We would like your input about future miniatures releases

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We would like your input about future miniatures releases

Unread post by AlexM »

A while ago, Kevin posted the following in a Weekly Update: "There could be more Rifts® Miniatures in your future. I am looking into the possibility of releasing a few of the old sets of minis that have been sold out for a long, long time. Like Cat. No. 8003 Coalition Troops #1, 8012 Juicers and Crazy, and 8013 Cyborgs #2. Probably not 8001 the original Glitter Boy and pilot since we have the superior new one. Unless you think you might want it as well? Food for thought. Maybe in time for Christmas? I may also talk to Carmen Bellaire about releasing some more of the figures he had sculpted for his ill-fated Rifts® boardgame Kickstarter a few years ago. They are freakin’ gorgeous."

Let us know.

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Re: We would like your input about future miniatures release

Unread post by Captain_Nibbz »

I think that this would be a fantastic idea! I've always wanted to get my hands on some minis for Rifts (and other Palladium releases honestly!)
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Re: We would like your input about future miniatures release

Unread post by Glistam »

I doubt I would purchase any. Trying to use Rifts/Palladium rules on Roll20 burned me out from wanting to use minis for these games.
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Re: We would like your input about future miniatures release

Unread post by Anthanatos »

I love the "new" style dead boy armors, and would like to see kits released of these, preferrably with multiple poses and optional weapon choices. 32mm would be ideal, but 28mm would be good as well. As the Coalition are more often than not the bad guys, the more the better. And if a tabletop skirmish game were to surface in the future, these minis would be the ideal start.

Although I would purchase minis in the Phase World Three Galaxies setting (Kreeghor, CCW), I understand not everyone plays in that setting, and the dead boys could be more versatile.

I would favor plastics, but there are some good resin minis producers out there, so that wouldn't be a deterrent to me if the end result was good.

I was very hopeful for the RIFTS board game as a route to get potentially cool minis, and maybe lead in to some skirmish style play. Still have my fingers crossed for that, although odds not good.
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