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Armaggedon Unlimited idea

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 4:22 pm
by mobuttu
Hi folks,

I'm planning on running an Armageddon Unlimited campaign and I'd like to share my main plot ideas with you to get some feed-back from the Palladium Hive-mind.

The plot doesn't exactly follow the sourcebook canon, but I think It catch the mood. So here it is:

1) PC stop a heist of several ancient artififacts from the History Museum. The heist is done by a band of minor (milked) mutants with connection with the Church of Unity. The ancient artifacts are needed to repair some Chaos Generators, and specially the one in Century City.
2) While amist several weird/chaos effects made by the Chaos Generator malfunction, PC investigate the origin of those effects and the Church of Unity.
3) Their investigation reveals a map of the Chaos Generator locations.
4) Eventually, PC find out the hidden Doctor Vilde's Island. Unbeknowst to the PC, in fact Doc. Vilde is actually waiting for them, as he needs massive amounts amb Super/Mutant/Magic energy to startup the Chaos Generations. So while PC try to bypass the force field Doc. Vilde is behind, they are actually powering up the Chaos Generators (Deevil Style! :twisted: ).
5) Once the Armaggedon is on, Doc. Vilde rifts to a Dyval Layer. PC must follow him and retrive his Chaos Generator remote control to turn them off before Earth is overhelmed by Deevils.

Now, some feedback quetions:

a) What do you thing? Any ideas or comments?
b) What Dyval Layer would fit best with Doc. Vilde?
c) Any advice on how to follow up the closing of rifts?


Re: Armaggedon Unlimited idea

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:26 pm
by Daniel Stoker
a) Seems like a fun adventure
c) Well if you want to keep the adventure going I'd either have that rift create a 'weak spot' that is stationary or wandering that the characters have to deal with, or maybe have the energies it released empower a whole bunch of new heroes/villains. What do you do with a kid now possessing Super Strength and horns, or a new hero slowly being corrupted by the demonic energies allowing him to fight crime.

Daniel Stoker

Re: Armaggedon Unlimited idea

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:31 am
by Warshield73
A) I like it. The changes you are making seem pretty minor but the story is pretty original. I would be interested in knowing what kind of PCs you have on this adventure. If you are going to Dyval I think you might want to offer some Rifts / BTS type Lore skills.

B) The easiest would be Dyval Prime but if your PCs are powerful enough and can hang in Dyval long enough you might go with Dyzonia. The geography is pretty interesting and things like the Bio vats can add a slightly different flavor.

C) To me the follow up is two parts: 1) Get out of Dyval. Make it so they have to activate that control in Dyval and now they have to get out. 2) When they get back someone followed them. An evil creature with it's own plans that they must stop.