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R82 Naming

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:08 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Another way to use the dice to find a name for chars is to use the d6 for vowels (A,E,I,O,U,Y) and the d20 for consonants. With this method you can build a Japanese sounding name by rolling the d20 & d6 in pairs.
Names from other sources,
I do use these but not the whole name (1st, middle, last). I typically just use the personal or family name from one and the other from another.
I can count on one hand how many times I just used the whole name from media. It is better if you use 2nd tier char names than the main ones.

Reference Books
When making an elf character my goto reference book is the book "The Languages of Tolkien's Middle-earth." It can be used if you want an Old-English name because many of the hobbit, dwarf, and human names come from old-english.

Spell Check, sometime the spell check does not give you the options you want when trying to get the right spelling for the word. I have found that using your browser's search function or google will get you closer to what you are searching for if the computer's SC isn't getting the write word for you.