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Just a little thing that annoy me
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 3:17 pm
by The Baron of chaos
But everyone noticed that Elitle Militia do not have access to Military .
Physical, Military...
I can understand the lack of Rogue skills(if you want special commandoes You go for the guerrila guys, and of course officers come from academia guys...)
but not even 2 military skills? Raised by bandits get two miltiary(espionage) skill, the freed slaves get two. Not Elite Militia...
Is this an issue just for me?
(Also there are some skill combo not possible for the education systme fo Atb: HTH assassin Acrobatics boxing, tailing, detect ambushes.
Guerrilla warrior come close to it, but miss just one physical aminor thing really but is really disturbing aestestically...I always thought there should be more Apprenticeship at least a pair more)
Re: Just a little thing that annoy me
Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 4:25 pm
by VirusDancer
Well, the Armorer and Mechanic Apprenticeships provide a couple Military Skills, but at the end of the day, the Elite Militia (imho) come off more as kind of redundant and a misnomer in comparing the name/description to what you get. I mean, look at the Villagers & Townies. You have different Special Bonuses, weaker if you're looking at a combat character, but you get more bucks, and you can basically build out the same skills (actually better, though my selections below were hurried and kind of random just to get the example done).
Bob from the Elite Militia
-Apprenticeship: Mechanic
Math: Basic
Body Building
General Repair & Maintenance
Literacy: English
Recognize Weapon Quality
Demolitions: Disposal
W.P. Shield
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
Automobile Mechanics
Read Sensory Equipment
-Primary Skills
HtH: Expert
W.P. Semi-Automatic Pistol
W.P. Semi- & Automatic Rifle
W.P. Submachine Gun
Pilot: Automobile/Car
Pilot: Truck
-Secondary Skills
Land Navigation
First Aid
Wilderness Survival
Bob the Townie
-Apprenticeship: Mechanic
Math: Basic
Body Building
General Repair & Maintenance
Literacy: English
Recognize Weapon Quality
Demolitions: Disposal
W.P. Shield
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
Automobile Mechanics
Read Sensory Equipment
-Primary Skills
Literacy: Spanish
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
W.P. Semi-Automatic Pistol
W.P. Semi- & Automatic Rifle
W.P. Submachine Gun
Pilot: Automobile/Car
-Secondary Skills +4
HtH: Expert (2 skills)
Pilot: Truck
Land Navigation
First Aid
Wilderness Survival
So yeah, in this rushed example, Bob loses Camouflage for Literacy in a second language while also gaining Electrical and Mechanical Engineering to go along with his Armorer Apprenticeship.
But yeah, basically the Elite Militia character is just a Villager & Townie variant and not an Elite Militia character as the name/description imply. Or maybe the Elite Militia is just a Border Area Character variant depending on if you go Armorer or Weaponsmith?
Taking HtH: Expert drops the Border Area Character down to 6 Secondary Skills leaving them 1 more than the Elite Militia. They match the 4 Physical Skills for Primary Skills. They get Farming & Gardening, First Aid, 2 Military Skills, and 1 more W.P. while losing out the 2 Piloting Skills the Elite Militia has, but they can make up one of those lost skills with the extra Secondary Skill they have. Also, since the Elite Militia character is likely to want the First Aid and the available Secondary Military Skills, the Border Area Character will have their Secondary Skills available for other things.
And well, then of course you get into what you can make with the Academic Underground Mechanic.
Given the description talking about families raising the militia as highly trained military forces, it definitely feels like the Elite Militia background is broken and there is definitely a missing Apprenticeship that should be available - the Elite Militia Apprenticeship.