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Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 9:59 am
by Hotrod
The enigmatic elf city in the Eastern Territories is getting the Glen Evans treatment in Rifter 84!

I am intrigued.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 9:41 pm
by Reagren Wright
And Raf-Chalon(tm) has been trademarked by Palladium. The city appears in Eastern Territory sourceboook and goes unnoticed. I find that funny. I hope everyone enjoys that place because I had a blast giving it life.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 11:03 pm
by kiralon
Hmm, I thought Raf-Chalon was a kingdom,not just a city.
I will have to do some reading.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 11:30 am
by ShadowHawk
I will tell Shannon, he will be excited to finally see it. Or not, as it might change a fair bit of his games.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 8:50 pm
by Reagren Wright
kiralon wrote:Hmm, I thought Raf-Chalon was a kingdom,not just a city.
I will have to do some reading.

I suppose you call it a little bit of both.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 10:17 pm
by kiralon
Well im hoping for kingdom because kingdoms have kings, and having a real elf king with a name and stats would be awesome, Even if it is only a tiny place.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 8:41 pm
by Reagren Wright
Oh yes there is a King, Prince, Mother, and something special.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 4:48 pm
by kiralon
Looking forward to this one.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:36 pm
by Reagren Wright
I have to say I love Mummah artwork he did in Raf-Chalon. The NPCS character look fantastic.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 12:20 pm
by stormlordrising
I bought the Rifter #84 just for this story. Really look forward to reading it when it comes in.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 9:22 pm
by Reagren Wright
stormlordrising wrote:I bought the Rifter #84 just for this story. Really look forward to reading it when it comes in.

Any opinions or criticism would be appreciated.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 12:27 pm
by Jimbo
Ok, here we go. First off, I thought it was a well written article. It clearly defines the kingdom and the governmental and economic structures of the place. Gives a broad general attitude if the inhabitants towards outsiders. Dammn its an expensive place to visit. Lol. Nit as expemsive as say Llorn but not cheap. The histories of the NPCs are well done and the whole place ties in with waht has been written before very smoothly. O e question, where the hell is the map? It REALLY needs a map defining the kingdom overall and locations of the points of interest. Thats my criticism, no map.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 5:03 pm
by kiralon
Where's hotrod when you need him ;)

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 10:27 am
by Hotrod
kiralon wrote:Where's hotrod when you need him ;)

Eyeballs-deep in another project at the moment (besides the one Glen and I are collaborating on). I wasn't involved in this one. Once I get my hands on Rifter 84, I might give it a go.

Raf-Chalon (the city) is on my Eastern Territories map.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 6:41 pm
by Reagren Wright
Jimbo wrote:Ok, here we go. First off, I thought it was a well written article. It clearly defines the kingdom and the governmental and economic structures of the place. Gives a broad general attitude if the inhabitants towards outsiders. Dammn its an expensive place to visit. Lol. Nit as expemsive as say Llorn but not cheap. The histories of the NPCs are well done and the whole place ties in with waht has been written before very smoothly. O e question, where the hell is the map? It REALLY needs a map defining the kingdom overall and locations of the points of interest. Thats my criticism, no map.

Thanks for the kind words and critique. Sorry my map making skills are as my players
will contest TERRIBLE. I even bought a map making program for my computer and
couldn't make heads or tails of it. That why I enjoy having Will do such things for me
and I try to provide as much details to let G.M.s be able to develops such places for
themselves. I'm hoping someone does come along and makes a map of Raf-Chalon but
also of the capital city of Lopan. Then again. Kevin didn't do a map of the Garden of
the Gods and left it much to the imagination of the G.M.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 11:44 am
by Hotrod
Reagren Wright wrote:
Jimbo wrote:Ok, here we go. First off, I thought it was a well written article. It clearly defines the kingdom and the governmental and economic structures of the place. Gives a broad general attitude if the inhabitants towards outsiders. Dammn its an expensive place to visit. Lol. Nit as expemsive as say Llorn but not cheap. The histories of the NPCs are well done and the whole place ties in with waht has been written before very smoothly. O e question, where the hell is the map? It REALLY needs a map defining the kingdom overall and locations of the points of interest. Thats my criticism, no map.

Thanks for the kind words and critique. Sorry my map making skills are as my players
will contest TERRIBLE. I even bought a map making program for my computer and
couldn't make heads or tails of it. That why I enjoy having Will do such things for me
and I try to provide as much details to let G.M.s be able to develops such places for
themselves. I'm hoping someone does come along and makes a map of Raf-Chalon but
also of the capital city of Lopan. Then again. Kevin didn't do a map of the Garden of
the Gods and left it much to the imagination of the G.M.

I should also point out that doing up a city map from scratch that looks plausible is a daunting prospect. My recommendation is to use the Medieval Fantasy City Generator, a fantastic tool that you can use to create cities according to your desired parameters in a few seconds (with a 3D visualizer to boot). I've experimented with using it as a basis for making my own city map.

Even so, the biggest nice-looking fantasy city map I've ever seen would be the home for ~20k people (by the way, you should totally check out that city and click it a couple times to zoom in; it's amazing). Palladium's cities tend to be a lot larger than that, which makes them effectively impossible to map in a way that's useful to players and GMs.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 2:43 pm
by Chris
Is this going to be considered Official Palladium Canon?

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 4:28 pm
by Jimbo
Thank you Reagren and Hotrod for your input. And yes, it drives me bonkers that Palladium fantasy doesnt include more maps. Thus why I love Hotrods work and look forward to seeing more of it.
Reagren, I had not completely read your article when I made my last post so please allow an addendum. The NPCs are well thought out and presented. They are very believable. I love the Repository and the story behind it. Personally a big fan of the Dwarves, ask my players. Lol. But thats not truly relevant here.
May I say, DAMN SIR! Fine work on the Hook, Line and Sinkers. Those are some of the best HLS's I have ever seen published.
In closing, Well done sir, well done. Uh

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 9:14 pm
by Reagren Wright
Hotrod wrote:
Reagren Wright wrote:
Jimbo wrote:Ok, here we go. First off, I thought it was a well written article. It clearly defines the kingdom and the governmental and economic structures of the place. Gives a broad general attitude if the inhabitants towards outsiders. Dammn its an expensive place to visit. Lol. Nit as expemsive as say Llorn but not cheap. The histories of the NPCs are well done and the whole place ties in with waht has been written before very smoothly. O e question, where the hell is the map? It REALLY needs a map defining the kingdom overall and locations of the points of interest. Thats my criticism, no map.

Thanks for the kind words and critique. Sorry my map making skills are as my players
will contest TERRIBLE. I even bought a map making program for my computer and
couldn't make heads or tails of it. That why I enjoy having Will do such things for me
and I try to provide as much details to let G.M.s be able to develops such places for
themselves. I'm hoping someone does come along and makes a map of Raf-Chalon but
also of the capital city of Lopan. Then again. Kevin didn't do a map of the Garden of
the Gods and left it much to the imagination of the G.M.

I should also point out that doing up a city map from scratch that looks plausible is a daunting prospect. My recommendation is to use the Medieval Fantasy City Generator, a fantastic tool that you can use to create cities according to your desired parameters in a few seconds (with a 3D visualizer to boot). I've experimented with using it as a basis for making my own city map.

Even so, the biggest nice-looking fantasy city map I've ever seen would be the home for ~20k people (by the way, you should totally check out that city and click it a couple times to zoom in; it's amazing). Palladium's cities tend to be a lot larger than that, which makes them effectively impossible to map in a way that's useful to players and GMs.

City Generator is the program I downloaded on my computer and couldn't get to work. I couldn't even understand the tutorial. Which is why I work better with words. As for Raf-Chalon becoming cannon--"At this time I can neither confirm nor deny that information."

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 3:02 pm
by stormlordrising
Reagren Wright wrote:
stormlordrising wrote:I bought the Rifter #84 just for this story. Really look forward to reading it when it comes in.

Any opinions or criticism would be appreciated.

Thank you. I really enjoyed reading all the article and the people and history involved it brought back good memories of The Rifter that I havent had in a long time. Great job. I dont like maps so much LOL so no map was needed.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:07 pm
by gaby
What are the Magic weapons in it?

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 6:20 pm
by Reagren Wright
They are in a building called the Repository located in the southeast corner of the kingdom on a 6 acre fenced in property (page 29 of Rifter #84.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 9:11 am
by gaby
Do you think ther will be a Eastern territory 2?
With the Info from Rifter 84,maybe adding some new Towns or a Kingdom,a few npcs,some Magic from Rifter becoming canon and some Adventures ideas I think it can wokr.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 9:29 am
by Hotrod
gaby wrote:Do you think ther will be a Eastern territory 2?
With the Info from Rifter 84,maybe adding some new Towns or a Kingdom,a few npcs,some Magic from Rifter becoming canon and some Adventures ideas I think it can wokr.

Since Lopan is part of the Dominion of Man, you might consider it an "Eastern Territory 1.5." I wouldn't expect to see an Eastern Territory 2 book.
As far as I know, there's no plan in the works to return to the Eastern Territories. What might change that would be if Kevin decided to make a "Wolfen Wars" book, series, or strategy game.

Re: Raf-Chalon in Rifter 84!

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 4:27 pm
by Reagren Wright