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O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 9:02 am
by SirSpamHammer
Body Fixer has Outdoorsmanship listed as one of the mandatory skills, which requires Wilderness Survival before it can be taken. It's not listed there.

Does this mean I don't need to have it or should I write it down as well, even though it's not listed there?

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 9:17 am
by Prysus
SirSpamHammer wrote:Body Fixer has Outdoorsmanship listed as one of the mandatory skills, which requires Wilderness Survival before it can be taken. It's not listed there.

Does this mean I don't need to have it or should I write it down as well, even though it's not listed there?

Greetings and Salutations, the only official answer I believe is in Rifts Ultimate Edition (2nd Printing or later). Since you mentioned a Body Fixer with Outdoorsmanship, I'm thinking this is also the book you're using which makes it convenient as well as the same setting.

Rifts Ultimate Edition, page 299 wrote:If an O.C.C. or R.C.C. starts off with a skill that normally has a prerequisite skill(s), assume that the character has the pre-requisite skill as part of their training.

If you have a 1st Printing without some of the eratta published, you can look on the company website for the free RUE Eratta: ... Eratta.pdf

Hope that helps. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 5:30 pm
by SirSpamHammer
Thanks for that & have they done a reprinting of the book where that is all included?

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 5:34 pm
by Prysus
SirSpamHammer wrote:Thanks for that & have they done a reprinting of the book where that is all included?

Greetings and Salutations. Yes. I have a Third Printing from July 2008 with all that Eratta included. I cannot say for certain whether 2nd Printing included the info or not. And I don't know which printing they're currently on, but 4th Printing or higher should also have the info. Hope that helps. Farewell and safe journeys.

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 5:59 pm
by SirSpamHammer
Everytime I read this, it makes less and less sense to me.....

"Plus Select two additional skills at levels 3,6,9, & 12."

How can I select two of something at the four different levels given there?

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 6:05 pm
by Prysus
SirSpamHammer wrote:Everytime I read this, it makes less and less sense to me.....

"Plus Select two additional skills at levels 3,6,9, & 12."

How can I select two of something at the four different levels given there?

Greetings and Salutations. Two per each of those levels (select 2 at level 3, 2 at level 6, etc.) for a total of 8 skills by level 12. This is similar to how in Secondary Skills it mentions "+1 additional Secondary Skill" at various levels. Each of those levels gets 1 skill each. Hope that helps. Farewell and safe journeys.

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 6:13 pm
by SirSpamHammer
Thanks again, I understood clearly.

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 11:47 am
by SirSpamHammer
Are Secondary Skills taken from the same Skill list that regular Skills are taken from?

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 12:15 pm
by SirSpamHammer
Okay, I found the answer to that one.

About the O.C.C. related skills taken at levels, 3, 6, 9> Are these really meant to be skills I have already taken?

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 1:58 pm
by Prysus
SirSpamHammer wrote:Are Secondary Skills taken from the same Skill list that regular Skills are taken from?
SirSpamHammer wrote:Okay, I found the answer to that one.

Greetings and Salutations. Just for the record, Secondary Skills are determined by a separate list found in RUE on page 300. Before RUE (using the original Rifts main book), they had been from the same list as Related Skills. As such, older sourcebooks may still say that.

SirSpamHammer wrote:About the O.C.C. related skills taken at levels, 3, 6, 9> Are these really meant to be skills I have already taken?

I'm not entirely sure I understand the question, so I'll provide an example using the Body Fixer on page 87.

O.C.C. Related Skills: At first level, the character will have a total of 11 O.C.C. Related Skills (3 must be chosen from the Medical Category). At levels 3 you select two more skills (a total of 13 now), and at level 6 you select two more (15 total now), and repeat for levels 9 and 12 for a total of 19 O.C.C. Related Skills. Note: "Totals" are for O.C.C. Related Skills only, and do not include O.C.C. or Secondary Skills into the total number.

Each time you select a new skill, it starts at the Base Proficiency (see RUE pages 300-301 for more details). So, for our Body Fixer example above, let's say s/he takes Medical: Animal Husbandry as a level 1 O.C.C. Related Skill. Base Skill starts at 35%, and as a Related Skill it gains a +15% bonus for a total of 50% proficiency at level 1 (plus any I.Q. bonus and/or bonuses from other sources, if any).

At level 3, the character selects Medical: Forensics. This is a skill the character did not have before and just learned. Forensics has a Base Skill of 35% as well, and since it's a Related Skill it gains the bonus of +15%. So Forensics will start at 50% proficiency even though your character is level 3. Meanwhile, Animal Husbandry has gone up two levels (level 2 and then level 3), with +5% per level the proficiency is now at 60%.

At level 6, the character selects Medical: Psychology as a Related Skill. This skill (also from the Medical category) has the same starting base, which means though your character is level 6 it will start at 50% proficiency. Meanwhile, Animal Husbandry is now at 75% and Forensics is at 65% proficiency. At 6th level, the character also selects Pilot: Hover Craft as a Secondary Skill. This is an available skill from the list on page 300, and since this is a Secondary Skill, the character does NOT get the bonus listed under the Related Skills. It starts at the Base Skill of 50% (plus bonus from I.Q., if any).

This is not a full example with all skills listed, but just a few skills to use as a reference. Hopefully that helps. Farewell and safe journeys.

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 2:21 pm
by SirSpamHammer
I'm just gonna go with the list they have under the title. Just to be on the safe side. Only thing is that even though Barter is listed as one of the specific skills that Body Fixer can take. Barter itself says that it's restricted to the Scholar and Adventurer O.C.C. Now, I was considering taking that one since it may come in handy when obtaining funds from difficult patients.

Is this another typo?

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 2:26 pm
by Prysus
SirSpamHammer wrote:I'm just gonna go with the list they have under the title. Just to be on the safe side. Only thing is that even though Barter is listed as one of the specific skills that Body Fixer can take. Barter itself says that it's restricted to the Scholar and Adventurer O.C.C. Now, I was considering taking that one since it may come in handy when obtaining funds from difficult patients.

Is this another typo?

Greetings and Salutations. Not a typo. The Body Fixer (specific class) is a Scholar and Adventurer O.C.C. (category of classes). At the top of page 87 it mentions Adventurer and Scholars. If you'd like a full list categories and specific classes, you can look at page 43 of RUE. Farewell and safe journeys.

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 4:23 pm
by SirSpamHammer
Oh, right thanks. I didn't take that skill anyway. I just left it out.

BTW, does Pilot Hovercycle, Skycycle and Rocket come as a free skill if I pick Pilot Hovercraft?

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 7:57 pm
by Myrrhibis
SirSpamHammer wrote:Oh, right thanks. I didn't take that skill anyway. I just left it out.

BTW, does Pilot Hovercycle, Skycycle and Rocket come as a free skill if I pick Pilot Hovercraft?

Not in any group I've played in or ran. That said, some GMs have given a small (+5%) bump to one if the other is taken.

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 8:06 pm
by SirSpamHammer
I'd like to take that skill primarily, I'm not so sure about Pilot Hovercraft, but I definitely want Pilot Hovercycle, Skycycle and Rocket.

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 1:09 pm
by SirSpamHammer
It says as a Body Fixer, I get no free hand to hand skill unless I purchase it as O.C.C. Related Skill. DO I need to Purchase it twice to get it at Expert level and are they the only ones I can purchase?

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 6:26 am
by SirSpamHammer
Picking my Secondary Skills now (I know it's taken me just over a week doing this.....) and I've taken Astronomy & Navigation as one of my first six skills. I was thinking of taking Advanced Maths as well. Now there is 10% bonus to the former if I take the latter, but I recall that no bonus's are permitted for Secondary Skills. So, do I just forget about that 10%?

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 9:34 am
by SirSpamHammer
So, I took W.P. Rifle skill at level 15. Do you think I wasted this slot?

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 4:48 pm
by The Beast
SirSpamHammer wrote:Picking my Secondary Skills now (I know it's taken me just over a week doing this.....) and I've taken Astronomy & Navigation as one of my first six skills. I was thinking of taking Advanced Maths as well. Now there is 10% bonus to the former if I take the latter, but I recall that no bonus's are permitted for Secondary Skills. So, do I just forget about that 10%?

Correct, secondary skills don't get the education/OCC bonus. They still get the IQ bonus though.

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 4:51 pm
by The Beast
SirSpamHammer wrote:It says as a Body Fixer, I get no free hand to hand skill unless I purchase it as O.C.C. Related Skill. DO I need to Purchase it twice to get it at Expert level and are they the only ones I can purchase?

You're correct that taking HtH: Expert will cost you two secondary skill slots, and IAW the RAW, Body Fixers can only take Basic or Expert.

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 4:52 pm
by The Beast
SirSpamHammer wrote:So, I took W.P. Rifle skill at level 15. Do you think I wasted this slot?

You're starting off at level 15? Can I get in on this game?

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 6:27 pm
by SirSpamHammer
The Beast wrote:
SirSpamHammer wrote:So, I took W.P. Rifle skill at level 15. Do you think I wasted this slot?

You're starting off at level 15? Can I get in on this game?

Why, is that wrong?

It says & I quote from the main rule book....

Six secondary skills from the skill list in the secondary skills section, +1 additional secondary skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 & 15.

How else do you interpret that rule?

Want to get in on this game? Well, I was thinking of running it locally where I live with a couple of people I know. Considering the possibility of also running the same game, Online so overseas people could play as well, may be a bit too difficult for a first time game master as myself. Maybe if I can't get anybody to play at my end, (I haven't asked them yet.) I will consider running it online with willing players such as yourself & that may solve another problem with my unfamiliarity with the rules. Surely you players who have knowledge of the rules already will most likely help me in play.

I also think it's a pity the rules for Palladium Fantasy are not truly compatible with Palladium Rifts. As I was thinking of running a Fantasy/Rifts x-over. Otherwise, I was thinking of running a game set in Rifts Australia. Only thing is that I think the Australian setting suffers from it's isolation from the rest of the world. Most of the cool O.C.C. & R.C.C. are not permitted there. Sure, they have their own, (Kwarlas and Mokoloi) but it didn't make a as good impression on me as the American and European Rifts territory.

We'll have to see.....

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 6:36 pm
by Kraynic
Most games start at level 1, and then your character does things, gains experience, and eventually (someday) may make it to level 15.

I have never tried to plan a character's skills out that far. Mainly because your character changes, and the challenges you need to overcome change all the time. You never know what will become important in game, and the skill needs of your character may be quite different by level 6 than anything you thought of at level 1.

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 8:43 pm
by SirSpamHammer
Damn, sounds like I made a huge mistake, but that's how I interpreted the rules, because I merely wanted my character to be at first level. Do I only pick one or two additional skills (from the relevant list.) when I REACH levels 3,6,9,12 and with secondary skills level 15?

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 9:53 pm
by The Beast
SirSpamHammer wrote:Damn, sounds like I made a huge mistake, but that's how I interpreted the rules, because I merely wanted my character to be at first level. Do I only pick one or two additional skills (from the relevant list.) when I REACH levels 3,6,9,12 and with secondary skills level 15?

Yeah, the additional skills are meant to be picked when your PC reaches those levels. Same applies with spells, psionics, hit points, and everything else.

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 6:37 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
SirSpamHammer wrote:Body Fixer has Outdoorsmanship listed as one of the mandatory skills, which requires Wilderness Survival before it can be taken. It's not listed there.

Does this mean I don't need to have it or should I write it down as well, even though it's not listed there?

Rifter 19 page 41 is where the Outdoorsmanship phsical skill is found.

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 1:25 pm
by SirSpamHammer
Prysus wrote:
SirSpamHammer wrote:Body Fixer has Outdoorsmanship listed as one of the mandatory skills, which requires Wilderness Survival before it can be taken. It's not listed there.

Does this mean I don't need to have it or should I write it down as well, even though it's not listed there?

Greetings and Salutations, the only official answer I believe is in Rifts Ultimate Edition (2nd Printing or later). Since you mentioned a Body Fixer with Outdoorsmanship, I'm thinking this is also the book you're using which makes it convenient as well as the same setting.

Rifts Ultimate Edition, page 299 wrote:If an O.C.C. or R.C.C. starts off with a skill that normally has a prerequisite skill(s), assume that the character has the pre-requisite skill as part of their training.

If you have a 1st Printing without some of the eratta published, you can look on the company website for the free RUE Eratta: ... Eratta.pdf

Hope that helps. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

So, I'm playing a Tengu Body-Fixer (It works, if it takes the Body-Fixer O.C.C. and related skills instead of the usual Tengu R.C.C. skills, which means I don't get Teng-Jutsu, but that's not the point I'm making.) in Japanese Rifts.

I just ask my game master the same question about Outdoormansship & Wildernesss Survival & I'm glad the answer is here. Anyway, I won't be making any of the same mistakes on skills that I did with the earlier character.

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 6:30 pm
by The Bearded Tech
So, I have a question that I'm not sure if has been covered already. In the copy of RUE that I have in the skills for the operator occ the science skills are limited to advanced math, chemistry and analytical chemistry. In the skill descriptions in the science group A.I. is described as usually available to those specializing in robotics and computers (which may include the operator and rogue scientist occs). My question is simply is this something that is an early printing error?

Re: O.C.C. Skills

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 1:06 am
by The Beast
The Bearded Tech wrote:So, I have a question that I'm not sure if has been covered already. In the copy of RUE that I have in the skills for the operator occ the science skills are limited to advanced math, chemistry and analytical chemistry. In the skill descriptions in the science group A.I. is described as usually available to those specializing in robotics and computers (which may include the operator and rogue scientist occs). My question is simply is this something that is an early printing error?

Not quite. That skill didn't exist when the OCC was first written up. So there wasn't a need to restrict that skill. When Palladium wrote RUE, they may have just did a quick C&P job (as they tend to do).

Having said that, the skill does mention that that level of AI is more likely found in off-world stuff (like Phase World setting).