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Superior Shields

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 4:21 pm
by Veknironth
Well, I know there has been A LOT of discussion about shields. I know this because I just gave up using the search tool. I checked the list of Rifters and I didn't see anything about it. But has anyone worked up rules for superior shields? I'm sure Dwarves and Kobolds have something better than just the basic sheet of metal.

"I ask a lot of questions, I know."

Re: Superior Shields

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 4:37 pm
by Library Ogre
I'd be inclined to give superior shields an inherent bonus to parry, like other dwarven and kobold items.

I'd also have shields give cover against arrows and possibly spells.

Re: Superior Shields

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 5:05 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
There are some Other Shield text in the equipment section of the HU:AU & HU:AUr game books. How they apply to the PF2 game is up to your GM. Since they are from another Game.

Re: Superior Shields

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 12:02 am
by kiralon
I allow the blunt bonuses to shields because that's the closest thing

small shields are for parrying the front 90 degrees, cant parry arrows any better than swords, cant parry larger than man size. Can do limited things with the shield hand
large shields, can block the front 180 degrees, can block larger than man size and add a cover negative to the strike roll of an arrow (not actually parrying, but making it harder to strike depending on whether its a kite shield (-6 to strike) or tower (-12). Small shields reduce the enemy crit range by 1 and the big shields by 2.
caveat here is i have to hit numbers and modifiers for ranged combat that make the shied negatives make more sense.

Re: Superior Shields

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 9:54 am
by Hotrod
From my thread on how to make melee weapons more interesting:
Skilled shield users can parry arrows with a shield without penalty, can dodge/cover behind a shield to auto-block arrows and thrown weapons from a single direction (giving up their next attack to do so), and attacks around the front of a shield require a called shot (not for the side/back).
Small shields require a lower called shot(10) to attack around. They can be used with a 1-handed weapon as a paired weapon, and the shield W.P. automatically includes paired weapons with any weapon the character is skilled with.
Large shields require a higher called shot (15) to attack around and can shield one other person from incoming missiles, but they can't be used with any simultaneous Paired Weapons attacks (no simultaneous strike/parry, no simultaneous bash/slash).
Size Matters more: Only true giants can parry melee attacks from other true giants. All the smaller folk (to include wolfen and ogres) can only dodge.

I've also been considering putting some more details into covering against missiel attacks with a shield, such as:
+when covering with a shield against arrows and in melee combat, you can parry, but not dodge. Also, the only melee attack available is shield bashing.
+when covering with a shield, movement is limited to a crawl (for small shields, since they have to duck more) or a walk (for large shields).

Re: Superior Shields

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:50 am
by Soldier of Od
I made up some possible prices for superior shields (just using the Palladium rules for using shields as is, without any home-brewed modifications):

Kobold manufactured shields:
+1 to parry - add 300%
+2 to parry - add 500%
+1 to parry and strike - add 1000%

Dwarven manufactured shields:
+1 to parry - add 300%
+2 to parry - add 500%
+3 to parry - add 1000%
+1 to parry and strike - add 1200%
+2 to parry and +1 to strike - add 1600%

Using blunt weapons as a base. I went with a slight more expensive cost for shields. Not sure why; it just seemed it would be. The unusual +2 to parry and +1 to strike bonus reflects the item's primary purpose as a parrying "weapon".

Ordinary shields do 2D4 damage in a bashing attack. Shields designed for attack as well as defence can be created, without needing to be dwarven or kobold manufactured, such as the janissary shields in Western Empire (doing 2D6+3 damage) or So'Bath the Silent's home made "knife-Shields" in Mount Nimro, so additional damage (and strike, see above) bonuses for dwarven/kobold manufactured attacking shields should also be a thing:

Kobold manufactured shields:
+1 to damage - add 300%
+2 to damage - add 500%
+3 to damage - add 800%

Dwarven manufactured shields:
+1 to damage - add 300%
+2 to damage - add 600%
+3 to damage - add 900%

To be fair, you could just apply the existing bonuses for blunt weapons to shields without modification, like Kiralon does. Don't know why I bothered doing this now! :D

Re: Superior Shields

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 7:53 pm
by Veknironth
Well, that's just the kind of thing I can blatantly steal from you and port over into my game. Thanks.

"SOD? SoOD?"

Re: Superior Shields

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 4:47 am
by kiralon