Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:31 pm
Well, with a PC with this power, I looked it over more closely. There are some questions I have. When you create the pillar or wall of flame, there is a range to how far away you can cast it, there is damage, duration, and length and width. That seems like a complete description. But my question is how close do you need to be to this fire to feel it/take damage from it? It seems like the damage is binary. If you're in or touching the wall/pillar of flame you take full damage, but if you're an angstrom outside of it, there is no effect. That doesn't seem like heat working in a normal way, but neither does creating flame from nowhere without a fuel source. So, is that how it works? You are either burned horribly, or suffer no effects? Is there some reduced damage if you're close to the fire, like an area of effect or blast radius?
Second, is there a strike roll associated with such a thing? It doesn't say so in the description, but just below it is the fireball ability. THAT power has a +2 to strike so it must require a strike roll. However, it has the same range as a wall of flame, does the same damage, and costs an additional 5 ISP. Plus, the fireball hits a target and is done while the wall stands for minutes. Why would anyone use fireball if not for the additional bonus to strike? Is fireball just an entirely inferior ability?
"Never trust a mind mage."
Second, is there a strike roll associated with such a thing? It doesn't say so in the description, but just below it is the fireball ability. THAT power has a +2 to strike so it must require a strike roll. However, it has the same range as a wall of flame, does the same damage, and costs an additional 5 ISP. Plus, the fireball hits a target and is done while the wall stands for minutes. Why would anyone use fireball if not for the additional bonus to strike? Is fireball just an entirely inferior ability?
"Never trust a mind mage."