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slain demon ban: 20 years even if they're back in 10?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:26 am
by Axelmania
RUE 277 rules for supernatural beings "dying in the mortal plane prevents it from returning to that reality for decades"

That suggests a minimum period of a score (twenty) years.

DB10 Hades pg 19's "Death of a Demon" initially seems to fall in line with that, "reborn a few decades" later...

Pg 20's left column is also consistent with that: "state of semi-aware half-life for decades before being able to be­
come whole again"

Pg 20's RIGHT column on the other hand... while lesser demons remain discorporated 30 years, GREATER ones could be discorporated for as little as ten... merely ONE decade, not plural...

So if a Greater Demon is back in ~11 years, would they be prevented to returning to Rifts Earth for at least another nine? Kind of like what happens when you slay an Apocalypse Demon but on a lesser scale? Like some automatic "Hellbound" curse on a demon which happens during the resurrection process?

Re: slain demon ban: 20 years even if they're back in 10?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:08 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
point one: "dying in the mortal plane prevents it from returning to that reality" <--read that. This has nothing to do with when the demon is reborn in their native plane of existence.
The medien stay away time is 4799 months, which is almost 400 years.

Axelmania wrote:Pg 20's RIGHT column on the other hand... while lesser demons remain discorporated 30 years, GREATER ones could be discorporated for as little as ten... merely ONE decade, not plural...

Sound like you are misunderstanding the text to me. What I read is that it takes a minimum of 10-30 years after being returned to their native plane of existence to "Be Reborn". This has nothing to do with the block that prevents them from returning to the plane they were killed in.

Taking both text into account, the mental barrier about going back the the same dimension starts when they become fully aware.

Re: slain demon ban: 20 years even if they're back in 10?

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:05 pm
by Axelmania
The 1d4x10 years for greater demons is where their soul floats around before it begins the egg-regrowth process either in the ground (couple years) or in a mortal host (couple months).

I would expect the "decades" (min 20) counter to begin as soon as death happened.