Hotrod wrote:What happens when you cast "Stone to Flesh" on a statue?
depends who they used to bekiralon wrote:I have always wondered how tasty the stone to flesh is. If you do stone to flesh a rock does it taste like chicken? pork? fish? Human flesh?
My headcanon is that certain types of different stone turn into different kinds of flesh (ie fat, muscle, ligaments, etc) and that turning a flesh-first something into stone creates that proper arrangement of stone which will turn back into a proper arrangement of flesh.
If however you are building something stone-first, getting the proper mixture of stone to emulate proper flesh variety is a very complicated process. You would need a combination of skills in Biology and Geology and be constantly experimenting with turning different kinds of stones into flesh to see what it becomes, and vice versa.
Over time you'd know enough to build a human-ish collection of flesh from the proper stone precursors.
BOM67 "identify minerals" would be key to identifying the proper types of minerals that you would need to prep your sculpture. You can use stuff like "Crumble Stone" or "Dig" to help mine for them. BOM69 "Locate Minerals" would be important to know WHERE to mine, while 'identify' would be used to sort through your dig.
If you can't find them, then yeah you COULD use Clay to Stone to make them... in theory. But since it never mentions what KIND of stone it turns into... it may not be the proper type. The GM might rule that certain types of clay always turn into certain kinds of stone.
What this means is you need 2-tier knowledge:
1) the type of stone needed to make a proper flesh component
2) the type of clay needed to make a proper stone component
Some other kind of skill role should be involved!
On the plus side, if you have "create clay", you don't have to worry about tracking down precursors (as you would with Dirt to Clay) since you could just specify which type you created, presumably.
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Newbie unskilled warlocks who try this build monstrosties which can't live on their own and can only be briefly animated via the remaining duration of 'sculpt and animated clay animals'. Once that expires, to re-animate them, you'd have to change the flesh back into stone, the stone into clay, animate them, then back to stone, then back to flesh, all before the duration expires.
You'd probably be better off just trying again from scratch (clay) to conserve PPE.
The only way "Breath of Life" could create a permanent servant (who remains animated beyond the duration of ACA) could perhaps be with godlike genesplicerish levels of biological knowhow combnied with geological knowhow.
In that way, maybe BOL could actually give permanent (well, maybe just reasnoable life span) animation to something as if it were a true resurrection. Not necessarily a 'soul' or anything, but then, do we even know how souls are formed? If the Splugorth clones someone, does the clone have a soul?
Normally even with BOL it's just not likely to be permanent. BOM74's "Transference of Essence" notes:
or animal of clay creation (thus becoming permanent).
The difference that 'breath of life' would make is probably between these distinctinions of how the body is controlled
as if it were his own natural body
like a robot
The former is for "living plant" while the latter is for golem/mannequin/puppet.
What you COULD do (rather than redo the clay>stone>flesh process) is eentually make it into a Flesh Golem if yuo have access to Demon Magic (WB35p106). Apparently careless use of Soul Mind on them might actually grant them sentience which I assume is some combo of IQ and ME, though 7/6 is higher than some humans have...
Mark Hall wrote:each section (8'*8'*4') of wall of stone weighs about 2400# (since you need a combined PS of 60 to lift, and lifting weight is twice carry weight, and carry weight for 17+ PS is 20* PS, we can go with 60*20*2=2400).
Huh, never noticed that BOM69 gave that for WOS but BOM68 does not for WOC. Nor does WOC have the "all elemental walls" note.
Mark Hall wrote:With a single casting of Wall of Stone on day 1, and 4 Stone to Flesh a day for 6 days thereafter, they can generate 1536 cubic feet of meat per week. Now,
according to this site, 1 cubic foot of chicken is roughly 37# of meat, so we are looking at 56,832 pounds of meat... twenty eight TONS... per week.
All of which will vanish after 4 minutes / level or if hit prematurely with Dispel Magic Barriers.
You could enjoy eating flesh but not gain weight from it since it vanishes.
If you want something that'll last a bit longer, BOM70's Cocoon of Stone is 500 pounds lasting 1 day per level.
Whether anything with a duration is able to provide long-term nutrition is pretty questionable. I definitely see a problem with proteins your body forms from amino acids that will disappear.
At best it seems like an energy (calories) source (mostly from fat, since protein isn't quick energy and flesh is low-carb) as you might be able to digest it before it vanishes?
kiralon wrote:do you get 22kg of flesh, or just the volume that 22kg took up. (per lvl)
Very good question.
I'm thinking "just the volume" because otherwise what happens if I cast it on a 300 pound stone statue who used to be a 100 pound person? Do they get bigger?
Mark Hall wrote:A corpse.
Reference "Sculpt And Animate Clay Animals", the 7th level Earth Warlock spell;
Sculpt& Animate Clay Animals, Clay to Stone, Stone to Flesh, Breath of Life makes a zombie-like creature; presumably, Stone to Flesh on a statue makes a corpse.
BOM72-73 also mentions casting Breath of Life with just Clay to Stone atop the Animate Clay Animals.
way it seems to work is
Stone = double the MDC of clay
Iron = triple the MDC of clay (50% more than stone)
Breath of Life = adds melee attacks
The super weird part is BOL only adds a 50% increase (+1) in melee attacks to clay...
yet BOL+stone = 100% (x2) increase in attacks (+2=4)
and BOL+metal = 200% (x3) increase (+4=6)
But I don't really get why stone or metal would make them FASTER...not to mention more coordinated. Of course it only ATTACKS faster... the Spd attribute isn't mentioned as being increased so that stays the same... WEIRD.
"damage and bonuses" means +3 to strike and 3D6 MD at the top level though it doesn't mention PS increasing so I guess that's still 22.
Probably a good trick is casting Superhuman PS on this thing because base damage 3D6 x 3 = 9D6
of course you might just viwe that as being +2D6 but 5D6 is still decent in that case...
What I don't like about these combos is how it seems to take for granted you'd have this Air Warlock spell in play, when more likely a lot of warlocks (or earth elementals) will simply have "Animate Clay" + "Clay to Stone" so I'd want to know how that works alone.
I'm actually wondering, if we look at BOL as adding a fixed +1, maybe that means stone adds +1 by itself and metal adds +4 by itself?
Given that there's other stuff you can turn clay into (well, just Lead) I want to know the stat for that too.