Druid Half Wizard and how to make it work.

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Druid Half Wizard and how to make it work.

Unread post by Jefram_denkar »

I'm building a character for a campaign of Palladium fantasy and I am considering a Ogre Druid Half Wizard (small group of three players and one GM with an Elven Palladin and Wolfen Long Bowman as the other tow characters).

I made my Psionic Roll for Major psioncs (Because Rifts conversion book allows psionic roll so Ogres are allowed to roll in the Gm's Palladium fantasy games) so I figure some healing psionics.

The Palladin is an experienced Palladium player and its the long bowman players first time in Palladium fantasy (limited Rifts experience).

I'm building my character for a supporting roll and I am wondering if anyone has ideas how to best implement it.

Also what do you recommend for a skill package as their is not one listed just for druids.
I've got an advanced pre-rifts energy rifle, A soul drinking rune blade, living bio armor, and a hover truck full of nukes. So why do I feel under equipped for this??? (Sir Joe the Gardner 7th level Ogre Keeper of the garden on his first encounters with the Mechanoids)
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Re: Druid Half Wizard and how to make it work.

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The Half-Wizard description doesn't specifically cover what to do with druids, but as it does say that half wizard-priests do not get any priestly spells or the priestly P.P.E. base, I would be inclined to make some sort of similar limitation with the druid. Perhaps just removing the druid P.P.E. base, or perhaps getting rid of some of the wizard spell equivalents that the druid gets at each level.

Suitable skill packages I would allow might be Healer, Explorer or Farmer, maybe Historian or Storyteller. There is only a tiny bit of crossover with the Druid O.C.C. skills in a couple of cases.

However, as you have taken Major Psionics, you will lose half of your "other" skills and half their skill bonuses (main book, page 21) - in this case your other skills are your skill package, so whichever package you select you will have to choose which half of these to discard. If I was you in this case (considering I already had both wizard spells and druid powers) I would probably downgrade myself to minor psionics so I could keep all my skills and just pick a couple of healing psionics as a bonus.

A druid already works well as a support character because they a) know weird things, b) can handle the wilderness stuff, and c) can heal a bit. If your GM allows you to select the half-wizard spells you can have instead of rolling for them, maybe selecting the protector/defence specialist would be useful? Though, with druid powers arriving at each level, even a meagre selection of low level wizard spells would be fine for that character I think. Choose light healing as one of your half-wizard spells so you can heal the others right from the beginning before getting heal wounds at level three druid. Decipher magic will help to analyse the weird stuff you encounter that mundane old paladins and longbowmen don't understand. Globe of daylight makes you the party's resident "torch". Befuddle your enemies to make things easier for your allies without overshadowing them. And armour of Ithan will help to protect them (and you).
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Re: Druid Half Wizard and how to make it work.

Unread post by Father Goose »

If only Mark Hall was available to ask for advice... ;)
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
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Re: Druid Half Wizard and how to make it work.

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Specific question: You are talking about a char that was in wizard training an then decided to be a druid? (asking to make sure I'm understanding what you are saying.)

The PF random psionics text is on page 20 & 21 of the PF2 core book.

Can't help you with the druid stuff....

Maybe this topic will help.... viewtopic.php?f=5&t=169402
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Re: Druid Half Wizard and how to make it work.

Unread post by Library Ogre »

Father Goose wrote:If only Mark Hall was available to ask for advice... ;)

My version of people who had limited wizard abilities was substantially different; I had nothing to do with the half-wizard OCC.
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Re: Druid Half Wizard and how to make it work.

Unread post by Jefram_denkar »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Specific question: You are talking about a char that was in wizard training an then decided to be a druid? (asking to make sure I'm understanding what you are saying.)

The PF random psionics text is on page 20 & 21 of the PF2 core book.

Can't help you with the druid stuff....

Maybe this topic will help.... viewtopic.php?f=5&t=169402

Basically that what the Half Wizard O.C.C. is all about. It is in the Mysteries of Magic book (Pages 69 to 73)

Someone who was trained as a Wizard but something happened that led them away from being a wizard and into a new job or career.
I've got an advanced pre-rifts energy rifle, A soul drinking rune blade, living bio armor, and a hover truck full of nukes. So why do I feel under equipped for this??? (Sir Joe the Gardner 7th level Ogre Keeper of the garden on his first encounters with the Mechanoids)
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Re: Druid Half Wizard and how to make it work.

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

the ambiguity was in that the 2nd class was a magic class......opposed to the idea behind the 1/2 wizard that the char decided not to persue a profession in magic anymore.

The ambiguity was that ...'maybe he is saying the char quit at being a druid'.
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Re: Druid Half Wizard and how to make it work.

Unread post by Father Goose »

Mark Hall wrote:
Father Goose wrote:If only Mark Hall was available to ask for advice... ;)

My version of people who had limited wizard abilities was substantially different; I had nothing to do with the half-wizard OCC.

My mistake. I knew that much of your original work was changed between submission and publication, but I wasn't aware of which parts were which.
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
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Re: Druid Half Wizard and how to make it work.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Soldier of Od wrote:as you have taken Major Psionics, you will lose half of your "other" skills and half their skill bonuses (main book, page 21) - in this case your other skills are your skill package, so whichever package you select you will have to choose which half of these to discard. If I was you in this case (considering I already had both wizard spells and druid powers) I would probably downgrade myself to minor psionics so I could keep all my skills and just pick a couple of healing psionics as a bonus.
I agree. You already have a lot going on with the character making it a half-Wizard Druid, the psionics bit is a bit of overkill.
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Re: Druid Half Wizard and how to make it work.

Unread post by Library Ogre »

Father Goose wrote:My mistake. I knew that much of your original work was changed between submission and publication, but I wasn't aware of which parts were which.

I sometimes am not, either; I've had to check my manuscript against the published book a few times.

But, looking at the Half-Wizard OCC, you take your Half-wizard skills, plus the OCC skills and abilities of your class. Then you pick a relevant skill package.

So, a half-wizard druid, would be

Languages: Native Tongue at 95% plus two other languages
of choice (+15% each).
Literacy: Two of choice (+10%).
Lore: Magic (+10%)
Lore: One of choice (+10%).
Mathematics: Basic (+20%)
W.P.: One of choice


Animal Husbandry (+20%)
Anthropology (+15%)
Astronomy & Navigation (+15%)
Botany (+20%)
History (+20%)
Land Navigation (+15%)
Languages: Native Tongue at 98% plus two of choice (+20% each)
Literacy Note: Any language other than Oghrunes is uncommon.
Lore: Faerie Folk (+20%)
Lore: One of choice (+10%)
Mathematics: Basic (+20%)
Wilderness Survival (+20%)
W.P. Staff
Hand to Hand: Basic Only!


Secret Writing: Oghrune:
Exceptional Regional Knowledge of Geography & History
Knowledge of Sacred Sites
See and Use Ley lines (also from Half-wizard)
Ley line Drifting
Ley Line Rejuvenation (self) (also from Half-Wizard)


A package of skills related to their profession (I would say Doctor/Healer, Historian, or Storyteller).

However, there's also the clause "Psychic O.C.C., nor can he select Knight, Squire or Palladin.
Clergy may be selected, particularly Priest, but the Half Wizard does NOT get any of the usual Priestly spell casting abilities, nor any of the P.P.E. provided by the Priest O.C.C." which would mean you don't get any of the spells (at 1st level, Globe of Daylight and Repel Animals, but more as you go up in levels).
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