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Difference In Editions Old Ones
Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 11:11 am
by Stone Gargoyle
I was sent a copy of Old Ones first edition by mistake when I thought I had ordered the second edition book. I am not too thrilled by the first edition book and am wondering if it is worth my time and money to get the second edition book. What are the main differences?
Re: Difference In Editions Old Ones
Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 3:22 pm
by The Beast
IIRC, the main things are that the classes and NPCs were converted to 2nd edition rules (ie: SDC & PPE). I don't recall any world information being changed, with the exception that the calendar from 1st Ed was removed, and thus histories are presented as "'x' years ago event 'a' happened" instead of something like "'yyyy' event 'a' happened." But for the most part you'll be fine with a 1st Ed copy.
Re: Difference In Editions Old Ones
Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 5:46 pm
by Warshield73
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I was sent a copy of Old Ones first edition by mistake when I thought I had ordered the second edition book. I am not too thrilled by the first edition book and am wondering if it is worth my time and money to get the second edition book. What are the main differences?
Was it Palladium Books that sent it to you? Just wondering because I haven't seen a 1st ed PFRPG book in a store or at a Open House in like a decade.
Re: Difference In Editions Old Ones
Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 4:08 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Warshield73 wrote:Was it Palladium Books that sent it to you? Just wondering because I haven't seen a 1st ed PFRPG book in a store or at a Open House in like a decade.
No, I bought it on Amazon from a bookseller that claimed it was Amazon's error.
The Beast wrote:IIRC, the main things are that the classes and NPCs were converted to 2nd edition rules (ie: SDC & PPE). I don't recall any world information being changed, with the exception that the calendar from 1st Ed was removed, and thus histories are presented as "'x' years ago event 'a' happened" instead of something like "'yyyy' event 'a' happened." But for the most part you'll be fine with a 1st Ed copy.
Are the classes reprinted elsewhere? I don't want to buy the book just for the updated classes.
Re: Difference In Editions Old Ones
Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 4:41 pm
by The Beast
AFAIK they're not.