Inns and Popup Communities

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Inns and Popup Communities

Unread post by pblackcrow »

The leaders of our group lost the map of the way back. They were on their way back and took the wrong road, then took several more wrong turns. It was getting dark out, and my group was tired as heck from riding close to all day yet again and only stopping 5 times, 4 was to very briefly to relieve ourselves while we watered the horses, the other one was to fight a I am pretty sure our elven wizard's nuts will not drop for some time...they took a troll's clubbing but are still attached. Sore as heck, and the ride is not helping matters. But they are still attached. Also, it has started to rain, yet again on this journey. It was at this time that I take over as the GM. Since they were about to stumble into one of my areas on the shared GMs map. The sign post up ahead made from black leather, that reads:
"The Laughing Skull Inn
Bathhouse & Stables
Directly Ahead
Next Crossroads"
The summoner who is rather cunningly disguised as a barbarian decide to stops to "relieve himself", (note: the player does this as well.) but the summoner uses the pause to his advantage (after Steve gets back), and sends a faerie, called fangs, to investigate. Fangs, who knows better then to lie or try to trick his master soon returns with favorable reports of small but mixed community and pretty new from the looks of it. No rust on any chain there, except for a little on the Inn. When pressed for more info, he tells his master there's a smith, church to the Gods of Light, wagon wright, general store, apothecary, small market square, and pawn shop there. Plus, there is a bit of farmlands and an orchard past the edge of the community.

The community is governed by a necromancer who is also the wealthy owner of the Inn. He also helps the community with the undead he commands. However, they didn't seam interested in exploring anything but a bath, a meal, and a room. My character had to fade, because I was GMing, so he decides to go to confessional at the church. Um, yeah! Hearing a Bard confess for over 3 years of play.
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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