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Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 11:25 pm
by Sureshot
I was thinking of maybe ordering the core for a fellow gaming buddy yet I cannot see any link to the print version of the UR core book in the forum store section. Is it going through a reprinting? Yes I know he can get it in PDF he seems to prefer print.

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 1:03 am
by Warshield73
RUE, Rifts Ultimate Edition does seem to be missing from the online catalog. I thought that normally when a book was out of print it just went to back order.

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 11:06 am
by Nekira Sudacne
yea it just means it's out of print at the moment.

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 12:05 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Google it and go to the shopping section.

There is a difference between the phrase "out of print" and 'sold out'.
'Out Of Print' means 'Not going to be reprinted'.

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 1:55 pm
by Mack
Sureshot wrote:I was thinking of maybe ordering the core for a fellow gaming buddy yet I cannot see any link to the print version of the UR core book in the forum store section. Is it going through a reprinting? Yes I know he can get it in PDF he seems to prefer print.

That's odd. Normally an out of stock book is listed as such, but it looks like RUE vanished from the website. Also, there's no mention of it being out of stock on the 16 Apr update.

I forwarded your message to see if we can get an answer.

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 4:02 pm
by Warshield73
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:There is a difference between the phrase "out of print" and 'sold out'.
'Out Of Print' means 'Not going to be reprinted'.

I was a little sloppy here but that was sort of my point. Like Mack said when a book is sold out it is usually still in the online catalogue but listed as back order and Kevin usually mentions it in the weekly update. RUE is just gone so I don't think it's out of print but we have no idea when it will be reprinted.

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 6:28 pm
by Prysus
Greetings and Salutations. I had trouble finding it through the store directly, but I did an online search and found the link: ... ition.html

Hope that helps. Farewell and safe journeys.

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 7:26 pm
by Warshield73
Prysus wrote:
Greetings and Salutations. I had trouble finding it through the store directly, but I did an online search and found the link: ... ition.html

Hope that helps. Farewell and safe journeys.

Thanks, This is what you normally see when a book is back order but usually it still shows up in the listings. I even scrolled through the Product List to see if maybe the linked was just missing but I couldn't find it on the list either.

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 8:01 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
I just had a horrible thought, that they are going to make a new core book for rifts.

In my opinion, if they are going to revise anything, they should start with WB 1 and work forward and fix all the unintended consequences of the more recent rules changes. Like the Titan Juicer which is a mundane class yet it has SNPS equivalent without explaining it is not mystical in nature more clearly/bluntly in the stats section. That way the people who say...that is just flavor text that don't count don't have a leg to stand on.
Or changing the description of the Rocket mortar in RBM to say it is a Rocket mortar. (in other words get rid of the stupid word 'propelled' out of it.)

I could go on with more clarifying if the magic elements are in opposition like in greek culture and in the fusionists class says they are.

If they just start revising the WBs then they can throw in new artwork.

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 1:16 am
by Warshield73
We might get one or two WB updates in the future but I doubt it. The only reason WB 1 got an update was to incorporate all the new info that was added in it and its new SB.

As for an update to RUE, Kevin said at the last POH that he wasn't planning to do it until they could revamp the whole system so I doubt that as well. Just strikes me as an error of some kind.

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 11:17 pm
by Warshield73
Well mystery, if there was one, solved. Kevin mention in a Murmur today that RUE is "temporarily out of stock" so I guess this is a recent occurrence.

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 4:34 pm
by Hotrod
Warshield73 wrote:We might get one or two WB updates in the future but I doubt it. The only reason WB 1 got an update was to incorporate all the new info that was added in it and its new SB.

As for an update to RUE, Kevin said at the last POH that he wasn't planning to do it until they could revamp the whole system so I doubt that as well. Just strikes me as an error of some kind.

What would Kevin name it?

Rifts: Revised Ultimate Edition
Rifts: Ultimate Edition 2.0
Rifts: Ultimate-er Edition
Rifts: Post-Ultimate Edition
Rifts: Just Kidding Edition

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 4:51 pm
by Colonel_Tetsuya
Hotrod wrote:
Warshield73 wrote:We might get one or two WB updates in the future but I doubt it. The only reason WB 1 got an update was to incorporate all the new info that was added in it and its new SB.

As for an update to RUE, Kevin said at the last POH that he wasn't planning to do it until they could revamp the whole system so I doubt that as well. Just strikes me as an error of some kind.

What would Kevin name it?

Rifts: Revised Ultimate Edition
Rifts: Ultimate Edition 2.0
Rifts: Ultimate-er Edition
Rifts: Post-Ultimate Edition
Rifts: Just Kidding Edition

I know what i'd call it (because i'd also plan on fixing gaping setting holes):

R3 (Rifts: Revised and Retconned).

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:02 pm
by Warshield73
Hotrod wrote:
Warshield73 wrote:We might get one or two WB updates in the future but I doubt it. The only reason WB 1 got an update was to incorporate all the new info that was added in it and its new SB.

As for an update to RUE, Kevin said at the last POH that he wasn't planning to do it until they could revamp the whole system so I doubt that as well. Just strikes me as an error of some kind.

What would Kevin name it?

Rifts: Revised Ultimate Edition
Rifts: Ultimate Edition 2.0
Rifts: Ultimate-er Edition
Rifts: Post-Ultimate Edition
Rifts: Just Kidding Edition

My guess if it's just an update to RUE it would be RUE Revised, would fit with what they did with HU. If it is a system wide revamp it was discussed as 2.0 at the POH so maybe. As I indicated though this is not likely. When the subject of a revision of RUE came up it was just shot down and then 2.0 came up KS talked about it kind wistfully, like oh it would be cool to do this if we had the money to you know survive.

The real point was that no plans to revise RUE but again my info is out of date so I was also kind of hoping a freelancer with more recent knowledge would chime in but alas no one took the bait.

Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:I know what i'd call it (because i'd also plan on fixing gaping setting holes):

R3 (Rifts: Revised and Retconned).

I always wondered about this. If they did a serious update to the system would they reset the continuity. I'm OK either way.

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:31 pm
by Orin J.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:I know what i'd call it (because i'd also plan on fixing gaping setting holes):

wouldn't that just be sourcebook: lazlo though?

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:54 pm
by Colonel_Tetsuya
Orin J. wrote:
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:I know what i'd call it (because i'd also plan on fixing gaping setting holes):

wouldn't that just be sourcebook: lazlo though?

No, not remotely.

Setting hole example:

"Rifts Earth is a barren wasteland with hundreds of miles between towns and travelling takes weeks"
- there are vehicles in the main book that can cross the entire continent in 3 hours.

"No one knows how to get anywhere and there aren't maps"
- SAMAS could have mapped the entire continent with plain old 1930s Aerial photography in a week or two.

Triax never experienced the Dark Age but their technology is only marginally better than the CS' technology, with their only real advancement being very weak forcefields.

Wilks being the pre-eminent laser manufacturer in the world, except they cant even make a gun as good as the JA-11, which is ubiquitous and made by everyone.

Handwavium Nuke Plants (very minor)

"Demons will overrun the Earth in the Minion War"
- but a single CS mobile infantry company could mow down fifty times their number in demons without ever even being in rage of being harmed.

The Gargoyle Empire ever being a credible threat to the NGR.

Mutants in Orbit.


A Lazlo World Book is not going to fix that.

You can keep almost all of the relevant world events and still fix those glaring holes. So the gist of the setting would be entirely the same, but some parts that Kevin really wanted would actually make sense (like lots of wilderness, cant find your way around, and certainly cant fly from Merctown to Arzno every day).

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:24 pm
by Orin J.
ignoring that the other books you're mentioning aren't.....required (i've never accepted mutants in orbit as part of my campaigns and it's not their job to force it) your entire argument of what you'd rewrite hinges on the coalition sharing the information you're citing. for the average adventuring group, the facts in the book are true. rifts isn't written around you being the preeminent elites of the post-apocolypse, just the brave heroes pulling up the common masses that have been stomped into the mud,

also Wilks makes plenty of rifles equal to the J-11 laser. it just doesn't pack on an Ion gun and and 7.62 sniper as well to cover for the fact their laser is dedicated a single-shot sniping weapon.

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 9:24 pm
by Colonel_Tetsuya
Orin J. wrote:ignoring that the other books you're mentioning aren't.....required (i've never accepted mutants in orbit as part of my campaigns and it's not their job to force it)

"Well YOU can just choose to ignore books you dont like" is not an argument.

your entire argument of what you'd rewrite hinges on the coalition sharing the information you're citing.

Try reading everything i wrote, for starters, and not just cherrypicking the few things you think you can "disprove". The major one is, anyone can fly across the continent in hours. Its a commercially available vehicle.

And the CS is hardly the only country that would be mapping. NG, Lazlo, etc, would all have been able to do the exact same thing. A few dozen Sky Kings with a camera and a couple of weeks. Lazlo would freely share the maps with everyone.

for the average adventuring group, the facts in the book are true.

No they aren't. They dont even make it out of the RMB.

rifts isn't written around you being the preeminent elites of the post-apocolypse, just the brave heroes pulling up the common masses that have been stomped into the mud,

Which has.... what to do with anything i brought up?

also Wilks makes plenty of rifles equal to the J-11 laser. it just doesn't pack on an Ion gun and and 7.62 sniper as well to cover for the fact their laser is dedicated a single-shot sniping weapon.

Really? Go ahead and point out all those Wilk's lasers that do 4D6 with a single shot and a range of FOUR THOUSAND FEET.

I'd say "I'll wait", but there aren't any.

The only laser that they make that does more than 3D6+2 per single shot is their PULSE CANNON, at a whopping 5D6. Only the pulse cannon has a range better than 2000ft - at 3000ft

The only way anything Wilks makes can be considered "better" is if you are ONLY considering damage with bursts (pulses in this case) included. Theyre shorter range, not any more energy efficient, do less damage per shot, you name it. The JA-11 is a better weapon, just for the 4000ft range. By the time you get into range with your Wilks Pulse Rifle... well, you wont. Ill have killed you before you get close enough to use it.

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:26 pm
by Orin J.
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:
Orin J. wrote:ignoring that the other books you're mentioning aren't.....required (i've never accepted mutants in orbit as part of my campaigns and it's not their job to force it)

"Well YOU can just choose to ignore books you dont like" is not an argument.

oh hell yes it is! we're talking about the core rulebook here, large swathes of the books produced after are relating to timeline events the GM may not have set the group late enough in the setting to use yet or have discarded entirely because the players averted that event. the rulebook should not reflect the material as a postscript when the material itself is written for the group to use.

Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:The only way anything Wilks makes can be considered "better" is if you are ONLY considering damage with bursts (pulses in this case) included. Theyre shorter range, not any more energy efficient, do less damage per shot, you name it. The JA-11 is a better weapon, just for the 4000ft range. By the time you get into range with your Wilks Pulse Rifle... well, you wont. Ill have killed you before you get close enough to use it.

don't brandish a strawman at me and expect me to flinch. if you're starting firefights at 4000 feet away you're both attacking most everyone you so much as see and shockingly afraid of any kind of terrain not actively assisting you. this is before factoring in how many things have the speed to clear that gap in short order. it's a poor fight that starts at the exact range you want to fight at and stays there and a poor tactician that allows it. Wilk's lasers are more viable in average combat situations, and gets more out of a short E-clip in almost every model. the juicer rifle requires you to be able to take an aimed shot to fire the laser to begin with and any situation you can't make an aimed shot (and the list of THAT is whatever the GM decides) makes it useless.

(also the 587 does 4d6+2 MDC so there :P)

Re: Ultimate Rifts Core Book out of print?

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 7:52 pm
by Mack