I dont even...
I don't understand what this is. If there is a factual error in what I said please state it but this is dismissive and rude.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Warshield73 wrote:In every respect the Esppandon is far superior to the Hunter and the Hunter would do far better than the Scorpion or Berserker.
The Scorpion is a Fighter, so i certainly hope so. The Berserker is also WAYYY cheaper than the Espandon.
You keep trying to imply that cost is never relevant, and quite honestly, thats absurd on its face. If you can have one of your Awesome Thing, but i can have 10 of my Pretty Great thing, your Awesome Thing is dead.
I meant Scimitar not Scorpion, since I was talking frigates and destroyers I thought most would catch that but I guess not.
And here you are moving the goal post again. Yes, more expensive, buy more. I agree but it is irrelevant to what I was saying. You can say it is relevant but we have differing opinions. But you have been arguing that the Espandon does not have a qualitative edge, which it does. Clearly. In almost every metric.
Now you can almost buy two Berserkers for the cost of one so I'll give you two to one. Everything I said above about the Hunter applies triple for the Berserker. In a three dimensional battle field of any real size, you know like infinite space, 2 Berserkers could never catch an Esp. Worst case scenario for the Esp it runs away after harassing the Berserkers with it's missiles. Best case scenario it kills one and maybe damages another before it leaves. With the Sublight and speed advantage there is no geometry where it can not run.
Scimitar and Hunter. Since you are so big on costs you have to start including the cost of fighters in the calculations. Hunter 350, Scorpions 30 each at that is 470, 20 million more than the Esp without PA and it has no bomber. Give the Hunter one bomber it is now 490. Space Angel, the standard PA for the Esp, is 8.7 million so for 20 I can get 2 or 40 I can get 4. Equip the Hunter with Black Eagles and I can put 12 of the best NE power armors available on the Esp and still have money left over. Katanas, we would be talking an escort for the Esp.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Warshield73 wrote:Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Given the relative age of the Hunter to the far newer Espandon, it's a pretty solid matchup. Given that you can field 2 Hunters to an Espandon, its not a bad comparison. (The market cost is 320 million on a Hunter; cost to produce for the CCW is surely lower).
You keep doing this, I am talking ship quality the price is of limited import here for power creep.
No it isnt. Price and availability is extremely important. Quantity has a Quality all its own.
But no you could not field two full Hunters.
Not if we're both non-government entities buying ships on the open market (which you cant even really buy the Hunter). But we're not. The CN doesn't pay market price for its ships.
At max cost you could field just 1.56, at average cost it is 1.4 and where do you get that the CCW would pay less per ship.
Warshield Class Cruiser, under Cost "2.4 Billion; this is the Cost to the Consortium;
these ships are sold only to Consortium member planets at three times their cost" The Consortium doesn't pay market value.
I mean yes I agree it would make sense but there is nothing in the books to support it.
You were saying?
I was saying why did you add "The Consortium doesn't pay market value" when it doesn't say that anywhere. 2.4 billion is its market value, I know that because those are the words you left off your quote right before the 2.4 billion. Again you keep introducing things that are not in the book or anywhere else. You can make an argument that the CAF might charge 700 million to 1 billion for others to buy the Hunter but you can't make the magical argument that it is cheaper. Now I agree there should be stats for construction cost and market cost, but here aren't so we need to just stick with what we know.
Now if you can get Carella to post that the Hunter only costs the CCW 50 billion I would accept that but until then you are just pulling stuff out of...where the toilet paper is.
Also I have covered the cost above, if you insist on doing this then the cost of fighters has to factor in and the Hunter is on its own. 2 hunters, no fighters against an Esp. Yeah the Esp still wins for every reason above.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Warshield73 wrote:Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:The Conquistador is... interesting. Without the Espandons, its not very compelling. Even with them...
It has no force field. Zero. Zilch. Nadda. Thats a MAJOR weakness. Its main gun is finicky and not particularly overpowered when youc onsider the low rate of fire. Its secondaries (the 8 heavy plasma cannons) are more dangerous, IMO, due to the high rate of fire.
At first I did not understand this. I assumed that since you knew the Packmaster had an FTL speed of 6, which is not in the book, that you knew about all the corrections. The lack of Force Fields was just an error not a feature. The same thing is true of the Commodity from Fleets.
Here is Carl Gleba's answer to this from nine years ago. The Conquistador has the most powerful shields in its class and you can poo-poo it's weapons all you want but it can swat any ship in it's class especially because of the 24 fighter capacity. The smasher carries 50% more fighters but those fighters crap and barely faster than the Conquistador.
1, Flying Fangs, for how cheap they are, are actually pretty tough and dish out LOTS of damage.
2, we're at the "if it isn't in the book (a revised printing is fine), and/or official erratta in a Rifter or somewhere a player who doesnt obsessively search forums can read it" - its toilet tissue. It doesn't exist.
It does exist. Again you make all the decrees you want but they are there. It is hysterical to me that you add things to books like lower costs for Hunters with no reference what so ever but I send you the link to the authors and that's it. It is in the errata for PB on the forums, those are as official as anything. Also, page 162 in the description second column talks about how the Conquistador can only maintain its shields while firing the main gun if the 4 Esp are attached. It clearly has them, it says so in the book but no stat was given.
I will also note 2 things: 1) it took me 2 minutes to find this post, no digging required. 2)You're on the forums. If we were having this conversation at a convention you might have point but this is just too much.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Nor you can you even try the "well its an obvious mistake, all other ships have shields" - no, they dont. There are several other large(r) - non fighter - Ships that dont have shields.
Which ones. Please actual provide evidence because outside of troop shuttles and the two ships that the authors said were omitted in error I can not find any. There is no destroyer class vessel or larger that doesn't have them. Gas collecting ships have them.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Warshield73 wrote:Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:The CRMs are... eh, again, depending on who you're fighting, unless you're getting up super close and launching them point blank, theyll just get counter-volleyed against a lot of the ships itd be fighting.. However, it has SIX LRM emplacements, meaning its got a serious backup punch and can put enough missiles into space that a lot of other ships WOULDNT be able to successfully countervolley EVERYTHING its throwing out.
Still, given its cost, its not too far out of whack. Its a LOT more expensive than other heavy cruisers.
No, they can not counter Everything. You have to take the full ship into account. If it launches 24 fighters against the 12 of the Warshield combined with the weapons fire it will overwhelm it and the Smasher is even more over matched.
Again, you're ignoring cost.
Great, you have a Conquistador. All
You can field a Warshield and a complete screen of Hunters for that.
Or the TGE could field a PAIR of Smashers for that. Or a Smasher and a complete screen of Berserkers.
If you try to field the entire weapon system, which is a Conquistador AND Four Espandons, (just shy of FIVE Billion Cr), you could field a task force from either navy (we wont even get into the UWW) that would obliterate them in a few minutes of action.
Cost is not irrelevant.
There are already, before this even, instances of 'X is better than Y' - but the costs tell the tale.
I know you are trying to ignore ever single stat except price but they exist and for a reason.
Now a Conquistador and 4 Espandons would cost 5.3 billion. Now it says specifically in the book - Page 162 that NE is happy to make package deals. This is in the book as opposed to the hallucination of cheaper Hunters. What is that deal? No idea but it is listed there so if anyone has cause to lower the price I do but since we don't know what it is.
With the cost of Fighters you have
Conquistador, 4 Esppandon, 12 Fireeater (with all those lovely LRMs), 12 Rapiers
and in the other corner
Warshield, 6 Hunters, 6 Katanas, 30 Scorpions. - If you bring in more Katanas, add bombers, or add Black eagles bombers or not you have to reduce numbers. If you bring in Scimitars it drops the numbers substantially.
And for every reason I listed above they die. Superior speed, superior shields, superior weapons power range and in many cases damage. Every single stat is not just superior it is massively superior. It is power creep and the costs as listed in the book not some fantasy number do not limit it.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:The Emancipation doesn't invalidate the Protector or Doombringer. No one is going to send a lone Doombringer against a lone Emancipation. Nor a Protector. Etc.
I did not bring the Protector into this you did and yes if you had bothered to read the description of the Doombringer you would know that the TGE Emperor does not trust any commander with that much power so most Doombringers are on there own while a few have escorts under a separate commander.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:This doesn't happen in a vacuum.
![Laugh Out Loud :lol:](./images/smilies/lol.gif)
Now I know you are just messing with me
It does actually happen in a vacuum, you know space and all that.
Everything else on this post I already covered. I was wrong about this being a rule but it is game obliterating. I will point out that you Eliakon disagree on a few points but it doesn't really matter.
So with this I am done. We have a disagreement over what is in the books and how that effects the game and since we can't even agree that 15 is greater than 9.5, and since we are now wayyyyyy outside the OP I think it is best to leave it here. Best to both of you.