Prysus wrote:since there were questions about what you were trying to abbreviate,
things clearly didn't make sense
Only if KC truly did not have a good sense of it's probable meaning.
KC strikes me as a person with great intuitive powers.
Prysus wrote:the first word in the title is "Rifts," but you left out of your acronym
No other system has a Conversion Book, so it's not needed. If I were discussing World Books outside of their game forums RWB/NWB/PWB would of course be needed if I had not established the context of which game's world book.
Unless of course I was counting 20+ because that's obviously Rifts-only, since NB/PF haven't counted that high.
Prysus wrote:you didn't separate page number from the book title
Like "RMB10"? RMBp10 is certainly prettier, but not needed.
Come to think of it, I guess RMB could also mean "Robotech Main Book", should we maybe use "Ri" and "Ro" as shortforms rather than just R?
Prysus wrote:there are three different books that fall into that category.
In current printings and usage,
Rifts Conversion Book One does have a number.
I'd be fine referring to the revised edition as CBOR though I usually just call it CBR.
"One" was
not part of the title on the original cover (much like "Fantasy" was not part of the title on the original cover of the Palladium RPG) so it feels wrong to include 'one' or "1" when referring to the non-revised edition. CB w/o number should obviously mean the first one. If I meant the series as a whole I'd say "CBs".
Prysus wrote:Since you didn't include a number, we'd be left to guess which of the three.
Not really, if I say "I watched Terminator" it obviously means the first film "The Terminator", despite some people retroactively calling it "Terminator One" after "Terminator Two" came out.
Prysus wrote:So with that acronym I could guess at the following ...
Rifts Chi-Town 'Burbs, page 26.
First-come first-serve for initialisms, I've never seen anyone abbreviate Burbs that way. You'd probably shorten Chi-Town to "CT" so it would be RCTB.
Prysus wrote:Rifts Conversion Book (One, original), page 26.
Rifts Conversion Book One, Revised, page 26.
Your use of parenthesis shows you are aware that the one is retroactive and not properly part of the title.
I might for example, in respect to RUE, describe the 1990 edition of Rifts as "Rifts Original Edition" or ROE but it'd be weird to expect people to do that since it's not the actual title of the game.
Prysus wrote:Rifts Conversion Book Two, page 6.
Rifts Conversion Book Two, page 26.
Neither would be used that way, I don't entertain this as an actual consideration.
You would not omit the Two/2 if specifing the second book, and any time you end a book title with a number you would obviously use some kind of separation before using the number of the page.
Prysus wrote:Rifts Dark Conversions, page 26 (which is generally considered Conversion Book 3).
You would say RDC26/DC26 or RCB3p26/CB3p26
A "p" or "pg" divider before the number isn't needed for the first conversion book except for the niche situation of referring to the 2nd or 3rd page.
Prysus wrote:You made a typo since it doesn't follow the standard usage of acronyms for that book on these forums or in the books (for example, P.P.E. and S.D.C. are used regularly in the books, and generally accepted on these forums without explanation due to them being official book acronyms).
You meant something else entirely.
It occurs to me that there are potentially at least two subsets of typos:
1) intentionally spelling something a certain way, with others disagreeing on that spelling
2) accidentally spelling something a certain way
We're talking about the first situation, whereas hitting keys in the wrong order w/o noticing (ie "tlaking" instead of "talking") would be the 2nd kind.
It also is worth noting that my above using of "tlaking" is not a typo at all, since it is not an error to intentionally spell a word wrong as an example.
Prysus wrote:If you want to act in "good faith," then you should accept that not everyone will make the same assumptions as you.
Instead, proceed with the concept that others may have "difficulty with these concepts," and aim to communicate in a way that will be clear to others.
There is always some amount of speculation involved. I for example usually write PPE instead of P.P.E. despite it being standard format in books to include the periods after each of the three letters. I expect people know what I will mean.
Killer Cyborg wrote:your context made zero sense, since there is no Conversion Book 26.
So now you know, and can do better in the future.
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/smile.gif)
The well-known fact there are not 20+ conversion books is exactly why it DID make sense.
To use a PF analogy, if you wrote "MOM26" I'd know you meant page twenty-six of the first book in the Mysteries of Magic series (The Heart of Magic).
Even after the 2nd book (Dark Magicks) comes out, I'd still know that's what you meant.
MOM w/o MOM2 obviously refers to the first book even after additional ones come out. Even though 'MOM1' is slightly clearer ( and more accurate since the original cover actually DID include a number, unlike the CB/RCB) it isn't mandatory.
You can see this for example in the Amazon listing for Sedition: ... 1574570455They don'e even include "Chapter One" in their writeup despite it appearing on the cover.
Plus if anyone says "Coalition Wars" : at this point it has for such a long time exclusively meant the Siege on Tolkeen hexalogy (septalogy including Aftermath) that even if Palladium does finally make "Coalition Wars Two : Bombing New Lazlo" you'd always assume "CW" on its own to mean the original series despite "CW2" being used to describe the 2nd BNL series.
Killer Cyborg wrote:Gargoyle weapons
Xiticix weapons
Mutant Bone Weapons from Madhaven.
I think that's about it, although IIRC the mutant insect supernatural strength tables in Mutants In Orbit uses punch damage for thrown boulders sometimes.
I'd have to check but I feel like certain NPC weapons (like god's rune weapons) might have occasionally noted it too, but I'd have to dig out my books to double-check that. In terms of mass-produced accessible ones the first two were the only ones I could recall, nice catch with the MBWs from MH tho