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Paladin leveling up

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 6:10 pm
by Ironpig II
I’m now having issues finding (in main book) whether a paladin’s PPE and SDC increase per level?
Any help would be great.

Re: Paladin leveling up

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 7:30 pm
by The Beast
SDC generally never levels up for anyone. If your PPE is meant to level up there's usually a notation in the CC's description in the Abilities & Bonuses section. It's usually the last one

Re: Paladin leveling up

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 10:57 pm
by Veknironth
Well, I don't think the Paladin levels up in PPE. It's not a class that is steeped in magic so what little the Paladin has at graduation is it. This funny since the Demon Death Blow uses up a random amount of PPE so it's conceivable that the power works sometimes and other times doesn't. SDC would only increase if the character picked up a skill that grants SDC as part of it. Then you'd roll and add that. But doesn't everyone max out SDC at the beginning?

"SDC is just extra hit points. I dislike it."

Re: Paladin leveling up

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:39 am
by Orin J.
i'm not sure where it says the DDB uses up PPE. it mentions it draws on it, but i can't find a cost anywhere. then again, the whole class is kinda.....abstractly explained.

Re: Paladin leveling up

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 12:35 pm
by ShadowLogan
Orin J. wrote:i'm not sure where it says the DDB uses up PPE. it mentions it draws on it, but i can't find a cost anywhere. then again, the whole class is kinda.....abstractly explained.

pg89 of PF2E (5th Printing) it is at the very end of section 3 of Special Palladin Training & Mastery as "Note: The demon blow draws on 3d6 of the character's P.P.E. Reserve of mystic, inner energy and can be considered a magical attack"

Re: Paladin leveling up

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 1:03 pm
by Orin J.
ShadowLogan wrote:
Orin J. wrote:i'm not sure where it says the DDB uses up PPE. it mentions it draws on it, but i can't find a cost anywhere. then again, the whole class is kinda.....abstractly explained.

pg89 of PF2E (5th Printing) it is at the very end of section 3 of Special Palladin Training & Mastery as "Note: The demon blow draws on 3d6 of the character's P.P.E. Reserve of mystic, inner energy and can be considered a magical attack"

ah, that's why. my DTF copy is second printing. they should probably get that extra 2D6 per level instead of one-time then, really.

Re: Paladin leveling up

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:18 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Ironpig II wrote:I’m now having issues finding (in main book) whether a paladin’s PPE and SDC increase per level?
Any help would be great.

In the PF RPG 2nd ed 1st printing the Paladin's the demon death blow does not take any PPE to do it.

Looking at what SL wrote, it seams that they changed this but didn't give a level up bonus for PPE to compensate for having it cost something now.

The only place I can remember right now that has something similar are the 'chi' deathblow in the Japan WB in the samurai class and a few other mystical fighter classes. And they, in the 1st printing, are just like the PF2 Paladin's text (like it was C&P'ed then mod'ed a bit) Where the blow doesn't cost anything and there isn't a level up PPE boost.

Re: Paladin leveling up

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 6:38 pm
by Library Ogre
Veknironth wrote:-Vek
"SDC is just extra hit points. I dislike it."

If the game were better designed, SDC would increase with level, but Hit Points would not; even their descriptions in the game books make it clear that SDC is a combination of training and experience, while HP is supposed to just be health, once personal SDC is introduced.

But, that is not the game we have.

Re: Paladin leveling up

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 8:48 pm
by Lord Malachdrim
So just leave HP equal to PE and do the +1d6 as sdc.

Re: Paladin leveling up

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:26 am
by gaby
I think would be cool if Palladin get abilites at level ,9 and 12 like for example Pain tolerance,or Born lucky,I got them from Rifter 81 Super sleuth abilites,but it only wokrs if they can facing a Supernatural evil monsters.

What do you think?

Re: Paladin leveling up

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:58 am
by Library Ogre
TBH, as a level-based system, Palladium is TERRIBLY front-loaded. It's why various class-changing schemes in the system work so poorly... you get 90% of your class at level 1, and the level advancement stuff isn't that compelling.

Re: Paladin leveling up

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:13 pm
by Orin J.
Mark Hall wrote:TBH, as a level-based system, Palladium is TERRIBLY front-loaded. It's why various class-changing schemes in the system work so poorly... you get 90% of your class at level 1, and the level advancement stuff isn't that compelling.

it's getting entirely off-topic at this point, but my solution for class changing being so front loaded has always been 1:You only gain new skills that are directly required by the class and secondary skills according to the first leveling up of your new class instead of the skills gained at first level, and 2: you do not progress in any existing HTH combat skills (including robot combats).
the judgement there being that a first level character was presumably learning their first class for some time without the hectic life of adventure messing with them, and developing the required class features while also having a full-time adventuring life/career limits your development compared so someone able to focus on building a skill-set.

of course, my other solution was not telling anyone at the table it was possible so it only came up like, once.....

Re: Paladin leveling up

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 5:24 pm
by kiralon
Just use IQ as the limit of number of skills you can know, or for every 2 levels they go up in the second class they go down one level in the first class.
I also give an xp negative of %20 per extra class, so I will allow 2 class changes for example, but now you get %40 less experience (which goes to maintaining the other classes).
This combined with the IQ limit on number of skills tends to even it out (Old skills can be forgotten to allow new skills mind you).

Re: Paladin leveling up

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 2:55 am
by Borast
Ironpig II wrote:I’m now having issues finding (in main book) whether a paladin’s PPE and SDC increase per level?
Any help would be great.

Without going through my various versions of the TSR product... I'm pretty sure they don't have PPE and SDC...

Now, PFRPG's Palladin... other than the bonus PPE during creation, no I don't see a Man at Arms' PPE (in general) increasing as you level.
As for SDC, unlike HPs, SDC does not (for most OCCs/RCCs/PCCs) grow as you level. If you want more SDC, take a Physical skill.

Given that it has been almost a decade since I last sat down to really go through the PFRPG books, I could be wrong.

Re: Paladin leveling up

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 4:41 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
SDC do not get level ups.
This is something that applies to all PB chars across the board.
If there are any races(or classes) which the SDC increases, that that is an artifact of (and limited to) that race (or class).