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1st HU Group game in a long time. Please evaluate my adventu

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 8:56 am
by BeckettColt
I appoligize in advance as this will be long. I am starting a new Heros Unlimited RPG in 2 weeks with 6 players and myself. We are going to have a player creation session first then if time permits going right into a game. I plan on taking a few shortcuts for character creation that I will explain later to speed along the player creation.

I am basing the game in a place called River Valley. A combination of my home town and current city I live in IRL. River Valley will be about as large as both combined but use similar street's so the players know thier way around a little easier. The time is modern day and after thinking long about the choice of cell phones and new technology I have decied it would be acceptable. The cell service in the area was going to be dependant on three companies. The best service would cost the players $100 a month and allow a straight communications skill to make a call. A failed call means the call was not going thru right now. Probably from criminal activity. The other two tiers would have a -5%/-10% to the roll cause the service is worse. I am wandering so back on topic.

Re: 1st HU Group game in a long time. Please evaluate my adv

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:44 pm
by smithclarkson02
I didn't even think about the cop to super ratio.

Based on this site, there's on average 20.7-24.3 Police Officers per 10k inhabitants in cities with populations over 500,000. Going on the high side and a theoretical population of 1 million, that means the Police Department would have roughly 2,430 members.

That's more like 1 Cop for every 20 Supers. Time for the normals to throw up their hands, deputize the least insane, and let them police themselves.

Re: 1st HU Group game in a long time. Please evaluate my adv

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 6:38 am
by johnamaro
This all sounds very "video gamey." This isn't a critique, just an observation. You have an EXTREMELY high percentage of super-types in this world. If River Valley had a population of, say, 1 million inhabitants, that would 50,000 are supers of one type or another. That's a pretty high number for the genre. Hell, at that point, I would assume it's less "random street crime" and more "organized bands taking over the city." Which is totally fine! Some great stories can be based on having the "Alien Mafia" in a gang war with the "Sorcerer's Syndicate" while the "Mutant Mob" secretly manipulates both. And if you want justice, you have to go to one of the gangs. Until our heroes arrive. I'm not sure I understand how the cell phone provider is an issue. I generally skip over individual bills, and keep most routine expenses in the background, so long as they have some appropriate job or other source of income. But, if you wanted to make Cell Service a question, I would just set it at a die roll per call--like, roll 1d10 per call, on a 1 there's an issue. Static, dropped call, etc. The users skill rarely has any place in answers the question of the call succeeding or failing. Just some thoughts.